

时间:2021-06-27 19:52:25 双语阅读 我要投稿


  初中英语双语阅读:A Joke— “I stand corrected”


  I have this friend who always seemed to lean slightly to the left all the time. It used to bother me, so I suggested he see a doctor, and have his legs checked out. For years, he refused and told me I was crazy, but last week, he finally went. Sure enough, the doctor discovered his left leg was a quarter inch shorter than his right. A quick bit of surgery later, he was cured, and both legs are exactly the same length now, and he no longer leans. “So,”I said, "You didn't believe me when I told you a doctor could fix your leg. He just looked at me and said, "I stand corrected.

  lean 倾斜 slightly 轻微地 check out 检查 refuse 拒绝 quarter 四分之一

  surgery 手术 cure 治愈 fix 治愈 stand corrected 认错



  初中英语双语阅读:Managing Your Emotions

  What makes me angry? Mostly, I hate when someone tries to make someone else feel bad. I have to admit that once, when I was really angry, I actually called names. I regretted doing this afterwards, but not full heartedly because I think I was provoked in that situation.

  The most positive way of dealing with anger is talking about the problem. I talk to someone who listens, or I'll write my thoughts down on paper. Learning how to deal with anger as you're growing up is so important. When you're younger, you might yell, or cry when you're angry, but as you get older, you're expected to handle your emotions much better.

  Learning to control your emotion now will prevent you from doing something that you'll regret later on in life!

  emotion 情绪 manage 控制,操纵,管理 admit 承认

  full heartedly 全心全意地 provoke 激怒 prevent 预防,防止





  初中英语双语阅读:The Dog and His Shadow

  It happened that a dog had some meat that he wanted to eat at home. On his way home he met a river. As he looked down, he saw his shadow in the water.

  "Just look!"said he to himself. "That dog down there has some meat, too. If I could get it away from him, I would really eat well tonight!"

  With this thought, he made a snap at the other dog's meat. And as he did, his own meat fell into the water. So then he had nothing at all.

  Then he saw that the other dog had lost his meat, too. "That is as it should be!?thought he. "For I saw him trying to take my meat away from me."

  By wanting to have everything, he has lost everything he had!

  shadow 影子 snap at 抓,咬









  我的肉。” 什么都想要,却失去了原来所拥有的!

  初中英语双语阅读:A Bus Ride

  One day I was on a bus. I found an elderly woman standing in front of me. She had a big bag in her hand. "It's a virtue for a young person to help the old,"I said to myself. When I was standing up to give my seat to the old lady, a young foreigner got up quickly saying, "Please sit down."The old lady thanked him and sat down. She looked very happy. I was a little embarrassed because I was sitting in the middle of the bus. Suddenly a pregnant woman got onto the bus. I quickly stood up to give up my seat to her. The foreigner smiled at me. He said that he was an Australian, and was a student studying Chinese culture in China.

  ride 骑马、骑脚踏车或乘坐公共交通工具旅行 elderly 年长的

  virtue 美德 pregnant 怀孕的





  初中英语双语阅读:A Thrilling Ride

  Bill and Jane were coasting on a hill. Down the hill went the sled. Bill steered. Jane held on tightly. The coasters on the hill watched them. Past trees they whizzed. Jane yelled, "Stop the sled! Stop the sled!?but Bill could not stop it.

  Suddenly Jane had a feeling that she was a bird in flight. Was she dreaming?

  She landed in a big pile of snow. Where was Bill? He must have gone all the way down the long slide to the end of the hill. Now, Bill came in sight

  plodding up the hill. Jane laughed as she called to him. They were so glad to be together. The coasters cheered to see them safe. They went home to tell Mother what a thrilling ride they had had.

  thrilling ride 惊心动魄的经历 coast 滑行,滑下 sled 雪橇

  steer 驾驶,掌舵 tightly 紧紧地 coaster 滑雪橇的人

  whiz 飕飕作声,发出嘶嘶或呼呼声 flight 飞行

  plodding 沉重缓慢的 thrilling 惊心动魄的




  初中英语双语阅读:The Eagle and the Raven

  An eagle was trying to break open a nut in his beak when a raven landed on a branch beside him. The raven eyed the nut hopefully, "You'll never break it like that,"he said. "If I were you I would fly up in the sky as high as I could, then drop the nut onto the rocks. It's the only way you'll get at the kernel."

  The eagle flew up into the sky, then let the nut fall down, down, down to the ground. The raven hopped quickly from his branch and seized the nut in his beak. By the time the eagle had found his way back to the right place, all that was left was a broken piece of shell.

  eagle 鹰 raven 渡鸦 beak 鸟嘴 land 着陆 kernel 果实

  hop 单脚跳 broken 破碎了的 shell 壳










初中英语双语阅读The Hare and the Tortoise05-19

初中英语《Perfect Match》双语阅读05-18

The Eagle and the Raven初中英语双语阅读05-19
