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1.Protect yourself 保护自己
Protect your head with a helmet or cushion, and hide in a safe place, such as under a table. Running outside is potentially dangerous, because roof tiles and glass may fall on you.用头盔或枕头保护自己的头部,并掩蔽在一个安全的地方,比如桌子下面。跑到外面可能很危险,因为屋顶上掉落的砖瓦和玻璃有可能砸到你。
2.Extinguish flames 灭火
Major aftershocks can come after the smallest earthquakes. Calmly extinguish any nearby flames. Caution!! If you are cooking, oil or boiling water may spill during the quake. Under such circumstances, you should immediately distance yourself from the oil or water and extinguish the flames after the quake stops.地震过后会有较大的余震。冷静地灭掉周围所有的火源。注意!如果你在做饭,油或滚烫的水可能会因为震动溅出。遇到这种情况,你应该立即远离四溅的油或水,并且在震动停止后把火灭掉。
3.Open your door and secure an escape route打开门确保逃生通道
Earthquakes can warp buildings, especially apartment buildings, making it impossible to open doors and escape. Open doors and windows to secure an escape route and prevent yourself from becoming trapped.地震会使建筑变形,尤其是公寓建筑,从而无法将门打开逃离。所以要打开门和窗户确保一个安全通道,以便自己不被困住。
4.Be careful of broken glass 当心破碎的玻璃
You may injure your feet on broken glass and other objects. Prepare a flashlight and slippers near your bed so you will be able to move safely.破碎的玻璃和其他物体会伤到脚,因此在床的附近要准备好手电筒和拖鞋,这样你就可以安全地活动了。
5.Never return to your house 千万不要返回你的屋子
Once you have evacuated, never return to the house to get money or possessions. You may become trapped under debris or caught in a fire. Try to avoid entering your house until safety is confirmed.一旦你已经撤离了,千万不要返回屋子去拿财物。你可能会被房屋残骸或火灾困住。直到确认房屋安全后方可进入。
6.Walk to your refuge area.步行去附近的避难场所
Many emergency vehicles, such as fire engines and ambulances, will be using roads during disasters. Obstructing emergency vehicles immediately increases the damage caused by a disaster. Never use cars during an earthquake.许多急救车辆,如消防车和救护车会在灾害中使用道路。阻塞急救车辆会直接增加灾难造成的损失。在地震中千万不要使用汽车。
7.Avoid phone calls after a disaster 灾难后避免打电话
Phone line usage jumps up during disasters because of people trying to confirm the safety of themselves or others. This can obstruct emergency phone calls, such as 110, 119. Please avoid unnecessary phone calls.灾难后电话的使用量会因人们确认自己或他人的安全而激增,使得拨打紧急电话,如110和119变得困难,所以请避免拨打不必要的电话。
8.Calmly obtain accurate information 冷静地获得准确的信息
False rumors and information can spread during disasters, leading to further confusion. Obtain accurate information from the TV or radio and don’t get tricked by misinformation.灾难发生时往往谣言四起,信息混杂,从而导致混乱加剧。这时应该从电视和收音机获得准确的信息,而不要被错误的消息愚弄。
1.地震前 Before earthquake
Pay attention to message and TV notice of earthquake warning, Dont take the elevator, stay away from window.
2.地震中 during earthquake
2.1在户内 indoor
drop, cover ,hold on 趴下 保护好,不要动
Go under sturday table nearby for a shelter.and hold on
if No shelter, Drop and use one hand to cover your head .
2.2在户外 outdoor
stay away from building trees power lines overpasses and anything thay could fall.
在户外远离建筑物,树木,电线杆, 天桥等一切可能倒塌的东西。
3.震后 after earthquake
After earthquake please stay away from damage areas as soon as possible
双语阅读: 参观工厂11-23