
Wonder Girls的奇迹之路双语阅读

时间:2021-06-22 14:10:26 双语阅读 我要投稿

Wonder Girls的奇迹之路双语阅读

  去年一首《Nobody》以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃响叮当之势,风靡大街小巷。朗朗上口的旋律,可爱有趣的舞蹈使得大家纷纷开始模仿(imitate)。而这首歌曲的演唱者——一支来自韩国的组合“Wonder Girls”也成为各大颁奖礼上的常客,拿奖拿到手软。

Wonder Girls的奇迹之路双语阅读


  Many people wonderwhy the Wonder Girls receive so much love from nearly everyone in Koreaand world-wide. Some say it’s their music, their pretty face, JYP, etc.But as you grow to love and understand them, you will know that it’stheir humanity that attracts you. What makes a group strong is showingcare and concern for each other no matter when. Only then, can thegroup soar high and overcome any difficulties。


  Wonder Girls really went through hard times。


  SunYe’s mom passed away when she was just a little girl and her dad isn’tin the best of health. Despite this, Sun Ye continued practicing for 7years. During the Tell Me days after the accident, Sun Ye’s grandfatherpassed away before he could see her Tell Me comeback. Sun Ye lost her appetite and it was very noticeable how much weight she had lost. Not long ago,Sun Ye apologized to her grandma at a radio show. As teardrops trickled down her face, she said she will succeed for her grandma and let her do everything she wants。


  YeEun’s dream was always to be a singer. She did not make it through manyauditions with many people telling her to give up but she didn’t. Shetold them that she wanted to be a singer that could move and inspire people。


  SunMi is always smiling. Not many know about Sun Mi’s past. The many hardtimes that she went through. Just right before the Wonder Girls debuted with Irony, Sun Mi’s dad passed away. During her JYP trainee days, she would travel up to Seoul from her hometown of Gyeong-ju by herself and practise。


  So Hee would always leave messages on Sun Ye’s minihompy saying thattraining was very tiring for her and she wanted to quit sometimes.After HyunA left the group and the first album came out, the So Heethat was outgoing and always smiling was gone. When she was filming for her movie, she would go to Sun Ye and Ye Eun after filming and cry in their arms. Asthe rumors of her being mistreated by the others came out, she didn’twant the the other members to feel uncomfortable around her so shetried her best to be cheerful。


  HyunA’s outgoing and big personality led to some harsh things being said. She had worked hard as a trainee for 4 years even with her health. She has chronic gastroenteritis which got her hospitalized and because of this, her parents did not let hercontinue with the Wonder Girls. Many unthoughtful rumors came up aboutwhy she left the group and there was a time where HyunA wrote an entryon her Cyworld saying that she did not want to live anymore。


  Yoobinhas told us before that she sometimes cries as she eats by herself. Her family are all overseas and she is very lonely. On holidays, as the other members leave the apartment to have dinner with their families,she stays home and has dinner by herself. During these hard times forher, she still had many bad things said about her taking over HyunA’splace. Many anti’s of hers had formed just because of the fact that shewas a new member。


  As Park Jin Young formed the Wonder Girls, he told Sun Ye to always comeback to the practice room after performances and practise. Even during their Tell Me days where they barely got 3 or 4 hours of sleep, all of the members would come back after their schedule and practise. Not because someone ordered them to, but because they wanted to. Practice makes perfect。

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Wonder Girls的奇迹之路双语阅读

  去年一首《Nobody》以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃响叮当之势,风靡大街小巷。朗朗上口的旋律,可爱有趣的舞蹈使得大家纷纷开始模仿(imitate)。而这首歌曲的演唱者——一支来自韩国的组合“Wonder Girls”也成为各大颁奖礼上的常客,拿奖拿到手软。

Wonder Girls的奇迹之路双语阅读


  Many people wonderwhy the Wonder Girls receive so much love from nearly everyone in Koreaand world-wide. Some say it’s their music, their pretty face, JYP, etc.But as you grow to love and understand them, you will know that it’stheir humanity that attracts you. What makes a group strong is showingcare and concern for each other no matter when. Only then, can thegroup soar high and overcome any difficulties。


  Wonder Girls really went through hard times。


  SunYe’s mom passed away when she was just a little girl and her dad isn’tin the best of health. Despite this, Sun Ye continued practicing for 7years. During the Tell Me days after the accident, Sun Ye’s grandfatherpassed away before he could see her Tell Me comeback. Sun Ye lost her appetite and it was very noticeable how much weight she had lost. Not long ago,Sun Ye apologized to her grandma at a radio show. As teardrops trickled down her face, she said she will succeed for her grandma and let her do everything she wants。


  YeEun’s dream was always to be a singer. She did not make it through manyauditions with many people telling her to give up but she didn’t. Shetold them that she wanted to be a singer that could move and inspire people。


  SunMi is always smiling. Not many know about Sun Mi’s past. The many hardtimes that she went through. Just right before the Wonder Girls debuted with Irony, Sun Mi’s dad passed away. During her JYP trainee days, she would travel up to Seoul from her hometown of Gyeong-ju by herself and practise。


  So Hee would always leave messages on Sun Ye’s minihompy saying thattraining was very tiring for her and she wanted to quit sometimes.After HyunA left the group and the first album came out, the So Heethat was outgoing and always smiling was gone. When she was filming for her movie, she would go to Sun Ye and Ye Eun after filming and cry in their arms. Asthe rumors of her being mistreated by the others came out, she didn’twant the the other members to feel uncomfortable around her so shetried her best to be cheerful。


  HyunA’s outgoing and big personality led to some harsh things being said. She had worked hard as a trainee for 4 years even with her health. She has chronic gastroenteritis which got her hospitalized and because of this, her parents did not let hercontinue with the Wonder Girls. Many unthoughtful rumors came up aboutwhy she left the group and there was a time where HyunA wrote an entryon her Cyworld saying that she did not want to live anymore。


  Yoobinhas told us before that she sometimes cries as she eats by herself. Her family are all overseas and she is very lonely. On holidays, as the other members leave the apartment to have dinner with their families,she stays home and has dinner by herself. During these hard times forher, she still had many bad things said about her taking over HyunA’splace. Many anti’s of hers had formed just because of the fact that shewas a new member。


  As Park Jin Young formed the Wonder Girls, he told Sun Ye to always comeback to the practice room after performances and practise. Even during their Tell Me days where they barely got 3 or 4 hours of sleep, all of the members would come back after their schedule and practise. Not because someone ordered them to, but because they wanted to. Practice makes perfect。

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