
时间:2022-11-27 12:23:31 词汇 我要投稿
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  List of Words that Describe Behavior一些描写人的行为举止的英文词汇

  Many things can affect(影响) behavior:

  Your mood你的情绪

  The people that you are around

  Things that happen to you

  Stress(压力) and your physical condition(身体状况) also have a bearing on(影响) your behavior. We are going to look at good, socially accepted behavior(被社会接受的行为) and bad  behavior.


  Caring: desire to help people  有同情心的

  Charming: pleasant, delightful  富有魅力的;讨人喜爱的

  Considerate: thinking of others  体贴周到的

  Enthusiastic[inθju:zistik]: has strong feelings; ardent  狂热的

  Excitable: gets excited easily  容易激动的

  Faithful: being loyal虔诚的

  Funny: causing people to laugh

  Kind: thoughtful, caring 好心的

  Pleasant: polite  令人愉快的;

  Polite: exhibiting good manners  有礼貌,有教养的

  Sincere]: being totally honest  真诚的

  Thoughtful: thinking things over体贴入微的

  Other words: adaptable(有适应能力的), brave, confident(自信), cooperative(合作的),

  courageous(勇敢), debonair((通常指男人)愉快而自信的), decisive(果断的), determined(坚定的), generous(慷慨的), hilarious(引人捧腹大笑的), honorable(可敬的), lively(活泼的), pleasant(令人愉快的), productive(多产的), protective(呵护的), receptive(善于接受的), reflective(深思的), responsible(尽责的), romantic(浪漫的), self-assured(自信的), sensitive(敏感的), shrewd(精明的), unusual(与众不同的), witty(诙谐机智的), wonderful, zany(滑稽的), and zealous(激情四射的).


  Aggressive: verbally or physically threatening  好斗的

  Argumentative: often arguing with people  好辩的

  Bossy: always telling people what to do爱发号施令的

  Deceitful: doing or saying anything to get people to do what you want or to get what you

  want  不诚实的

  Domineeringmnr]: constantly trying to control others刚愎自用、喜欢支配别


  Inconsiderate: not caring about others or their feelings不体谅别人的

  Irritating[rtet]: bothering people气人的,使人不愉快的

  Manic: acting just a little crazy  狂躁的

  Manipulative[mnpjltv]: always trying to influences other people工于心计的 Moody: being unpredictable; changing moods often 情绪化的

  Rude: treating people badly; breaking social rules 粗鲁的

  Spiteful: seeking revenge; hurting others because you didn’t get what you want 怀有恶意的 Thoughtless: not thinking about the effects of your actions or words不顾及他人的;欠考虑的 Other words: abrasive(生硬粗暴), abusive(残酷暴虐), angry, anxious, belligerent(好斗

  的), boorish(无教养的), cowardly(怯懦的), crazy, creepy(鬼鬼祟祟), cruel(残忍的), dangerous, defiant(桀骜不驯), erratic(反复无常), finicky(吹毛求疵), flashy(花里胡哨的), flippant(轻浮的), foolish, furtive(贼头鼠脑), guarded(充满戒备), jittery(惶恐不安), malicious(恶意的), mysterious(故弄玄虚的), obnoxious(可憎的), outrageous(无法容忍的), panicky(恐慌的), secretive(遮遮掩掩), strange(怪异), threatening(恐吓的), unsuitable(不相称的), vengeful(报复心重), and wary(谨小慎微的).

  Words That Describe Personal Behavior

  The following words describe behavior that is more personal in nature. The behavior is not affected very much by the company or situation.

  Active: always busy with something积极的

  Ambitious: strongly wants to succeed 雄心勃勃的

  Assertives:tv]: being outgoing and confident武断的,坚毅的

  Careless: not being careful; rushing into things粗心大意的

  Cautious[k:s]: being very careful 小心谨慎的

  Conceited[knsi:td]: thinks he is better than others; arrogant 骄傲自大的

  Conscientious: taking time to do things right 深思熟虑的

  Creative: someone who can make up things easily or think of new things 有创造性的 Curious: always wanting to know things好奇的

  Docile[dsl]: submissive, does what he is told温顺的

  Extrovertedv:tid]: very outgoing; confident外向性的,喜社交的

  Impulsive: saying or doing things without thinking first  好冲动的

  Introverted[intrv:tid]: keeps to himself, doesn’t share thoughts and feelings 内向的 Inventive: thinks of new ideas 富有创造性的

  nervous: very uncomfortable  神经质的

  Passive: does not argue; does as he is told被动的;消极的

  Perfectionistfeknst]: wants everything to be done right and perfectly完美主义者;


  Pragmatic[prgmtk] always sees the practical side of things实用主义的; 好管闲事


  Reserved: keeps thoughts and feelings to himself  矜持的

  Serious: no-nonsense kind of behavior  严肃的

  Shy: quite and reserved; lacking in confidence 害羞的

  Trustworthy: simply worthy of someone’s trust 值得信赖的

  Volatile[vltail]: changing moods very quickly反复无常的

  Of course there are many more words that can describe the way someone is acting. Behavior changes as we get older, too, as priorities change and we gain wisdom. Hopefully the words that you are looking for were included on these lists.

  Author: Christy Rakoczy


  A host of/ a great many/

  I am convinced that ..../ I deem that

  An increasing number of

  Significant/ essential/ indispensable

  Exceedingly/ rather = very: 例如:Shi Leipeng is very young. = Shi Leipeng is rather /exceedingly young.




  In contemporary society/families, it has become a trend for __话题相关人/物_ to _____.

  In the meanwhile, an increasing number of _相关人/物_ find/deem it _形容词(感受)_ to ______.

  Taking a look around _相关场所_, we can notice a great many examples like this: _具体例子(没有例子的话,请将冒号改为句号结束该句)_____


  省点劲吧:中间段的主题句框架为It is evident that the _____ of this phenomenon are diverse. (切记:不要在段落开头就写一个超长的句子,清新闪亮一下,未必不是好事。)

  危害主题句:It is evident that the negative impacts of this phenomenon are diverse.  意义主题句:It is evident that the significance or positive impacts of this phenomenon are diverse.

  原因主题句:It is evident that the causes of this phenomenon are diverse.  观点(利弊)对比段主题句(参考:低龄出国范文)

  A number of individuals favor and prefer_doing sth.... To begin with, 支持方观点或好处一. In addition, 支持方观点或好处二. Even so, others hold a different view that _____ carries some risks or doubts.

  三段开头:As a ______, I am convinced that ________.

  现象描述万能句:In contemporary society, it has become a trend for _____ to _______.


  As a vital quality/ awareness/ virtue/ part of life,  _____ brings us power, arouses our enthusiasm for life, and helps us to _____.

  It is _____ that enables _____ to build up _______.


  (建议)Thus, we should educate, advocate and encourage our friends and classmates (not) to _______

  (展望未来)If we try our utmost to do so, the future of _____will be promising, hopeful and rosy.


  1. 乐观

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Optimism is the Road to a Promising Future by commenting on the Tagore’ saying, "If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you will also miss the stars." You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

  Optimism is the Road to a Promising Future

  Our history has been filled with a variety of enlightening sayings, and the following is no exception: if you shed tears when you miss the sun, you will also miss the stars. This remark can be naturally associated with the significance of optimism: if one intends to witness a promising future, it is advisable for him to be optimistic.


  Optimism is the key to success in all fields of activity, and it can be likened to the road to a promising future. (排比句:重点背三个动词:bring, arouse, help)First, as a vital psychological quality, optimism brings us power, arouses our enthusiasm for work, and helps us overcome difficulties. (强调句式:一定能写)Second, it is optimistic attitude that enables people to build up confidence, hope and courage. (所有作文万能句)As a matter of fact, successful people in mounting numbers have come to realize the necessity of optimism in life, work and study.

  乐观是各行各业成功的关键,而且它可以被比作通向光明未来的道路。首先,作为一种极其重要的心态,乐观会带给我们极大的动力,让我们对工作充满热情、帮助我们战胜困难。同时,正是一种乐观的心态使得人们积累了自信,希望和勇气。事实上,成功人士们早已经意识到乐观在生活工作和学习中的必要性。 (观点)As a college student, I am firmly convinced that optimism is the road to success. (建议:一定写上)Thus, we should educate, advocate and encourage our friends and classmates to cultivate optimism.( 如果字数不够:结尾展望未来:If we try our utmost to do so, the future of our life will be hopeful, promising and rosy.) (223 words)

  作为一名大学生,我坚信乐观就是成功之路。因此,我们应该鼓励、倡导和支持朋友和同学们去培养乐观精神。 (假如我们能尽最大努力这样做,未来生活一篇美好。)

  第一篇作文可以写如下话题:A strong will(11年12月), confidence, cooperation or teamwork, courage, patience, practice(97年),a good preparation(11年12月六级主题),perseverance, modesty, diligence, unity, knowledge, sense of happiness, punctuality, a willing heart, 志愿者精神(volunteers)互助(mutual help)创新精神(innovation)



  My View on Charity

  1. 近年,部分慈善机构或个人受到批评质疑

  2. 出现这种现象原因(重点背诵段)

  3. 我的看法

  Charity brings the society power, arouses people’s enthusiasm for life, and help others to overcome difficulties. However, after several scandals, it has become a trend for the public to criticize and doubt charity organizations or individuals. A case in point is China Red Cross, whose fame was spoiled by Guo Meimei.

  It is evident that the causes of this phenomenon are diverse. In the first place, the disordered charity management is the root cause of criticism. WhyCharity organizations in mounting/ large numbers have not come to realize the problems in their management, budget and raising money. In the second place, the lack of public’s trust constitutes another major cause. Based on a survey on the Internet, because of some negative cases, a majority of people admit that they are unwilling to donate or help others through charitable activities or organizations.

  As a college student, I am firmly convinced that it is exceedingly necessary for the public to be involved in charity. However, we should advocate and encourage organizations to reform charitable activities. (174)


  Should Retirement Age Be Postponed




  Based on a recent survey on the Internet, a majority of individuals admit that aging society will bring a variety of problems to their life. Along with the trend of longevity, it has become a trend for people to debate whether it is wise to postpone retirement age.

  A number of individuals favor postponing the retirement age. In their eyes, it is this policy that enables the aging society to build up enough work-force. As a matter of fact, people in mounting numbers have come to realize this problem in an aging society. Even so, others hold a different view that postponing retirement age carries some risks. This policy can bring old people stress, but cannot arouse their enthusiasm for work, and cannot help them to enjoy their retirement pension.

  I am convinced that we should balance old people’ interest and this aging society. Thus, if those seniors have enthusiasm for work, we should educate, advocate and encourage them to work and perform their tasks. If we try our utmost to do so, the future of old people’ life will be promising, hopeful and rosy.(187 words)


  How to Enhance the Sense of Happiness



  The sense of happiness is of great significance. As a vital factor of life, it brings us power, arouses our enthusiasm for loving life, and helps us to create a promising future. However, in contemporary China, it has become a trend for Chinese people to hold different views about happiness and the way to enhance it.

  In addition to material basis, the sense of happiness also refers to several others aspects. Firstly, based on a recent survey, a majority of individuals admit that they are

  no longer content with being fed and clothed adequately, and their happiness depends more on their success in careers, friendship and love. Secondly, a great many people claim that health is the key to their sense of happiness. It is health that enables them to build up a solid foundation for anything significant.

  As a college student, I am convinced that never can money equal happiness. To enhance our sense of happiness, we should educate, advocate and encourage our friends and classmates to eich their knowledge, broaden their horizon and cultivate their ability. (168 words)

  四、 大学生电子设备

  Are Advanced Electronic Products Necessary for College Students

  1. 如今,大学生谱表拥有较高级电子设备,如智能手机,电子词典等

  2. 对此人们看法不一

  3. 我的看法

  On many campuses, it has become a prevalent trend for college students to use various advanced electronic products. Taking a look around, we can find a great many products like this: smart cell phones, E-dictionaries and so on.

  A number of individuals favor college students’ using these pieces of equipment. To begin with, as necessary products, they can bring college students more convenience, arouses their awareness of keeping up with IT development. In addition, it is these advanced products that enable students to build up their speed and efficiency. Even so, others hold a different view. First, according to a recent survey on the Internet, a majority of students admit that an iPhone is exceedingly expensive for them. Second, students in mounting numbers have come to realize that advanced products are based on their parents' hard work.

  As a college student, I am convinced that not all students should purchase these high-tech and expensive products. However, we should advocate and encourage friends and classmates to buy, if they earn money by themselves . (175 words)




  假定你是李华,正在一所英国学校学习暑期课程,遇到一些困难,希望得到学,辅导中心(Learning Center)的帮助。根据学校规定,你需书面预约,请按下列要点!一封信:

  1.本人简介;  2.求助内容;  3.约定时间;

  4.你的联系方式(Email:[email protected] com; Phone:12345678)。 注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯:  3.结束语已为你写好。 Dear Sir / Madam,

  Look forward to your reply. 范文二

  某校英文报开辟了一个专栏:Experience。本期话题是如何解决学习中遇到的困难。请你以“My Approach to Difficulties in Learning”为题,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈自己的一些做法。 要求:1.词数100左右;

  2.文中不能出现本人相关信息。 范文三


  I'm the mother of a fourteen-year-old. I have a rule for my daughter: be among the top5 students or get punished in one way or another. She has been doing very well in school, but some friends of mine keep telling me that I put too much pressure on her. Am I wrong写作要点:

  1.表明自己的看法;  2.陈述自己的理由(可举例说明); 3.提出至少两条建议。 要求:

  1.短文词数不少于100(不含已写好的部分)。  2.内容充实,结构完整,语意连贯。



  What puzzles you is actually a puzzle for many parents in China. My idea is



  Working in groups at school is an opportunity to learn more about teamwork. Teamwork shows us how otherpeople's roles fit the purpose of the group, and it teaches us to be patient and how to respond to different people. 注意:①无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语; ②除诗歌外,文体不限;

  ③内容必须结合校园生活中的一个事例;  ④文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称;



  假设你是星光中学的李华,将参加主题为“Let's Ride Bicycles”的英语演讲比赛。请撰写一份演讲稿,主要内容包括:

  1.目前汽车带来的空气污染和交通堵塞等问题;  2.骑自行车的益处,如节能环保、有利健康等, 参考词汇:低碳生活(low-carbon life);节能(energy saving)



  Good morning, everyone,

  I am Li Hua from Xingguang Middle School. The topic of my speech is“Let’s Ride Bicycle

  Thankyou! 范文六



  1.描述照片内容,如情景、人物、动作,等等;  2.结合自身实际,谈谈你的感想;

  3.举例说明你能为家长减负做些什么。 注意:l.可参照图中文字及下面文章开头所给提示,作必要的发挥想象。



  The burden of students hasbeen a hot topic for years, but the load of parents has received little attention, especially from their own children.



  (speech contest),你在资料搜集、语言运用等方面遇到了困难。请根据以下要点给Tom写一封电子邮件:


  3.告诉Tom你打算赛后去看他。 注意:1.词数:120-150:

  2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 范文八



  3.兴趣和特长;  4.性格特点。 注意:1.词数100左右;



  Dear Sir/Madam,

  I learned from the newspaper that your company needs an English secretary.


  I'm looking forward to your reply.

  Sincerely yours,

  Li Hua 范文九

  假设你是高中生李越,有感于校园中存在的随意涂写(to scribble)和乱丢垃圾( to litter)的行为,请用英语给校长写一封100-120个词的信。信中应包括以下内容:



  3.提出建议。 注意:信的抬头、落款及信的第一句已给出(不计词数)。

  June 8, 2013

  Dear Mr. Headmaster,

  I am Li Yue, a student from Class l, Senior II.

  Yours faithfully,

  Li Yue 范文十


  In your spoken English class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it




  I'm Li Hua, a Chinese student taking summer courses in your university. I'm writing to ask for help.  I came here last month and found my courses interesting.  But I have some difficulties in taking notes and I have no idea of how to use the library. I was told the Learning Center provides help for students and I'm anxious to get help- from you. I have no class on Tuesday mornings and Friday afternoons.  Please let me know which day is OK with you.You may email or phone me. Here are my email address and phone number:[email protected] com; 12345678.

  Look forward to your reply.

  Yours ,

  Li Hua


  My Approach to Difficulties in Learning

  As high school students, we run into one difficulty after another in the process of learning. Everyone has their own way to deal with them. Here I would like to share mine.

  When I am faced with a difficulty, I usually choose to refer to relevant learning materials or Webpages. In this way, I can not only work it out but also improve my ability to overcome problems all by myself

  However, when it is something beyond my competence, I turn to my classmates or teachers for help.Sometimes I also ask my parents for advice. As a result, I have made steady progress in my studies.


  Hi, TigerMom,

  What puzzles you is actuallya puzzle for many parents in, China.My idea is that it is not quite right for you to do so. Although high grades are, an important factor in evaluating students and for their future university

  admission,development in wisdom, emotion, health, and life attitude should never beignored. There are many examples around us. Some all-A students in school have turned out not to be as successful in society as they were expected.  The reason is often that the pressure from their parents allows them almost no time for other activities. Furthermore,punishment is by no means a wise choice to help them grow up mentally andphysically.

  So I suggest that you takeyour friends' advice. More importantly, let her live like a lovely girl; lether have more friends and social activities; and let her make mistakes of herown as we teenagers often do.


  Years of school life has taught me a lot of things, of which teamwork is the most important for me.

  In fact, I didn't realize its importance until I was chosen monitor of my class in my senior middle school.At first, I did most of the duties myself while other students cared littleabout class activities.  As a result, Iwas tired out and depressed. Then I turned to my teacher and he advised me tocooperate with others.  Thus I began torecognize the strengths of my classmates and have everyone do their part inclass.

  It is working in teamsinstead of on my own that has freed me of trouble and made my work moreefficient.


  Good morning, everyone,

  I am Li Hua from Xingguang Middle School,  The topic of my speech is“Let'sRide Bicycles”.

  As is known to all, with the improvement of people's living standards, cars have become a popular means of transport, bringing great convenience to our life.  However, they have also caused some problems such as air pollution and traffic jams.

  How can we solve the problems thenAs far as I'm concerned, riding bicycles is a good solution. Forone thing,

  bicycles don't need any petrol and they are energy-saving. For another, bicycles are environmentally friendly because they won't give off waste gas. What’s more, riding bicycles is a good way for us toexercise and it is beneficial to our health.

  Therefore, let's take the responsibility to build up a low-carbon city by riding bicycles. Come on andjoin us!

  Thank you !


  The burden of students has been, a hot topic foryears, but the load of parents has received little attention, especially from their own children.

  The picture shows us a touching moment when a little girl comes to greet her working mom.  Realizing her mom must be very tired after aday's work, the girl helps to remove the bag from her shoulder. In response,the mom kneels down to show how happy and thankful she feels.

  All this reminds me of my mother who has been doing whatever she could to let me have the best. But,totally engaged in my own study, I seldom pay attention to what my mother needsand feels, and always think studying well is the only thing I could do in return.Now I know I can do my bit to help with the everyday washing, bedroom cleaning,or at least prepare breakfast myself, so as to share mother's daily burden. Thepicture convinces me it is even more important to be a good daughter than a“good”student.


  Dear Tom,

  How time flies ! You havebeen studying in Beijingfor nearly a month,  during which youmust have achieved a lot. Well, how's everything goingIt is reported that theweather there is very hot and dry these days, which is very different

  from thatof your country.  Have you adapted to itIn addition, you once complained that the food served there was not to yourtaste. I hope that should have been improved.

  I am glad to tell you that Iwill go to Beijingto take part in an English speech contest in July, which is not only an

  honor,but also a great opportunity for me to improve myself. And now I try my best tomake preparations for it.  However, Ihave some trouble in collecting relevant materials and using the language.  I will appreciate it if you giv

  e me a hand tosolve the problems.

  After the contest, I am todrop in at your school to visit you. Please wait for my phone.

  Yours ,

  Li Hua


  DearSir/Madam,  June 8

  I learned from the newspaper that your company needsan, English secretary.  I'm really interested in this position andhope I can work for you.

  I'm 18 years old and will begraduating from Xinxing Foreign Languages School this July. I'm anexcellent student, among the top 5 inmy class of 50 students.  I'm good at English,especially spoken English. I often use the computer and I type very fast. In myspare time, I read a lot. Poems are my favorite. I enjoy music very much too.Being an active young person, I like sports and outdoor activities.  Besides, I'm easy to get along with and Ilike to make friends.

  I'm looking forward to your reply.

  Sincerely yours,

  Li Hua


  June8, 2013

  DearMr. Headmaster,

  I am LiYue, a student from Class l , Senior II. I am writing to draw your attention to some improper behaviour among us students: littering and scribbling.  It makes our school dirty and unpleasant, and does harm to the image of our school. I always feel ashamed whenever I see this. It is clearly not appropriate for a student to litter and scribble about.I wonder if the school could place more dust bins around and set up specificrules against such behaviour. At the same time, students should be encouraged to develop good habits and better behave themselves. I believe that, with thejoint efforts of both teachers and students, our school will become a more enjoyable place in the near future. Thank you for your consideration.

  Yours faithfully,



  In the picture, there stands a tree full of fruit on one side of the stream. Across the stream, a man is trying to reach out on the edge of the bank for the fruit with a net attached to a pole. Not far away there is a bridge that can lead him to the tree for more fruit.

  The message conveyed in the picture is clear. In pursuing a dream, we might focus on only one way of makingit come true, forgetting that there may be alternatives. As indicated in the picture, if the man is willing to look for other possibilities, he can find a better and more rewarding way to achieve his goal. All he has to do is to turnaround, cross the bridge and walk to the tree.



  1. 感谢信



  Dear Professor Liang,

  I am writing to extend my gratitude to you because with your help I am now a student of Chemistry Department of Sydney University.

  Last June, when I applied to become a graduate student of Sydney University, you really gave me a lot of valuable help. You not only wrote a recommendation(推荐) for me to Professor Wells who works in the Sydney University but also gave me careful and patient instructions on how to fill the application forms and write the application letters.

  It is your ueserved(无保留的) help that enables me to obtain this splendid(极好的)opportunity of further education. For the following two years I will study hard to reciprocate(回报) your sincere help and expectations with excellent grades.

  Yours truly,

  Zhang Ying

  2. 道歉信



  Dear Sarah,

  I am terribly sorry to tell you that I am unable to attend your birthday party next Thursday evening. That is owing to(因为) the fact that (同位语从句)my younger brother suddenly fell ill and was taken to a hospital this morning. I have to go there immediately and take care of him. As told by the doctor in charge, it will take around five days for him to recover and I have asked my boss for a leave. I really regret that I cannot go to celebrate your birthday personally and would miss the perfect chance of enjoying myself with all our old friends. I have chosen a small gift for you and will send it to you tomorrow to show my best wishes. Besides, please give my regards to our friends when you meet them at the party.

  Cordially, (sincerely)

  Li Hua

  3. 申请信

  假定你是李华,将于今年七月从新星外语学校毕业。你从报纸上得知B & B公司要招聘一名英文秘书,你很感兴趣,要写一封求职信,包括下列要点:


  1.年龄:18  2. 学习情况:班级前5,英语口语好

  3.兴趣和特长:打字快,喜欢阅读,听音乐 4.性格特点:积极向上



  Dear Sir/ Madam,

  I learned from the newspaper that your company needs an English secretary. I’m really interested in this position so I am writing to apply for it.

  I’m18 years old and will graduate from Xinxing Foreign Languages School this July. I’m an excellent student, among the top 5 in my class of 50 students. I’m good at English, especially spoken English. I often use the computer and I type very fast. In my spare time, I read a lot. Poems are my favorite. I enjoy music very much too. Being an active young person, I like sports and outdoor activities. Besides, I’m easy to get along with and I like to make friends.

  I hope I may be granted(授予) an interview, when I can explain my qualifications(资格,条件) more fully. I am looking forward to your reply.



  4. 通知



  内容:1.唱中国歌 2.比赛用筷子 3.学习包饺子

  注意:1.词数不少于50; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。


  Good afternoon, everyone. May I have your attention, please

  I’m the chairman of the Students’ Union. As the New Year is around the corner(即将到来), we are going to hold a New Year party for you, which is intended to enable you to have a better understanding of Chinese culture.

  During the party, not only can you sing a Chinese song, but you will also compete with each other to see how skilled you are at using chopsticks. What’s more, you’ll learn at the party how to make

  dumplings. Sounds great. doesn’t itThe party is scheduled(计划于) in Room 101of the Teaching Building from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. next Friday.

  Please make sure you won’t miss it. Thank you for your attention.

  5. 邀请信



  1. 时间:8am—5 pm;  2. 集合地点:校门口;

  3. 交通工具:公交车;  4. 携带物品:雨具,午餐,相机。

  注意:1.词数不少于50; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。


  Dear Chris,

  I’m writing to tell you that we intend to climb the Fragrant Hill this Saturday and I sincerely invite you to go with us on behalf of our class.

  We are supposed to gather at the school gate and set out at 8:00 am sharp. The bus will serve as our transportation. We will climb to the top of the hill and enjoy our picnic lunch there, so please take some food with you as lunch. At about 2:00 pm. We will go down the hill along another path and return to our school at about5.00pm. You may equip yourself with a camera to record the beautiful scenery and an umbrella or a raincoat is also necessary in case you are caught in a rain. Please spare some time to join us.

  Your participation can surely add color to our trip and we are all looking forward to your




  6. 建议信

  假定你是李华,你所喜爱的Global Mirror周报创刊五周年之际征集读者意见.请你依据以下内容给主编写封信,内容主要包括: 1.说明你是该报的忠实读者

  2.说明该报优点:1)兼顾国内外新闻  2)介绍名人成功故事




  Dear Editor-in-Chief,

  Congratulations on the 5th anniversary of Global Mirror!

  I’m a regular reader of your newspaper. I like it so much that I hardly miss any copy.

  There are many advantages of Global Mirror. Firstly, Global Mirror covers both national and

  international news. By simply turning the pages, I can know all important things that have happened both home and abroad. Besides, the success stories of world-famous people are also attractive to me, which help me learn a lot from them. In a word, thanks to Global Mirror, we are well-informed and keep up with the changing world.

  As a young student, I wish that I can be a master of English language. Therefore, I suggest that Global Mirror provide articles about English learning for us.

  Finally, I hope that Global Mirror will become more and more popular. Thank you for your time!


  Sincerely yours,

  Li Hua

  7. 求助信

  假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom上个月来到北京学习。七月份你将去北京参加暑期中学生英语演讲比赛 (speech contest),你在资料搜集、语言运用等方面遇到了困难。请根据以下要点给Tom写一封电子邮件:








  Dear Tom,

  How is it going these daysI keep wondering how you feel about your school life in Beijing. Have you got used to the life in ChinaAre you enjoying your lifeI hope you are.

  Let me tell you a piece of good news: I’m going to take part in an English speech contest of middle school students in July in the coming summer vacation. So I’m busy preparing for it. But now I have some difficulty in collecting useful information and using proper English word to express my thoughts. Besides, I really want to improve my spoken English, especially the pronunciation and intonation(语调). Of course, as a native English speaker, you can give me some suggestions.

  In addition, I’m going to visit you after the contest. I’m sure we will have a wonderful time together in Beijing! I can hardly wait to see you! I am looking forward to your early reply.


  Li Hua

  8. 投诉信

  你是李华,两周前你从网上一套书虫系列读物(Bookworm Series)昨天才到货,且包装破损,数量不足。请就此向网店客服写邮件投诉。要点如下:

  1. 介绍购物情况

  2. 反映存在问题

  3. 提出解决方案


  1. 词数100词左右

  2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯

  3. 开头结尾已给出,不计入总词


  可能用到的生词:投诉complaint n.


  To whom it may concern,

  I am one of your customers(顾客). I ordered(订购)a set of(一套) Bookworm Series on your website two weeks ago, but I didn’t receive them until yesterday. And much to my disappointment, the books were so poorly packed up that the cover of one book was torn. To make matters worse, it is not a complete set, as I found one book missing.

  I am sorry to have received such poor service, and I believe I have every right to ask you to deal with this problem. I hope that you either return my money or deliver a new set of books to me. Besides, I’d like to be informed of the process of your dealing with my complaint.

  Looking forward to your reply.


  Li Hua

  9. 祝贺信


  内容包括:1. 表达你的愉悦心情;2.向她表示祝贺; 3.请她介绍成功的经验。

  注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 开头和结尾已为你写好,但不计入总词数;3. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

  参考词汇:英语演讲比赛 the English Speech Contest


  Dear Wei Fang,

  I hear that you have won first prize in the English Speech Contest of Middle School Students, so I’m writing to give my sincere congratulations.

  You don’t know how excited I was when I heard the good news. As your best friend, I am proud of you! Your pronunciation and fluent English left me with deep impression. It came as no surprise to me that you won the contest. Could you share with me how you improve your spoken EnglishYour experience will be of great help to me in learning.

  I will be grateful if you can write me back and give me your advice. I am looking forward to your early reply.


  Li Hua

  10. 求职信



  标题:Immoral Behaviors in Public

  字数: 不低于100字并且不高于500 字

  满分: 100


  (请同学们不要改题目,提交之后按照提示修改自己的作文,取得尽量高的分数.) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a

  composition on the topic: Immoral Behaviors in Public. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:

  1. 我们经常在公共场合见到各种不文明的行为,叙述你的一次相关经历;

  2. 这些不文明行为会有哪些影响;

  3. 我们应该怎样改善这种现象。

  Immoral Behaviors in Public

  With the development of society, civilized behavior plays an increasingly important role in their lives. However, there are many uncivilized phenomena around us. Take a look around, we can find numerous examples. For example: in the bus, hospitals and other public places, smoking, talking loudly; say uncivil discourse, violence, etc. These uncivilized phenomena will arouse resentment, probably the best example we have of these students are located on campus. I often see some improper behaviour among us student: littering and scribbling. It not only makes our environment to dirty but also dose harm to the image of our school. I always feel ashamed whenever I see this. It is clearly not appropriate for a student to litter and scribble about. These uncivilized behaviors not only affects people's thinking and their quality level, and does not contribute to their increased influence progress and development of society. In my case, I think we should strengthen the people's quality of education. In addition, we should also establish some common identity in order to draw attention to the behavior of the moment.






  英语期末作文(Unit1~Unit7) Unit1

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a paragraph of your plan to develop your listening comprehension and speaking ability at college. You should write at least 120 words.(方向:对于这部分,你可以30分钟写一段你的计划,以发展你的听力理解和口语能力,在大学。你应该至少写120个字。)

  One’s listening comprehension and speaking ability grow by practice. To achieve good results in training aural comprehension at college, it is necessary to practice listening to English on a regular basis. I will start by listening to tapes based on the materials we use in class. Later, when I am more advanced, listening to taped lectures, stories, and news reports will be a good way to improve my ear. And I will develop my speaking ability by taking an active part in classroom activities and talking with my fellow students after class. Besides, I will try to find native speakers on my campus and make friends with them. A sustained friendship with people from English-speaking countries will provide the motivation to communicate and help improve my spoken English slowly but steadily.




  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a paragraph describing the difficulties Chichester had to struggle against when sailing round the world. You should write at least 120 words(方向:对于这部分,你可以30分钟写一段描述奇切斯特斗争环球航行的困难。你应该至少写120个字)

  When Chichester set out on the greatest voyage of his life, he was nearly sixty-five years old. What’s more, he had lung cancer. When he finished the first half of his voyage and arrived in Australia, he could not even walk on shore without help. His friends attempted to dissuade him from continuing the adventure, but he didn’t listen. Instead he set sail again to conquer the treacherous Cape Horn. Clipper ships had sailed round Cape Horn in the nineteenth century, but they had plenty of able-bodied men aboard. In contrast, Chichester was all alone and had to cope with every danger all single-handed. At times the sea became so rough that it took all his strength to stop his boat from turning over. Imagine the fear he experienced when the main steering device on Gypsy Moth was damaged by gales. A man without his courage and determination would certainly have been drowned by the sea.





  Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Good Manners. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:





  People all over the world attach importance to good manners. To certain degree, good manners indicate a person’s good education and breeding. In schools, it is part of students’ moral raising to develop good manners. A person with good manners always wins praise. On the contrary, people will frown on him if he behaves roughly and impolitely.

  There are good manners in which we behave in public places. It is a good manner to offer help to the young, the old and the handicapped when they are in need of it. So is it to conduct ourselves politely and keep away from foul language. Besides, we should guard against such minor offences as making a loud noise, casting peels and shells, smoking, and spitting.

  If everyone has developed good manners, people will form a more harmonious relationship. If everyone behaves considerately towards others and follows the social ethics, people will live in a better world. With the general mood of society improved, there will be a progress of civilization.






  Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Internet. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline below:




  In recent years, people are developing an inseparable relationship with Internet. As is known to all, it is convenient for us to click the mouse when surfing on line, either to entertain ourselves or to meet the work’s needs.

  On the one hand, no one denies that Internet is currently one of the most useful media in our daily life. As a college student, I get on line every day to exchange information through e-mails with my net friends. But on the other hand, a good many people admit that they are too much addicted to Internet to maintain a regular and wholesome lifestyle.

  Thus, it is necessary for us to use Internet in a reasonable way and restrain from overindulgence. After all,Internet is invented to eich our life, and to improve the efficiency of our work rather than shackle us with a chain.






  Directions: This part is to test your ability to do English writing. You are required to write a composition based on the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do your writing on the Translation / Composition Sheet.

  How to write right

  1.  有人认为作家是天生的。

  2. 也有人认为作家是后天的努力

  3. 你的观点

  How to be a successful writer

  Some people believe that a writer is born but not taught. A writer should have certain gift or talent since his or her childhood. People can not be taught in school or college to be a good writer.

  However, other people have the opinion that being a writer doesn’t require much talent or gift. What is required is to put your heart on it and work hard toward it. You should write with honesty and emotion, in a whole-hearted way about what you truly believe instead of making up story to cheat the readers.

  As far as writing is concerned, I believe that writing right does require a little talent and certain knowledge of writing. Besides, diligence and devotion are dispensable part of being a good writer.








  Directions: This part is to test your ability to do English writing. You are required to write a composition based on the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do your writing on the Translation / Composition Sheet.

  Study efficiently

  1.  有人认为大学学习很轻松,不需太多努力。

  2. 也有人认为大学学习效率很重要

  3. 你在提高学习效率方面的建议

  Study Efficiently

  Some students believe that college life is an easy and relaxing life. You don’t have to work hard to get your degree or diploma. Instead, you can make full use of your 4 years enjoying what you want to do.

  However, other students have the belief that life in college is challenging. You have to study in a hard and efficient way to graduate. Efficiency will play a critical role during the short period of time. If you fail to work efficiently, you will not have a rich and colorful life.

  In my opinion, efficiency in study is of great important to college students. In doing so, you should first of all make good arrangement of your time. Good planning is the first step to achieve your short-term goal of graduation with merit. Then you should take the school library as your second home. Extensive reading will not only eich your mind but also lead you into a wonderful world full of varieties and challenging.







  Directions: Write a one-paragraph composition describing the “sampler” in the story you have just studied. Begin the paragraph with the sentence. “Every week during the Christmas season a poorly-dressed, elderly gentleman would appear in a certain store where he sampled puddings, but never bought any.” Complete the composition with six to eight sentences.(说明:写一一段作文


  Every Christmas season a poorly-dressed, elderly gentleman would appear in a certain store where he sampled puddings, but never bought any. Obviously he had come down in the world and could not afford to actually buy any pudding. One day a young man happened to meet him in the store. He felt some pity for the old man and offered to buy him one. On hearing the young man’s offer, the elderly gentleman jumped back in astonishment. With a quick decision he bought one of the most expensive puddings in the store. Evidently, the old chap was only buying that pudding to save his honor. The “sampler” may have been poor but he was a very, very proud man.






  如何培养良好的学习行为习惯 How to Cultivate Good Learning Habits

  班 级: 专 业: 院 系: 授课语种: 学生姓名: 指导教师:

  *** **** ****** **** **** ****




  Table of Contents

  I. II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6.1 6.2 7. 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 III.

  Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1 How to cultivate good learning habits ............................................................................... 1 To begin from details and perseverance ............................................................................ 1 To stimulate students’ interest ........................................................................................... 1 To build self-confidence ................................................................................................... 1 Positive research method .................................................................................................. 2 Be good at thinking and summary ..................................................................................... 2 To form a habit of careful consideration ........................................................................... 3 Encouraging question actively ..................................................................................... 3 Demonstrating model and inspiring thinking ............................................................... 3 Cultivate learning habit is a lifelong learning ................................................................... 3 Always have a book ..................................................................................................... 3 Keep a “To-learn”List .................................................................................................. 4 Teach Others ................................................................................................................ 4 Clean Your Input .......................................................................................................... 4 Start a Project ............................................................................................................... 4

  Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 4


  How to Cultivate Learning Habits


  Learning habits are the fixed attitudes and behaviors in the learning activities. Leaning habits have a direct impact on students’ studies, good learning habits is an important factor to promote students to achieve a better learning performance. Good learning habits make benefits in their whole life. Today’s education regard cultivating the innovative spirit and practical ability as the focus, as for cultivating students’ lifelong learning desire and ability, cultivating students’ good learning habits is still a very important link. Good learning habits is a kind of learning motivation and the connotation of life. Good learning habits should be proactive, predictive, participatory, questioning, social, and many other benefits.

  Key words: good learning habits, participation, altitude, achievement

  摘  要

  学习习惯是指学习活动中形成的固定态度和行为。学习习惯对学生的学习有直接的影响,良好的学习习惯是促进学生取得较好学习成绩的重要因素。良好的学习习惯的养成会让他们终生受益。当今教育以培养创新精神和实践能力为重点,对于培养学生终身学习的愿望和能力,培养学生良好学习习惯仍是一个很重要的环节。良好的学习习惯是一种学习动力和人生内涵的定型。良好的学习习惯应该具有主动性、预见性、参与性、质疑性、社会性等诸多好处。 关键词:好的学习习惯参与态度成功

  I. Introduction

  Learning habits refer to that the students in the long-term practice gradually form in the process of automation behavior which will not need to work hard and supervision. The education of ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign experts, psychologists have paid attention to the cultivation of students' learning habits. Ye Shengtao,a great educator in China, had explicitly pointed out: "what is educationIn a word,education is to develop good learning habits." First of all,what we think about is how to cultivate the good study habits.It is dispensable for everyone to form good learning habits in his study and work . And good study habits make learning activities smoothly. Good habits once formed and they will be the wealth of the lifetime pass.

  II. How to cultivate good learning habits

  1. To begin from details and perseverance

  Form good learning habits has to start from details. There are many "details", such as sitting posture, the posture of reading, answering the questions and so on. In the process of forming good study habits, the students themselves to pay attention to these details. Habits are the actions of automation and a process of repeat and practice. In order to develop good learning habits, we need to constantly strengthen practice and penetration.

  2. To stimulate students’ interest

  Interest is the inner motive power of learning. Learning becomes active, easy and efficient by inspiring the students' interest. However, learning interest is not inherent, it requires students in the daily life and learning in the continuous development, so as to enhance the students' learning initiative and initiative. As our study interest grows, the enthusiasm of self-study is higher and higher.  3. To build self-confidence

  Confidence is a mainstay of enterprise and decides the ability of the independent work. Especially, self-confidence takes a significant part in children’ healthy growth and development of various ability. Children with high self-confidence always are confident in their activities, and children who lacks of self-confidence do not anticipate to participate in collective activity, thinking that nobody loves him. Because the child’s self assessment often relies on the evaluation of adult. What’s more, it is



  It Pays to Be Honest

  People share a firm belief that it pays to be honest. However, it is nothing new for us to find dishonesty in our society. For example, some students cheat in the exams and some

  businessmen sell fake productsto their consumers.

  There is no doubt that honesty benefits both the person andothers. For one thing, being honest is an essential requirement to be an upright man. For another, only with honesty can wewin the respects and friendship. Many examples can be found

  to prove the benefits. For example, Geogre Washington was  forgiven and praised by his father after his permission of cutting

  the cherry tree. With the virtue and others, he was later electedPresident of the U. S.

  On the contrary, deviation from honesty would be harmful.People who always lied would be discarded by others somedayThose who sell fake products may make money at first, but

  consumers won't buy their products anymore. As a result, theywill lose their fortune or even be sent to prison.

  All mentioned above tells us honesty is always seen as animportant virtue of the human character. Those honest peoplewill be rewarded in the long run. So as the saying goes,"Honesty is the best policy."































