
时间:2023-07-28 10:40:50 晓丽 词汇 我要投稿
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  英语单词 1

  wage n.工资,报酬 vt.开展(运动)

  常用搭配 wage a campaign for/against sth.发动(开展)支持/反对 的运动

  wait v.等待,等候 n.等待,等待时间

  waiter n.侍者,服务员

  waitress n.女服务生

  wake vt.叫醒,激发 vi.醒来,醒着,警觉,振奋 n.醒,守夜;尾迹,(人、车等经过的)痕迹,紧跟在 的后面,作为 的结果

  walk vi.步,行,走 n.步行,散步,步,行道

  wall n.墙壁,围墙,似墙之物 a.墙壁的 vt.围以墙

  wallet n.皮夹,钱夹,钓鱼带

  want vt.想要,希望,需要;短缺,缺少 n.需要,短缺

  常用搭配 in want of sth.需要某物

  war n.战争 vi.作战,打仗

  warm a.暖和的,暖的,温暖的`;激烈的,热烈的,多情的,兴奋的 ad.(常用以构成复合词)暖和地 vt.使温暖,弄热;使兴奋,使热烈 vi.变暖和,变温暖;激动,同情,爱好

  warn vt.警告,注意,通知 vi.发出警告,发出预告

  常用搭配 warn sb.of sth.警告某人某事

  warning n.警告,预告,通知,预兆

  常用搭配 warning system 预警系统

  英语单词 2


  She walks two miles every day.

  one mile = 1.6 kilometers


  He has many pictures on his wall.

  China built the Great Wall to protect against enemy invasions.


  He wants to see her more often.

  She wants to win a lot of money in the lottery.

  They want to eat now.


  The worlds last major war, World War II, ended in 1945.


  My coffee is warm instead of hot.

  She likes to sit outside in the warm sunlight.


  A weather radio warns of dangerous storms.

  The President warned that the country may be entering an economic recession.


  Tommy says that he will wash the car today.


  Do not waste your money by buying video games.

  He wasted his life by using drugs and alcohol.

  Watching television is a waste of time.

  Chemical wastes pollute our water supplies.

  How do astronauts deal with the problem of wastes from their bodies?


  Did you watch the football game on television?

  Watch every move he makes.

  英语单词 3

  wage n.工资,报酬

  wage vt.开展(运动)

  waggon n.四轮运货马车

  waist n.腰,腰部

  wake vi.醒,醒来 vt.唤醒

  waken vi.醒来 vt.弄醒

  wallet n.钱包,皮夹子

  wander vi.漫游;迷路;离题

  warmth n.暖和,温暖;热烈

  warn vt.警告 vi.发生警告

  waterfall n.瀑布

  waterproof a.不透水的,防水的

  wave n.波;波涛 vi.波动

  wavelength n.波长

  wax n.蜡,蜂蜡

  way n.路;路线;方向

  weaken vt.削弱 vi.变弱

  weakness n.虚弱,软弱;弱点

  wealth n.财富,财产;丰富

  wealthy a.富的,富裕的

  weapon n.武器,兵器

  weary a.疲倦的 vt.使疲乏

  weather n.天气

  weave vt.织,编 vi.纺织

  wedding n.婚礼

  Wednesday n.星期三

  weed n.杂草,野草 vi.除草

  weep vi.哭泣,流泪

  weigh vt.称…的重量;掂量

  weight n.重;砝码;重担

  welcome int.&n.&vt.欢迎

  weld vt.&n.焊接,熔接

  welfare n.幸福,福利

  well n.井

  well ad.好;完全地 int.嘿

  well-known a.众所周知的,出名的

  wheat n.小麦

  wheel n.轮,车轮

  whilst conj.&n.当…的.时候

  whip vt.鞭笞;搅打 n.鞭子

  whirl vt.使回旋 vi.&n.回旋

  whisky n.威士忌酒

  whisper vt.低声地讲 vi.低语

  whistle n.口哨 vi.吹口哨

  white a.白的 n.白色

  whitewash vt.粉刷,涂白

  wholly ad.完全地,全部

  wicked a.坏的;令人厌恶的

  wide a.宽阔的 ad.全部地

  widely ad.广,广泛

  widen vt.加宽 vi.变宽

  widespread a.分布广的,普遍的

  widow n.寡妇

  width n.宽阔,广阔;宽度

  wing n.翼,翅膀,翅

  wipe vt.& n.揩,擦

  wireless a.不用电线的,无线的

  wisdom n.智慧,才智;名言

  wish vt.祝;想要 n.希望

  wit n.智力,才智,智能

  withdraw vt.收回;撤回vi.撤退

  within prep.在…里面

  withstand vt.抵挡,反抗

  witness n.证据;证人 vt.目击

  wolf n.狼

  wooden a.木制的;呆板的

  wool n.羊毛;毛线,绒线

  woollen a.羊毛制的,毛线的

  workshop n.车间,工场;创作室

  world-wide a.遍及全球的

  worm n.虫,蠕虫

  worse a.更坏的 ad.更坏

  worshipn.礼拜;崇拜 vt.崇拜

  worthless a.无价值的,无用的

  worthwhile a.值得花时间的

  worthy a.有价值的;值得的

  wound n.创伤,伤 vt.使受伤

  wrap vt.裹,包,捆 n.披肩

  wreath n.花环,花圈,花冠

  wreck n.失事;残骸 vt.破坏

  wrist n.腕,腕关节

  writing n.书写,写;著作

  wrong a.错误的 ad.错,不对









