
时间:2024-01-09 14:11:23 炜玲 初一 我要投稿






  ( )1. I have ______.old shirt and______ new sweater.

  A. a, an B. an, a C. an, an D. a, a

  ( )2. This is Li Qiang. ______ is a new student here. . ______ father is a teacher.

  A. She; He B. He; His C. She; His D. His; He

  ( )3. I would like some _____ , please.

  A. sandwich an d milk B. sandwich and milks

  C. sandwiches and milk D. sandwiches an d milks

  ( )4. How is Jim?


  A. I am fin e B. She is fine C. He’s fine D. It’s fine

  ( )5. Mum, I need a new pen. Can you buy a new _______for me?

  A. it B. one C. they D. ones

  ( )6____shoes are those?

  They are Lucy’s.

  A. whose B.who C.what D.which

  ( )7. May I borrow your ruler, Linda?

  _______. It isn’t here now.

  A.I’m sorr y B.Sure

  C.That’s OK D.Here you are

  ( )8. How many _____ shorts do you have?

  A.pair B. a pair

  C.pairs D.pairs of

  ( )9. Is this your scarf?


  A Yes, it is. B Yes, this is C No, it is D No, this isn’t

  ( )10. I like the supermarket. Everything ____very good there.

  A. are B. do C. is D. am

  ( )11. I don’t have _____ brothers or sisters.

  A. some B. any C. no D. much

  ( 12. Li Ming, _____ your _____, please.

  A. stands on , feet B. stand on, feet C. stands on, foots D. stand on , foot.

  ( )13. Are you OK ?

  No. I ______.

  A. have headache B. am a headache C. have a headache D. do headache

  ( )14. Would you like some more ?

  ______.I am full(饱的).

  A. Yes, please B. No, thanks C. I’d love to D. No, I wouldn’t

  ( )15.—Kim,I like your new pen.


  A.OK B. Thanks

  C. Sure D. You’re welcome

  II. 完型填空(10)

  I’m Jenny. I __1__ from Canada. Now I live in Shanghai, China. I __2__ up at 6:30. Then I __3__ breakfast. I like cereal with milk and sugar ___4___ it. I __5__some bread. __6__ friend Li Ming __7__ noodles, eggs and vegetables __8__ breakfast. I walk to school, and I have four classes __9___ the morning. At 12:00, I have hamburgers and juice for lunch. Li Ming eats noodles and eggs. I have three classes in the afternoon. I play games after school. In the evening, I h ave chicken , fish ___10___ rice for supper. Li Ming has dumplings. I go to bed at 9:30.

  1. A. am B. is C. are D. be

  2. A. put B.eat C.get D.stand

  3. A. has B.have C.want D.like

  4. A. with B.or C. in D.up

  5. A. get B. stand C.put D.eat

  6. A. My B. He C. I D. She

  7. A. like B. likes C.like to D.likes to

  8. A.up B. in C.on D.for

  9. A. on B.in C.up D. for

  10. A. and B. or C.but D.too

  III阅读理解 (15)

  My nam e is Ben. In my family, I have two brothers, Jim and Tony. For breakfast, we all like eggs. Jim and I like bananas, but Tony doesn’t. I don’t like noodles for breakfast. But Jim and Tony do. I like ice cream after dinner . We all like salad and chicken for dinner. Jim likes salad with vegetables. Tony likes all kinds of salad.


  ( )1.I don’t like eggs for breakfast.

  ( )2.Tony and I lik e bananas for breakfas t.

  ( )3.We all like salad and chicken for dinner.

  ( )4. Tony only likes salad with v egetables.

  ( )5. I like ice cream after breakfast.


  Sandy and Tom are friends. They are Canadians, but they d on’t live in Canada.They live in China now. They are in the same school. Where are they now?They are in the library. There are ma ny books in the library. They borrow books from it. Sandy borrows two books and Tom borrows three . It’s six in the afternoon. Tom closes the windows. Sandy closes the door. “Thank you, Sandy. Thank you, Tom,’’ says the teacher. Sandy and Tom say, “You’re welcome.’’

  ( )6. Where do Sandy and Tom live now?

  A. In Canada.

  B. In China.

  C. In America.

  ( )7. They are in the _____ now.

  A.classroom B.library C.home

  ( )8. They borrow _____ books together(总共)from the library. A. two B. three C. five

  ( )9.Tom helps the teacher _____.

  A. close the door

  B.close the windows

  C.close the door and windows

  ( ) 10.Who says “ Than k you” to Sandy?

  A. His teacher. B.Tom. C. His friend.


  Hello! I’m Peter. I’m f rom America . Now I am in China with my parents. I like China. And I like Chinese food, too. I have breakfast at home. I eat an egg and some milk for it. I don’t like porridge. I have no time to go home for lunch, so I have it at school. The lunch in our school is good. I can have lots of different food. I eat rice, meat and vegetables.

  Sometimes I have noodles and dumplings. I have supper at home. On Sundays, I often go out to eat with my friends. We have fish, meat, vegetables and fruit.


  11. Peter is from________

  12. He ____ China and Chinese food

  13. He has an______ and some _____ for breakfast.

  14. He has ____ and ___ at home sometimes.

  15. He often goes out to eat with his _____ on Sundays


  1.Her name is Jenny.(对画线部分提问)

  ______ _______ name?

  2. I have six glasses of milk. (对画线部分提问)

  ______ ______ _______ ______ _______ do you have?

  3. She is a student.(用teacher改为选择疑问句)

  ______ _____ a student ______ _____ ?

  4. Put on your jacketr.(变成否定句)


  5.He is from Canada. (同义句转换)

  He ______ _____ Canada.

  V 根据汉语补全句子。(20)


  My friend can ______ ______ in the English class.


  Danny ______ ______ ______ school.


  ______ ______ your umbrella.


  Let’s ______ ______.


  ______ ______ is it?

  6. 他的帽子看起来不同于你。

  His hat looks ______ ______ your hat.

  7. 怀特先生有足够的钱买辆小汽车。

  Mr White has ______ ______ ______ ______ a car.

  8. 请写下你的名字。

  Please ______ ______ your n ames.


  Here ______ ______ ______.

  10. 你的妹妹长什么样?

  What ______ your sister ______ ______?


  have, black, skirt, same, different, colour, they, worker, eye, metre

  Jenny and Helen are my good friends. 1_____ are twins from Canada. Their mother is a 2______ and their father is a doctor. Jenny and Helen look the 3______. They have big green 4______ and long brown hair. The y are 1.6 _5__ tall. But they like 6_____ colours and clothes. Jenny’s favourite 7____ is green. Her favourite clothes are 8_____. Helen likes 9______ best. She likes hats. She 10______ 5 black hats in diff erent shapes.



  A: You look sad. 1.___ , Wang Ming?

  B: My finger hurts.I cut it.

  A: Don’t worry. Let me help you. My father is a doctor. 2.____

  B: 3.____ , Jenny?

  A: My father is at home.

  B: OK!

  (Jenny 的爸爸为Wang Ming做了包扎)

  C: 4.____ ,now, Wang Ming?

  B: Much better! 5.____

  C You’re welcome.

  A. How do you feel

  B. Thank you very much.

  C. What’s wrong

  D. Let’s go and ask him for help

  E. Where is your father


  A: Hi, Jenny. It’s tim e 1.___ lunch. I’m 2.___. Let’s go to the restaurant.

  B: All right. What 3.___ y ou 4.____ for lunch?

  A: I’d like a bottle of coke and a hamburger. And you?

  B: I 5.____ 6.____ a glass of milk 7._____ a bag of French fries.

  C: I’m sorry. We 8.____ have any milk now. 9._____ you like orange juice?

  B: Yes, I do. 10.____ you.

  C: You’re welcome.



  Name Mary Age 28

  Hairstyle long,

  yellow Height 1.65m

  Other Information Like singing and dancing;

  help me with my English .


  Ⅰ1-5BBCCB 6--10AADAC 11--15BBCBB

  II..1-5 ACBCD 6-10 ABDBA

  III. 1-5 FFTFF 6.B 7.B 8.C 9. B 10.A 11.America 12.likes 13. egg , milk

  14. noodles , dumplings 15. friends

  Ⅳ1.what’s her

  2.how many glasses of milk

  3.is she or a teacher

  4.Don’t put on your jacket.

  5. Comes from

  V1.have fun

  2.is ready for

  3.Don’t forget

  4. Go shopping

  5. What colour

  6. different from

  7.Enough money to buy

  8.Write down

  9.are my books

  10.does look like

  Ⅵ 1.They 2.worker 3.same 4.eyes 5.metres 6.different 7.colour 8.skirt

  9.black 10.has

  Ⅶ A 1—5 CDEAB

  B1.for 2. hungry 3. would 4. lik e 5. Would

  6. like 7. and 8. don’t 9. Do 10. Thank





  ( )6. Who can play football?

  A. Tony B. Betty C. Tom

  ( )7. What’s in Mary’s room?

  A. A map B. Some televisions C. Some pictures

  ( )8. What is the girl’s father’s job?

  A. A manager B. A worker C. An actor

  ( )9. What’s Mike’s Chinese teacher’s name?

  A. Lucy B. Mr. Lu C. Miss Liu.

  ( )10. Where is the science lab?

  A. It’s next to the factory B. It’s in front of the factory

  C. It’s behind the factory

  ( )11. Who is the man in the photo?

  A. Linda B. Linda’s friend C. The boy’s friend

  ( )12. What is the man in the photo?

  A. A student B. A worker C. A bus driver

  ( )13. How many students are there in Sam’s class?

  A. 30. B. 13 C. 40

  ( )14. Where is Lisa from?

  A. China B. England C. America

  ( )15. What does Daming like doing?

  A. Running B. Drawing C. Swimming


  ( )16. My uncle is actor at the theater.

  A. a B. an C. the

  ( )17. --- What day is it today? --- .

  A. It’s cool B. It’s Tuesday C. It’s eight o’clock

  ( )18. This is Mr. Wang’s daughter. is in my class.

  A. He B. It C. She

  ( )19. --- What’s in the cup? --- There some coffee.

  A. is B. are C. has

  ( )20. The man the left is Mary’s uncle.

  A. on B. in C. at

  ( )21. --- are you from?

  --- I’m from England.

  A. What B. How C. Where

  ( )22. My father has got a brother, my mother hasn’t.

  A. but B. so C. and

  ( )23. Linda. there isn’t food in the fridge.

  A. a B. some C. any

  ( )24. A supermarket is between the school the hospital.

  A. in B. and C. behind

  ( )25. Look at the photo of my . This is my grandfather.

  A. bag B. school C. family

  ( )26. --- your mother’s job?

  --- Forty- four.

  A. How many B. How old C. How much

  ( )27. --- your mother’s job?

  --- She is a secretary in an office.

  A. Where’s B. What’s C. How’s

  ( )28. My favourite book Harry Potter and I like it again and again.

  A. reading B. watching C. looking at

  ( )29. --- Has she got any sisters?

  ---- . She has got one sister.

  A. No, she hasn’t B. Yes, she has C. No, I haven’t

  ( )30. --- Where is No. 1 Middle School?

  --- It’s next to the city library.

  A. You’re welcome! B. Excuse me! C. Thank you!


  I’m Wang Jun from China. I’m a Chinese 31 . I’m a boy. My English name is Oscar and I’m twelve. There are 32 people in my family. 33 are my father, my mother, my grandmother and I. My parents are doctors in the same 34 in Hefei. My father is forty-two and my 35 is forty. My grandmother is very old. She lives with 36 . I’m in No. 40 Middle School. I’m in Class One, Grade Seven. There are fifty 37 in my class. We all like English. My classroom is not very big, 38 it is very clean and nice. We have a 39 school because there are lots of flowers and tree 40 it. And we love our school very much.

  ( )31. A. student B. teacher C. doctor D. worker

  ( )32. A. six B. five C. four D. three

  ( )33. A. These B. Those C. They D. There

  ( )34. A. hospital B. school C. factory D. hotel

  ( )35. A. sister B. brother C. grandmother D. mother

  ( )36. A. us B. her C. him D. it

  ( )37. A. windows B. students C. books D. teachers

  ( )38. A. and B. so C. or D. but

  ( )39. A. bad B. small C. beautiful D. sweet

  ( )40. A. between B. on C. in D. next to



  Boys and girls, welcome to our school restaurant. Food and drinks in the restaurant are cheap(便宜的)and delicious. For breakfast, you can eat eggs, boodles and drink milk. For lunch and dinner, you can have rice, different(不同的)kinds of meat and vegetables. And you can have some apples and lots of drinks. Come and have a meal(餐), please. It’s a good place to enjoy yourself.

  Open hours:

  Monday——Friday (6:30-9:30pm)

  Saturday——Sunday (7:00-8:00pm)

  ( )41. This is a restaurant.

  A. hospital B. hotel C. school D. factory

  ( )42. Food and drinks in the restaurant are .

  A. small B. sweet C. delicious D. hot

  ( )43. You can eat for breakfast in the restaurant.

  A. vegetables B. meat C. rice D. eggs

  ( )44. You can have dinner at on Sunday night.

  A. 7:30 B. 8:30 C. 9:30 D. 10:30

  ( )45. The speaker(说话者)probably(可能)is .

  A. on the farm B. at a dinning hall C. at home D. at a theater


  I am Jerry. My family is in New York. We have got a big house. There are three bedrooms(卧室). One is for my parents. One is for my sister Betty. One is for my brother Tony and me. I haven’t got any grandparents, aunts or uncles in my family.

  My father is forty-three years old. He is a hotel manager. My mother is forty. She is a secretary in a factory. Betty is sixteen years old. Tony is nine years old and I’m twelve years old. We are students. I love my family.

  ( )46. Jerry’s family is in .

  A. London B. Beijing C. New York D. Shanghai

  ( )47. There are three in the house.

  A. hotels B. restaurants C. offices D. bedrooms

  ( )48. Jerry’s father works .

  A. in a hotel B. in a school C. in a factory D. in a library

  ( )49. Tony is years old.

  A. nine B. twelve C. Sixteen D. Forty- three

  ( )50. is the best title(标题)for this passage.

  A. My School B. My Family C. My Teacher D. My Friend


  There are four seasons(季节)in a year. They are spring, summer. autumn and winter.

  Spring is a beautiful season. In spring, the trees turn(变成)green and the flowers come out. Everything(一切)looks new. We can have a trip(旅行)in spring. Summer is a happy season. In summer, we can swim and eat lots of ice cream. Autumn is a colourful season. In autumn, some leaves(叶子)on the trees turn yellow or red. Winter is a cold season. In some places, it snows and everything looks white. The children like playing with snow.

  Winter is my favourite season. I like snow very much.

  ( )51. There are season in a year.

  A. two B. four C. five D. six

  ( )52. In , the trees turn green.

  A. winter B. autumn C. summer D. spring

  ( )53. From the passage(短文), we can in winter.

  A. play with snow B. have a trip C. eat ice cream D. swim

  ( )54. The meaning(意思)of the underlined word “colourful” is .

  A. 轻松的 B. 无色的 C. 多彩的 D. 寒冷的

  ( )55. The writer(作者)likes winter because he likes .

  A. green leaves B. ice cream C. flowers D. snow


  56-57 大明的家在我家旁边。

  Daming’s home is _________ __________ my home.


  _________ __________ China.


  There ________ _________ maps on the wall.

  62-63 可乐对你有害。

  Cola is_______ _______ you

  64-65 我擅长历史。

  I am _________ __________ history.


  Tony: How many people are there in your family?

  Betty: _________________________________________.(66)

  Tony: Have you got any grandparents?

  Betty: _________________________________________.(67)

  Tony: Where do they live?

  Betty: _________________________________________.(68)

  Tony: _________________________________________.(69)

  Betty: Yes. My father has got a sister. And my mother has got a brother.

  Tony: _________________________________________.(70)

  Betty: Yes, I have got a dog at home. I like it very much.

  八、综合填空(每空1 分,共10分)

  We all know there (71)a_________ four seasons in a year in China. They are spring,(72)s_________ autumn and (73)w_________.

  Spring is my favorite season. The trees are green,the (74)f_________ are red. They are very beautiful

  Summer is very (75)h_________. Boys and girls often (76)s_________ in the river. Swimming is their favorite sport.

  (77)A_________ is a cool and harvest(收获的) season. My parents like it.

  It’s very (78)c_________ in winter. (79)B_________ Lingling likes it, because she can make snowmen (80)i_________ winter.




  Name Chen Jie

  From China

  Age 13

  School Class 4, Grade 1,

  Jinsha No.2 Middle School

  Favourite sports Swimming, basketball

  Things can do Play the piano

  Father’s job A teacher ( No.1 Middle School)

  Mother’s job A manager ( a hotel )

  Hello ,I am a nice girl!

  Let’s be friends.



  1—5 CBABC 6—10 ACABC 11—15 BCACC

  二、单选16-20. BBCAA 21-35. CACBC 26-30. ABABB

  三、完形填空31-35. ACCAD 36-40. ABDCC

  四、阅读理解41-45. CCDAB 46-50. CDAAB 51-55. BDACD

  五、完成句子:56-57 next to 58-59Welcome to

  60-61aren’t any 62-63 bad for 64-65 good for


  66. There are five.

  67.Yes, I have got two grandparents.

  68. They live in America.

  69. Have you got any aunts or uncles?

  70. Have you got any pets?


  71. are 72. summer 73. winter 74. flowers 75.hot

  76. swim 77. autumn/fall 78. cold 79. but 80. in


  My name is Chen Jie. I’m from china and I’m Chinese. I’m 13 years old. I’m in Class 4, Grade 1 in Jinsha No. 2 Middle School. I like swimming and playing basketball. I can play tennis but I can’t play table tennis. There are three people in my family. They are my father, mother and me. My father is a teacher in No.1 Middle School. My mother is a manager in a hotel. I love them.









