

时间:2021-12-01 09:35:41 初二 我要投稿






  I.情景反应 根据你所听到的句子,选择恰当的应答语。(5分)

  ( )1. A. I’m afraid not. B. No, thanks. C. Thank you.

  ( )2. A. It’s nice of you. B. It’s cloudy. C. Yes ,I’d like to .

  ( )3. A. Certainly not. B. Don’t worry. C. That’s a good idea.

  ( )4. A. I agree with you . B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, please.

  ( )5. A. It is very cold. B. Shall I open the window? C. Shall I close the door?

  II.对话问答 根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择正确的答案。(5分)

  ( )1.A.A pair of shoes. B. A CD player. C. A radio

  ( )2. A. Yes, he will. B. No, he won’t. C. He is not sure.

  ( )3. A. Red. B. Light. C. Yellow.

  ( )4.A. Juice. B. Tea. C. Beer.

  ( )5.A. At 9:20. B. At 8:40. C. At 9:00.

  Ⅳ. 短文理解 根据你所听到的短文内容,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。(5分)

  ( )1 Jack sent a snow globe of the monster to Ellen.

  ( )2. Ellen has collected 200 globes.

  ( )3. Ellen’s mom likes the snow globes very much.

  ( )4. Ellen first got his snow globe, when he was seventeenth birthday.

  ( )5. Jack wants to start a snow globe collectors’ club.

  V. 根据你所听到的对话,在横线上填写有关的信息,每空一词。 (5分)

  1, Mike’s mum asks him to 1 _______________ up.

  2, His mum is busy in the 2___________________.

  3, Mike’s mum is busy with 3_______________.

  4, Mike has to wash 4_______________________.

  5, Mike doesn’t like to do his 5________________.

  VI.短文理解 根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确的`答案。(5分)

  ( )1. How long has the housewife kept the monkey?

  A. For many years. B. For only one year. C. For several years.

  ( )2.How often does the monkey help the housewife to wash dishes?

  A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Every day.

  ( )3.When is the monkey angry?

  A. When there are too many dishes for it to wash.

  B. When the woman tries to stop it washing the dishes.

  C. When it breaks a dish.

  ( )4.Where can you find this monkey?

  A. In India. B. In Australia. C. In the United States.

  ( )5.When the woman stops the monkey, what will happen?

  A. It takes the monkey a very short time to wash the dishes.

  B. The monkey often throws the dishes everywhere.

  C. The monkey never breaks a dish while washing.

  二 .基础知识(20分)


  < A > 将所给词汇按类别填入表格,并在扩充栏里填上一个没有出现的单词。(5分)

  Alison, barber, waitress, fox, bus, Ellen, car, snow, earthquake, rabbit





  ______________ ______________


  ______________ ______________


  ______________ ______________


  ______________ ______________


  ______________ ______________

  < B > 选择方框中所给词或词组的适当形式填空,注意有两个是多余的。( 5分)

  turn down mind expensive order boring cheap interesting

  1. Sorry, I ______________ my food half an hour ago and it hasn’t arrived yet.

  2. Would you ______________ closing the door? It’s cold outside.

  3. I’m trying to sleep. Could you______________ the music , please?

  4. The movie was______________. I fell asleep half way through it.

  5. My shoes were really______________. They only cost five dollars.

  VIII. 选择填空 从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(10分)

  ( )1. Could you please _____ me the stamps when you come here?

  A. carry B. bring C. come D. keep

  ( )2. “Johnson wants to know if_____ a picnic tomorrow.”

  “Yes. But if it _____, we’ll visit the museum instead.”

  A. you have ;will rain B. you will have; will rain

  C. you will have; rains D. will you have ; rain

  ( )3.Mother asked me_____.

  A. why didn’t I ride my bike B. why I didn’t ride my bike

  C. why did I not ride my bike D. why I did ride my bike

  ( )4.Can you tell me_____?

  A. where have you gone B. where have you been

  C. where you have gone D. where you have been

  ( )5. He’s never late for work,_____?

  A. has he B. hasn’t he C. is he D. isn’t

  ( )6. If you want to get _____ money, you must work harder than before.

  A. more B. many C. few D. much

  ( )7. There_____ two foreigners _____ our school next week.

  A. will have; come on B. will be; come on

  C. is going to be; coming to D. are going to be; coming to

  ( )8. _____ getting her a camera?

  A. Why don’t you B. Why not C. Why don’t D. What about

  ( )9._____ people visit the Great Wall every day.

  A. Thousand B. Thousands of C. Thousands D. Thousand of

  ( )10. My teacher was having lunch in the office_____ I came in.

  A. while B. because C. when D. that.

  三. 交际运用(共20分)

  IX. 从方框内选择最佳选项,完成对话,并把字母序号填在对话下面的空格内,其中有两个选项是多余的。(10分)

  A. It was good weather for flying kites. B. Were you very busy yesterday? C. We had a good time there. D. I was flying a kite. E. They both bought two new kites and got there earlier than I did. F. Where was your kite? G. By the river.

  A: What were you doing yesterday afternoon?

  B: __1__________.

  A: Where did you fly the kite?

  B: __2__________ . A lot of children were flying kites there.

  A: It blew yesterday, didn’t it?

  B: Yes, but the wind wasn’t strong.__3________.

  A: Whom did you fly kites with?

  B: Zhang Hong and Li Ying.__4_______.

  A: Did you enjoy yourselves yesterday?

  B: Yes.__5_______

  X. 补全对话 根据对话内容,在空白处填写适当的话语,使对话完整并正确。(10分)

  对话 ( A )

  A: It’s Linda’s birthday. What should I 1_________________________________for her ?

  B: How about buying 2_______________________________________________________?

  A: No, that’s 3____________________________________________________________?

  B: OK, then ,how 4__________________________________________________________?

  A: That is 5________________________________________________________________.

  对话( B )

  A: What kind of 6____________________________________________________________?

  B: I like goldfish. They are 7___________________________________________________.

  A: But they’re 8_____________________________________________________________.

  B: You’re right. Do you 9_____________________________________________________?

  A: No, I don’t . They’re 10____________________________________________________.


  四 阅读(共40分)

  XI. 根据短文内容,从所给词中选择适当的词汇填空。( 10分)

  means walking watch over heard of

  amusement theme attractions coaster characters

  Most of us have probably 1___________ Mickey Mouse ,Donald Duck, and many other famous Disney characters. Perhaps we have even seen them in movies. But have you ever been to Disneyland? In fact, there are now several different Disneyland 2___________ parks around the world.

  Disneyland is an amusement park , but we can also call it a 3____________ park. It has all the normal 4____________ that you can find at an amusement park, but it also has a theme. The theme, of course , is Disney movies and Disney 5____________. For example, you can find a roller 6____________ in most amusement parks, but in Disneyland , the theme of the roller coaster is Disney characters. This 7_____________ that you can find Disney characters all 8____________ the roller coaster. You can also 9____________Disney movies, eat in Disney restaurants , and buy Disney gifts. And you can see Disney characters 10____________ around Disneyland all the time.

  XII. 阅读理解(30分 ) ( A )

  Alison is thirteen years old now. He began to study in a middle school two years ago. His home is in a small village and it’s nearly five kilometers from the school. He has to get up early in the morning ,after a quick breakfast he has to run to school and get there on time. His father hopes to borrow some money to buy a bike for him, but he knows his mother is always ill and his father spends much money on medicine. He doesn’t agree with him and keeps running there every day. Now he is very strong and never late for class and his teachers often praise him.

  Last week there was a sport meeting in his school. Alison ran faster than any other boy and won the boys’ 800 meters , 1,500 meters and 3,000 meters., The whole school knew him. His classmates and teachers felt very proud and he himself was very happy. He told his grandma about the good news as soon as he got home.

  “I broke two school records today, Granny,” called out the boy.

  To his surprise, the old woman wasn’t happy. She thought for a while and said, “I’m sorry to hear that. We have no money to pay for them, you know!”

  根据短文内容,选择最佳答案( 5分 )。

  ( ) 1. Alison’s home is ________.

  A. near the school B. far from the school C. in a small town D. in a big city

  ( ) 2. From the first paragraph we know______.

  A. Alison doesn’t have breakfast every day B. Alison’s mother has lots of money

  C. Alison’s father is very strict D. Alison’s family is poor

  ( ) 3. The underlined word “praise” in this passage means “_______” in Chinese.

  A.表扬 B.羡慕 C.批评 D.吹捧

  ( ) 4. Alison took part in the boys’ 800 meters and _______ at the sports meeting.

  A. ran fastest B. got two gold medals

  C. was known by some students D. broke three records

  ( ) 5. Alison’s grandma wasn’t happy because she thought______.

  A. Alison didn’t get any money B. Alison only broke two records

  C. Alison had to pay for the records he broke D. Alison should tell her earlier

  ( B )

  It was Mary’s thirteen birthday. In the morning she received an e-mail from her uncle, “Dear Mary,” he wrote in it. “Happy birthday ! I’m sending you some chickens. They will arrive in the afternoon. I hope you’ll like them. Uncle Tom .”

  Mary was very pleased. She liked eating eggs and chicken. “I can keep the chickens for their eggs and chicken,” she thought.

  The chickens arrived in the afternoon. They were in a box. Mary was very happy. She took the box off the car and began to carry it into her garden, but the box was so heavy that she dropped it. The box fell onto the ground and broke. The chickens all ran out.

  They ran everywhere and it took her hours to catch them.

  The next day her uncle came. He asked, “Did the chickens arrive safely?” “Yes, but I dropped the box. It broke open and the chickens ran here and there. I spent three hours looking for them.” Mary said.

  “Did you find all of them ?” asked her uncle.

  “I hope so,” Mary answered, “but I only caught eleven of them . ”

  “That’s very interesting. I only send you six.” Her uncle said with a smile.


  ( )1. Mary got an e-mail from her uncle.

  ( )2. Her uncle sent her some chicken.

  ( )3. The chickens arrived in the boat.

  ( )4. The box was too heavy for Mary to carry.

  ( )5. Mary spent four hours looking for the chickens.


  6. Mary got some chickens from her uncle on her______________ birthday.

  7. Chickens in a box were sent to Mary’s house by______________.

  8. Mary dropped the______________ and all the chickens ran out.

  9. It took Mary_____________ hours to catch the chickens.

  10. Mary caught eleven chickens, but______________ of them were not hers.

  ( D )

  People are often fond of collecting things. But the strangest collection I have ever known is a collection of clocks. It belongs to my friend Mr Clock, a short ,old man. He owns as many as one thousand five hundred clocks!

  There are clocks everywhere in his house. You can see shelves(架子) standing in every room. All the shelves are full of clocks. As there is not enough room for so many clocks, the man has to fill several trunks(箱子) with clocks and store these trunks in his garage.(车库)

  Though Mr Clock is proud of his large collection of clocks, his wife does not enjoy it at all. She complains every day about the work she has to do , for it is not easy for her to dust hundreds of clocks. She also complains about the noise. Each clock keeps its own time, so chimes(钟声) can be heard almost any time during the day and night. In her opinion, there is something even worse. With so many clocks around, she is never able to know what time it is! 根据短文内容回答问题。(10分)

  1.How many clocks does Mr Clock have? ___________________________________.

  2.Does Mr Clock have enough room for his clocks?_____________________________.

  3.Mr Clock is proud of his collection. But his wife doesn’t enjoy the collection, why?


  4,You can hear the chimes only in the day , right? _______________________________.

  5,Why doesn’t his wife even know what time it is? ______________________________.

  五 书面表达(共10分)

  XIII. 书面表达 不同的人有不同的爱好。根据下面的表格提示,以“Different people ,different hobbies ”为题写一篇短文。要求:书写规范,语言通顺,80词左右。



  How long

  More information



  For seven years

  Strong and healthy


  Collecting stamps

  Since he was eight

  Over 500 stamps


  Watching English movies

  For four years

  Good way to learn English



  一. 听力部分( 30分)

  I.共5分,每小题一分。1-5CBC AB II.共5分, 每小题一分。1-5 ABAAC

  III.共5分,每小题一分。1-5 BADCE IV,共5分,每小题一分。1-5 TFFFF

  V共5分,每小题一分。1-5 get, kitchen, dinner dishes homework


  二. 基础知识(20分)

  VII < A > (扩充答案不是唯一的) 职业barber waitress 扩充worker ,teacher…

  人名Alison Ellen扩充Tom… 自然现象snow earthquake 扩充 rain ,cloud…

  动物rabbit fox扩充lion… 交通工具bus ,car 扩充bike…

  < B >共5分,每小题一分。1-5 ordered, mind, turn down, boring, cheap

  VIII. 共10分,每空一分。1-5 BCBDC 6-10 ADDBC


  IX. 共10分,每小题二分。1-5 DGAEC

  X.共10分,( A )每小题一分。1. buy for her 2.a watch/car… 3.too dear/expensive 4. about a book/pen… 5. is good/is a good idea

  ( B ) 6. fish do you like 7. beautiful 8. dear/too dear/not easy to keep… 9. like goldfish/ them 10. not easy to keep/dear/expensive…

  四 阅读(共40分)

  XI. 共10分,每小题一分。1-5 heard of, amusement, theme, attractions, characters

  6-10 coaster ,means ,over ,watch , walking

  XII阅读理解(30分 )


  ( B ) 共10分,每小题一分。1-5 TFFTF 6-10 thirteenth/13 , car, box , three, five

  ( C ) 共5分,每小题一分。1-5 ACBDB

  ( D ) 共10分,每小题二分。1-5 1. He has one thousand five hundred clocks/One thousand five hundred clocks 2. NO/No, he has not/doesn’t 3. Because she has to dust hundreds of clocks every day 4. Not right. 5. Because each clock keeps its own time , she can hear the chimes almost any time during the day and night.

  五.书面表达(10分) 评分标准 (1)8-10分 语句通顺,语法正确(2)6-7分语句通顺,少量的语法错误 (3 )3-5分 语句不通顺,语法错误多,书写不规范 参考答案 Different people have different hobbies

  Different people have different hobbies. I have three friends. They are Tom, Mike and Lucy. Tom likes swimming. He has swum for seven years. He thinks it makes him strong and healthy. Mike enjoys collecting stamps since he was eight years old , and now he has over 500 stamps from different countries. Lucy is interested in watching English movies for four years. She said watching English movies helps her learn English well. She thinks it is a good way to learn English.










