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教育英语实习报告 篇1
Recruiting manager of the testing department
This August I found a new job which is a recruiting manager of a famous software company. Because of the operation of our company is providing world-class IT solutions to global clients. So every
position requires good English communication skills including mine. In this job I lead a hiring team and be responsible for supporting staffer needs of the testing department. The latter half of the year is the busiest period, because many new projects have been processing. Almost all the project teams are short of hands. Software outsourcing is an agreement that provides deadlines for completion of the work. If we could not find employable engineers in time, the vender must change the order to other competitory company. In order to drive for quality hire with short cycle time. I communicate with testing
projects leaders to know every projcet’s distinctive characteristic, technical details, position salary and tensity of the task. Then list a rate of progress, arrange recruiters in charge of different project according this plan. For expedite the recruiting progress, I also take on the role with responsibility for ADOBE and EMC (clients’
company). Define the job and recruiting action plan. Choosing resumes, interviewing with candidates and commending qualified candidates to attend client’s final test are my daily grind, to most effectively coordinate with staffing processes. If the candidates pass the final test, we will announce correlative dept to transact procedure.
Implement testing department staffing processes to ensure compliance. Up to last month our recruiter team has hired seventy eight qualified staffers including I found the nineteen engineers.
教育英语实习报告 篇2
教育英语实习报告 篇3
实习时大学教育中最后一个极为重要的实践性教学环节。通过实习,使们在社会实践中接触与本专业相关的实际工作,增强自己综合素质和综合能力。我在这两个月的实习生活中学到很多大学里学不到的东西,也发现很多自己做的不到位的地方,以及教学中还需改进的方法。这次实习对我的教学工作也是一次大检验,说短不短的两个月,我学到很多,也有很多感触,有很多快乐,有很多不舍,同时内心充满感激。感谢学校给我这次机会真正体验和知道到作为一名人民教师的辛苦和快乐,感 谢各位老师给我那么多的指导和帮助,学到比大学四年还要多的东西,感谢学生们能包容我这个不成熟的老师,和我说那么多心里话,不仅把我当成老师,更把我视为朋友。
首先,就学生们如何看待初中英语学习的目的来说,大部分的学生学习目的是明确的,他们认为学习英语不单是社会需求,而且是个人自我增值的基础。许多同学学习英语是因为出于自己喜好,有少部分的学生的学习目的只为了升学, 只有少部分的初中生没有考虑。 其次,就初中生英语学习态度来说,有一半以上那个的学生对英语学习的热情较高, 一些学生对学习的热情中等, 少部分的学生则害怕学习,这与他们学习基础差,学习有畏难情绪,以及厌学的思想有关。值得我们关注的是对英语学习兴趣较高的学生的`比例在近几年有所降低,越来越多学生不知道学英语学了有什么用,在生活中完全用不上。而一些学生都把学习不当一回事,常说是父母逼我来上学,学不学无所谓。学生害怕学习或讨厌某些课程的根本原因,一是与教师的教学方法紧密相关;二是与该课程的实用价值紧密相关。再次,就学习需求来说。只有不到一半的学生认为学习英语是个人发展的一种需要,有 一些学生认为学英语是社会的要求、是社会的普遍趋势,一些学生认为是学校的要求, 少部分学生则不清楚学英语是为了什么。从中我们可以看出,将近一半多的学生学习的出发点是具有明显的时代性,社会需要什么人才,学生就往哪发展。
教育英语实习报告 篇4
During the last few months before graduation, I am responsible for the work as an administrative assistant. In this process, I adopted the methods of seeing, asking and learning to understand the specific business knowledge about our company’s administrative work and expand my professional knowledge studied at school, which laid a solid foundation for my future career. From the view of individual development, the greatest impact on me should be the personal working style and the important effect of professional knowledge to the job, since they are something I haven’t learned in school, in the report, I'll introduce my congnition and experience of this aspect firstly accumulated during internship.
According to the characteristics of an assistant, we may adjust our attitudes to alleviate the pressure and face setbacks. As the popular saying goes, " When God is going to give someone important tasks, he must suffer a lot, be exhausted, hungry and empty, God will disturb him and help him to be brilliant. "Analyze problems calmly from the objective and subjective aspects, goals, environment and conditions to find out the causes, taking effective remedial measures. Develop a dialectical view of setbacks and keep confident and optimistic, recognizing that it’s setbacks and lessons that make us become clever and mature, and failure eventually creates success. Learn self-comfort and tolerance to be forthright, positive and hard working. Try to convert pressure into a kind of driving force and change the inner state of repression to get relaxed physically and mentally, striving for success. I have been familiar with copy, fax, document processing and other assistant works. Most documents have different degrees of confidentiality, and various assistants often close to the leader, see some important documents and participate in a number of important meetings, so the assistants should be notice own behaviors in public activities and act properly, konwing exactly what they can speak or not. Accuracy is the requirement of work quality. The accuracy of administrative management refers to reflecting the policy, informing the intention of the leader and doing the work correctly, acting properly and expressing clearly, which guarantee the accuracy of the leader’s work in some degree. The secretarial management accuracy involvs many aspects, briefly speaking, it includes accurate documenting, proper acting, ture information and cautious ideas. And in order to reach these standards, we must be seriouly and carefully instead of being neglectly and casually. For example, when doing documenting, we should ensure the quality of the file with accurate words, real material, serious copy and careful proofread to avoid any mistakes. Otherwise it will delay the work, or even lead to irreparable loss.
The process of internship is filled with joy of harvest and also regret. Perhaps it is because that the time is short and management is not my major, my understanding of administrative assistant work just stays at the surface, watching people do and
listening to them about how to do without self-experience, which results in grasping its essence hardly. But the internship has deepened my understanding of some basic konwledge of secretary, enriched my actual management knowledge, gotten certain perceptual and rational congnition on the daily management work. To do the daily business secretarial management work well, we should not only pay attention to the theoretic knowledge of management, but also combine the theory and practice closely.
I have found out my shortcomings through about one-month intership. I will try my best in the future work and study,learning from each other. I believe that I could be proficient and better in my future carrer !