

时间:2022-09-25 08:13:02 父亲节 我要投稿


hi, everybody. this sunday is father’s day, and so i wanted to take a moment to talk about the most important job many of us will ever have – and that’s being a dad. 大家好. 本周日即将是父亲节, 我想借此机会谈谈我们大家终将面临的最最重要的工作: 做一个父亲.


today we’re blessed to live in a world where technology allows us to connect instantly with just about anyone on the planet. but no matter how advanced we get, there will never be a substitute for the love and support and, most importantly, the presence of a parent in a child’s life. and in many ways, that’s uniquely true for fathers. 今天我们很有幸生活在一个能瞬间可和地球上的任何一个人联系的科技时代. 但无论科技如何发达, 都没有任何东西可以取代一个家长在孩子生活中的出现, 爱和支持. 在许多方面, 对父亲而言尤为如此.

i never really knew my own father. i was raised by a single mom and two wonderful grandparents who made incredible sacrifices for me. and there are single parents like my mom all across the country who do a heroic job raising terrific kids. but i still wish i had a dad who was not only around, but involved; another role model to teach me what my mom did her best – values like hard work and integrity; responsibility and delayed – all the things that give a child the foundation to envision a bright future for themselves.

我从来不真正地了解我自己的父亲. 我是由单亲妈妈和两个和蔼的祖父母带大, 他们为我做了不可想象的牺牲. 全国有很多的单亲父母做着同样伟大的带大孩子的工作. 但我仍然希望我能有一个父亲不仅在我周围, 而且参与我的生活; 作为另一个榜样来告诉我我的母亲尽了她全力所给了我的那些价值, 如努力工作, 品行端正, 责任, 不贪图享乐, 所有这些价值都给一个孩子去设想自己的美好未来的基础. that’s why i try every day to be for michelle and my girls what my father was not for my mother and me. and i’ve met plenty of other people, dads and uncles and men without a family connection – who are trying to break the cycle and give more of our young people a strong male role model. 因此我努力每天都和太太和两个女儿在一起, 这是我的父亲所没有做到的. 我也见过许多其他人, 父亲, 叔叔, 或没有家庭联系的男人, 他们都在试图去打破常规并给我们的年青人一个强大的男人的榜样.

being a good parent—whether you’re gay or straight, a foster parent or a grandparent—isn’t easy. it demands your constant attention, frequent sacrifice, and a of patience. and nobody’s perfect. to this day, i’m still figuring out how to be a better husband to my wife and father to my kids.



然而, 没有人是完美的. 直到今天, 我仍在找寻如何才能做一个妻子的好丈夫和孩子的好父亲的途径.

? 作为一个总统, 我想尽我所能去鼓励稳定的婚姻和强大的家庭. 我们应该改变我们

的孩子抚养的法律以让更多的男人工作并介入到孩子的生活中. 我的政府也将真诚地和其它社会组织,也包括企业,打赢更好地抚养孩子和传递父爱的战役。发动强大的如何抚育孩子


because if there’s one thing i’ve learned along the way, it’s that all our personal successes shine a little less brightly if we fail at family. that’s what matters most.


when i look back on my life i won’t be thinking about any particular legislation i passed or policy i promoted. i will thinking about michelle and the journey we’ve been on together.

当我回忆我的一生,我不会想到任何我通过的特定法案或是我力促的政策. 我将会想到的是和米歇尔和我们一起走过的岁月。

i’ll be thinking about sasha’s dance and malia’s tennis matches, about the conversations we’ve and the quiet moments we’ve shared. i’ll be thinking about whether i did right by them. and whether they knew every day just how much they were loved.

这就是我认为作为一个父亲应该关心的。如果我们可以尽我们的全力来安慰和鼓励我们的孩子,如果我们可以付出我们无条件的爱帮助他们成为应该成为的人,那么我们就成功了。祝福每一个父亲父亲节快乐, 并过一个美好的周末. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?篇二:奥巴马父亲节2017演讲稿

奥巴马每周演讲2017-06-15:celebrating fathers day weekend 演讲稿中英对照:

hi, everybody. this sunday is father’s day, and so i wanted to take a moment(升调) to talk about the most important job many of us will ever have – and that’s being a dad.

大家好。本周日是父亲节,所以我想花点时间谈谈我们很多人一生最重要的一项工作—当爹。 today we’re blessed to live in a world where technology allows us to connect instantly with just about anyone on the planet. but no matter how advanced we get, there will never be a substitute for the love and support and, most importantly, the presence of a parent in a child’s life. and in many ways, that’s uniquely true for fathers. 今天我们有福气生活在技术使我们能随时与地球上任何人交流的世界上。但是不管我们多么先进,在孩子的一生中,爱和支持,特别是父母的存在,是最重要的,无可替代的。而且在很多方面,对父亲们更是唯一的正确。i never really knew my own father. i was raised by a single mom and two wonderful grandparents who made incrediblesacrifices for me. and there are single parents like by mom all across the country who do a heroic job raising terrific kids. but i still wish i had a dad who was not only around, but involved; another role model to teach me what my mom did her best to instill – values like hard work and integrity; responsibility and delayed gratification – all the things that give a child the foundation to envision a brighter future for themselves. 我从来没有见过我的父亲。我是在单亲妈妈和慈祥的外祖母和外祖父的巨大付出中长大的。全国有很多单亲父、母承担抚养可怜的孩子们的伟大工作。但是我始终希望我有个父亲不仅在身边,而且还融入我的生活;成为我妈妈呕心沥血地教我做的身体力行的榜样—勤奋诚实的价值观的榜样;责任感和知足感的榜样—所有给孩子展望他们的更加光明的未来的基础的东西。


that’ s why i try every day to be for michelle and my girls what my father was not for my mother and me. and i’ve met plenty of other people – dads and uncles and

men without a family connection –who are trying to break the cycle and give more of our young people a strong male role model.


being a good parent – whether you’re gay or straight; a foster parent or a grandparent – isn’t easy. it demands your constant attention, frequent sacrifice, and a healthy dose of patience. and nobody’s perfect. to this day, i’m still figuring out how to be a better husband to my wife and father to my kids.



because if there’s one thing i’ve learned along the way, it’s that all our personal successes shine a little less brightly if we fail at family. that’s what matters most. when i look back on my life, i won’t be thinking about any particular legislation i passed or policy i promoted. i’ll be thinking about michelle, and the journey we’ve been on together. i’ll be thinking about sasha’s dance recitals and malia’s tennis matches –about the

conversations we’ve had and the quiet moments we’ve shared. i’ll be thinking about whether i did right by them, and whether they knew, every day, just how much they were loved.



happy father’s day to all the dads out there, and have a great weekend. 祝父亲们节日快乐,周末愉快。篇三:奥巴马的父亲节演讲词


hi, everybody. this sunday is father’s day. and so i wanted to take a moment to talk about the most important job many of us will ever have –and that’s being a dad . 大家好,本周日即将是父亲节,我想借此机会谈谈我们大家即将面临的最最重要的工作:做一个父亲。

today we’re blessed to live in a world where technology allows us to connect instantly with just about anyone on the planet. but on matter how advanced we get, there will never be a substitute for the love and support and, most importantly, the presence of a parent in a child’s life. and in many ways , that’s uniquely true for fathers. 今天我们很有幸生活在一个能瞬间可和地球上的任何一个人联系的科技时代。但无论科技如


i never really knew my own father. i was raised by a single mom and two wonderful grandparents who made incredible sacrifices for me. and there are single parents all across the country who do a heroic job raising terrific kids. but i still wish i had a dad who was not only around, but involved; another role model to teach me what my mom did hen best to instill-values like hard work and integrity; responsibility and delayed gratification- all the things that give a child the foundation to envision a brighter future for themselves.


that’s why i

try every day to be for michelle and my girls what my father was not for my mother and me. and i’ve met plenty of other people –dads and uncles and men without a family connection –who are trying to break the cycle and give more of our young people a strong male role model.


being a good parents isn’t easy. it demands you constant attention, frequent sacrifice, and a healthy dose of patience. and nobody’s perfect. to this day, i am still figuring out how to be a better husband to my wife and father to my kids. 要做一个好的父母不是容易的,它要求你不停的注意力、时常的牺牲、和健康的耐心。然而,没有人是完美的。直到今天,我仍在找寻如何才能做一个更好的丈夫和父亲的途径。


because if there is one thing i’ve learned along the way, it is that all our personal sucessess shine a little less brightly if we fail at family. that is what matters most. when i look back my life, i will not be thinking about any particular legislation i passed or policy i promoted. i will be thinking about michelle, and the journey we are been on together. i will be thinking about sasha’s dance recitals and malia’s tennis matches –about the conversation we have had and the quite moment’s we have shared. i will be thinking about whether i did right by them ,and whether they knew , every day ,just how much they were loved.




happy father’s day to all the dads out there, and have a great weekend 祝福每一个父亲父亲节快乐,并过一个美好的周末。

奥巴马父亲节演讲稿2017-05-15 10:32 | #2楼

hi, everybody. this father’s day weekend, i’d like tospend a couple minutes talking about what’s sometimes my hardest, but always mymost rewarding job – being a dad.


i grew up without my father around. he left when i was twoyears old, and even though my sister and i were lucky enough to have awonderful mother and caring grandparents to raise us, i felt his absence. and i wonder what my life would have been like had he been a greater presence.


that’s why i’ve tried so hard to be a good dad for my ownchildren. i haven’t always succeeded, of course – in the past, my job haskept me away from home more often than i liked, and the burden of raising twoyoung girls would sometimes fall too heavily on michelle.


but between my own experiences growing up, and my ongoingefforts to be the best father i can be, i’ve learned a few things about whatour children need most from their parents.


first, they need our time. and more important thanthe quantity of hours we spend with them is the quality of those hours. maybe it’s just asking about their day, or talking a walk together, but thesmallest moments can have the biggest impact.


they also need structure, including learning the values ofself-discipline and

responsibility. malia and sasha may live in the white housethese days, but michelle and i still make sure they finish their schoolwork, dotheir chores, and walk the dog.


and above all, children need our unconditional love –whether they succeed or make mistakes; when life is easy and when life istough.


and life is tough for a lot of americans today. moreand more kids grow up without a father figure. others miss a father who’saway serving his country in uniform. and even for those dads who arepresent in their children’s lives, the recession has taken a harsh toll. if you’re out of a job or struggling to pay the bills, doing whatever it takesto keep the kids healthy, happy and safe can understandably take precedenceover all else.


that’s why my administration has offered men who want to begood fathers a little extra support. we’ve boostedmunity andfaith-based groups focused on fatherhood,

partnered with businesses to offeropportunities for fathers to spend time with their kids at the bowling alley orballpark, and worked with military chaplains to help deployed dads connect withtheir children.


we’re doing this because we all have a stake in ingstronger bonds between fathers and their children. and you can find outmore about some of what we’re doing at http://www.oh100.com.


but we also know that every father has a personalresponsibility to do right by our kids as well. all of us can encourage ourchildren to turn off the video games and pick up a book. all of us canpack a healthy lunch for our son, or go outside and play ball with ourdaughter.

and all of us can teach our children the difference betweenright and wrong, and show them through our own example the value in treatingone another as we wish to be treated. 但是,众所周知每个父亲都有个人责任保证孩子正确行事。我们都有责任鼓励孩子关掉游戏机打开书本。我们都有责任给我们的儿子买健康的午餐,或者去户外和我们的女儿踢球。我们都能够告诉孩子什么是对错,并且以身作则告诉孩子―己所不欲,勿施于人‖的道理。 our kids are pretty smart. they understand that lifewon’t always be perfect, that sometimes, the road gets rough, that even greatparents don’t get everything right.


but more than anything, they just want us to be a part oftheir lives.


so recently, i took on a second job: assistant coach forsasha’s basketball team. on sundays, we’d get the team together topractice, and a couple of times, i’d help coach the games. it was a lotof fun – even if sasha rolled her eyes when her dad voiced his displeasure withthe refs.


but i was so proud watching her run up and down the court,seeing her learn and improve and gain confidence.

and i was hopeful that in the years toe, she’d look back onexperiences like these as the ones that helped define her as a person – and asa parent herself.


in the end, that’s what being a parent isall about – those precious moments with our children that fill us with prideand excitement for their future; the chances we have to set an example or offera piece of advice; the opportunities to just be there and show them that welove them.


that’s something worth remembering this father’s day, andevery day.

thanks, and happy father’s day to all the dads outthere. have a great weekend. 正是这些美好值得我们去记住父亲节以及每一天。










