

时间:2022-04-19 18:48:22 招聘与面试 我要投稿
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1、 你现在在哪所学校学习?读几年级?学习成绩如何?哪些功课比较好?你的语文、数学、英语、班主任老师叫什么名字?


what’s your current school? what’s your grade now? what about your scores in school? what is your strongest subject? what’s name is your counselor, mathematics teacher or english teacher?

2、 你喜欢什么活动?有什么兴趣爱好?

what's your hobby? what do you do in your spare time?

3、 你为什么要放弃现在中学的学习?

why do you give up your current study in china?

4、 你为什么要去美国读中学?是你自己要去的还是你父母亲要你去的?

why do you want to study in the united states? is it your parents’ idea or yourself?

5、 为什么选择去美国留学而不选择其他国家?

why do you choose an american school, not other countries’?

6、 你去美国哪所中学?你为什么选择这所学校?这所学校有什么吸引你的地方?你被几所学校录取了?哪几所学校?

which school will you study in the united states? why do you choose this school? which aspects attract you most? have you received other schools’ acceptance letters? what schools?

7、 你是怎么知道这所中学的?有没有参加过这所中学的考试和面试?(ssat考试、学校当面面试,电话面试)是谁面试的?什么时候面试的?

how do you know this school? have you ever taken any entrance tests of this school? who did the interview with you? what time?

8、 你参加过什么入学考试?考得怎么样?(ssat考试)

when/where did you join the ssat test? what score did you get in ssat test?

出国签证英语面试题2015-11-06 10:39 | #2楼

1) what will you study in the united states?

2) what is your major? in what aspect of your major will you study?

3) what will you do in usa?

4) are you going to study in usa?

5) when/where did you get your bs/ms(bachelor/master degree)?

6) what/where are you studying now?

7) how long will you study in usa?

8) have you any scholarship?

9) what do you want to study in usa?

10) what do you do with your work for bs/ms/phd?

11) what is your purpose for the visa?

12) what is your academic background?

13) how do you know this univ.(university)?

14) what is your plan? what will you do after graduation?

15) give me three reasons that you will come back to china?

16) can you explain why 90% chinese students didn't come back?

17) why do you choose this univ.?

18) why do you like your major?

19) why do you want to study in usa?

20) why do you want to pursue a doctor's degree?

21) why do you receive financial aid from this univ.?

22) what is the difficult class do you have?

23) do you want your wife to go with you?

24) why do you change your major?

25) what's the difference between your major now and the major in usa?

26) how many universities have you applied? how many of them admitted you? how many of them give you financial aids? ...

27) please explain why you chose **** university in academic standard level in details.

28)please give me five reasons why you select this university!

29)where do/will you live ? where is your hukou(户口,用中文)?










