

时间:2022-04-19 13:45:07 招聘与面试 我要投稿
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Conflict may appear when twopeople do not agree with each other. And for some things, we can not tell whois right or wrong. So when the conflict appears, I will consider other’s viewfirst and then to find a point of view which can be accepted by each other. Butbasically I will change into another subject to avoid the conflict.


Previous Employment

11、What is the hardest thing you ever did in your current job?


If I like the job, I do not think there will be any difficulties in the job. On the contrast, If I think this job is difficult, the main reason for that is that I am not interested in it. If I do not like this job, even though the job is easy, I will also feel difficult too. Just like before, I was a salesman of health care product. Some people think that it is difficult to sell a product. But I do not think so. I would like to make people know something about the product by my introduction.And I will be proud if the people buy them because of my persuading. And I alsolike to increase my power of persuading in many different ways so that I canfeel my self-esteem.

12、Do you consider yourself a loyal employee?


If I really love the career Ichoose, I will be one of the most loyal employees in the enterprise. I will putall my energy in to the work and devote my life to the company.

13、What did you like about your last job? Or What have you learned from previous jobs? 



I was a salesman in the past.It was my first job which makes me know that the role I play in the society.And it also teach me how to become a service-oriented staff in the world. Ideeply appreciate the purpose of the service sector: Customer is God. 

14、What did you dislike about your last job?

没有发展空间,我不能一辈子只做推销员,我有我自己的人生理想,我要去实现我的人生价值。I do not think the salesmanwill have a bright future. I have ideals. I am going to fulfill my valueof life

15、What was your favorite job? Whydo you want to be a flight attendant? What part of being a flight attendantinterests you most? What is the bestpart of being a flight attendant?


Stewardess is one of my favorite jobs. This job can take me todifferent parts of the world to experience the local culture, to see new thingsthat I have never known, to meet different kinds of people in different careersand so on. As we known, the life is limited, so we need to expose ourselves tothe new things to feel wonderful of life.

16、What was your least favorite job?


I do not like the work ofscientific research. In my opinion, this kind of job is boring. Compared withscientific research, I prefer to communicate with people. Just like the oldsaying, traveling is better than reading ten thousand books. Journey is not asgood as reading countless people.

17、How long will you stay with ourairline? What kind of contributions willyou make to our airline?


First of all I have to say I love this profession, so I would liketo devote all to this career till I can not contribute anything to this job. Iwill manage to fulfill my duties without any complain.

18、What would your coworkers sayabout you?你的同事是怎么谈论你的?


My friends said I am reliable, because I will fulfill all thepromises that I made. I will not make a promise if I can not do that. Myfriends also think I am an easy-going person. Because I like to consider theproblems on the other’s point of view, I can make friens with different kind ofpeople.

19、What would your previous supervisors say about you?


He said I am a positive personwith strong sense of responsibility. I can over fulfill the task, so he alsothink I am a good employee who has ability.

20、What were the people like at your lastcompany?


Everyone there is friendly.They would greet me with smile every morning. They will never isolate anyoneand there is no cheating between them. I like to work with them I feel happy towork under this situation. When I feel sad, my colleague there will encourageme to make me feel that I am not lonely. I get along with them well. We arelike a family.

21、What did you dislike about your last employer?


I like my last boss. He isenthusiastic with strong ability of organization. He is an easygoing personwith good economic mind and treats every staff. Well. All the people will likehim if they know about him. .

22、If you could change one thing about your last employer, what wouldit be?


I do not think he needs tochange anything. He is very nice..If I have to choose one, I hope that he canbecome thin, though he looks cute now.

23、Were you satisfied with your performance at your last job?


Yes, I am satisfied with my performance. I managed to do the things that I should do and treated every people around me sincerely. I have done my best to help my colleagues and have never done something regretful.

24、Was your previous employer satisfied with your performance?


I think he is satisfied with me. Because I always have a good attitude toward the job and fulfill the task he arranged to me in advance, and do my best to bring benefits to the company.

25、Have you ever been fired?


Never. Salesman is my first job. I resigned two months ago.

26、Have you ever been asked to resign from another job?


I did not have such experience until now. But I believe I can find a better job because of my ability.

27、What do you think will be the biggestchallenge of being a flight attendant?


The biggest challenge for beinga flight attendant is that they need to be willing to serve for others and liketo devote. A flight attendant must provide the best service for the passengersand improve the image of his or her company .So he or she can bring morebenefits to the enterprise.

28、How many sick days did you take last year?去年你请了多少病假


My healthy condition is good. I am healthy. I have never asked for leave because of sickness last year.

29、Have you ever been tempted to break a workrule or policy? What did you do?


Since I am an employee of thecompany, I will accept all the systems specified by the enterprise.. So I willnot be encouraged break the systems. If I found someone others break thesystems, I will stop, them doing this. I will do my best to maintain the interestof the company.










