
时间:2023-04-17 17:51:51 关于英语的作文 我要投稿
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运动会英语作文 篇1

  A Sports Meeting校运会

  Last Thursday and Friday, our school held the 40th sports meeting.It is one of the biggest activities each year in my school. All the students badly expect to it.All games in the sports meeting werevery exciting and running was the most intense.Class 4 Grade 3 did the best in the sports.They got the highest scores.My class won the third but it was the best in the six classes of my grade.Liang Wen and Qiu Lu are my classmates. They both won first in the running competition and high jump competition.There were other classmates got scores in other games.Although they didn't won the first, they tried their best.Friendship first, competition second.Winning was not our only purpose.The most important was that we were happy in this activity.

运动会英语作文 篇2


  Today, I'm finally looking forward to the election games. I've learned the lessons of last year.


  Last year, I reported 400 meters and finished fifth in the race. I was not selected as a contestant. I could only watch others' competition. How sad that was! However, I found that my 60m is not bad. This year, I reported 60m. In addition, I also reported a long jump. Because Taekwondo coaches often let us practice long jump. I can dance well, too. I hope I can be selected to win honor for the class.

运动会英语作文 篇3

  In this crisp autumn season, we welcome the school sports meet. On the day of the sports meeting, we rehearsed several times in the hallway in front of the classroom, and then the teacher came to the lively playground with our neat steps.

  We were just standing on the playground when the opening ceremony began. Look, the spirit of the red flag, they hold up the red flag, like a torch burning; After that, the military band played the music of "love me China", and walked over with the orderly drumming. The "sea" of a golden sunflowers also walked past the rostrum; The waist drum also walked quickly through the rostrum with cheerful drumming. The table tennis team waved a ping-pong bat and waved to the rostrum as they walked past the rostrum. Then there were the class teams: some of the classes carried long banners with the slogan of the class. Some students hold small red flags; Some of the class held hands; Our class is the most imposing, eight students held eight words to make up "exercise body, vigorous and vigorous", when zhiyang led the whole class to shout loudly slogans through the rostrum.

  I wish the games a complete success.

运动会英语作文 篇4

  In October, the light of the sun, a brilliant in October, a bright October harvest auspicious October.

  Signature --

  Along with wind chill, we have annual fall sports. The sun is shining in the opening day. See, the pace of neat, Listen, colorfully applause. In the blue sky, white clouds appear particularly noticeable.

  Soon, the game is formally began.

  Although many games, but the man's 800 meters. The little hero classmates in my class also attended.

  Just listen to "bang -" a game, he heads held high, swinging arm is so rich rhythm, pace is elastic, don't worry not rashness, seemed to be waiting for the best chance. Transcend Obviously, others when they should not fiddle, followed, behind a few athletes, though all sweating like cattle, asthma, can still grit. Is the second lap, the little hero still jingshendousou speed, not only does not slow, but more and more quickly. Several players behind the red eyes, is to produce a pair of wings, play catch. With the end of the cheerleading of Shouting, more and more is also high, provided a cover over a, only the last 30 meters, the unexpected happened, only one a sports quickened the pace, turn over a had generally, and more than a... With the little hero, only keep more than 10 meters of the final competition, who on earth - who? At this moment, the cheerleading of mouth as if they were tape sealing the general, Shouting. The students are in my mouth, referees are also DengYuan eyes. Finally, the little hero out of a second.

  The 800 metres runway, 800, 800 meters, which is not only the strength and didn't show, but perseverance, work is not only the medal, is also a kind of honor.

运动会英语作文 篇5

  The sun is like fire, the earth like a steamer, hot people breathe. At the same time, the summer camp will also hold the Games, I thought: really gas, do not open late to open, but now to open now, so hot weather, not even if the heat is good, how could play normal?


运动会英语作文 篇6

  Today's weather is sunny, cloudless blue sky. In the afternoon we will hold the opening ceremony of the annual spring games.

  The opening ceremony began in the afternoon. The first step was the four sister of the flag bearer who took the bright five star red flag and walked into the meeting with a strong pace. Followed by each team, a team, bunting team, garland flower drum team. Then from the beginning of the first grade class, the class of the team in order to walk into the room. We are also anxious to wait for the game.

  Finally it's our turn. "Two years and four classes, fighting bravely, working together, fighting for the first." With a loud slogan, we walked through the platform with a neat step.

  We also see some wonderful performances, a drum, Lara gymnastics, Tai chi.

  Each team in order to leave the venue after the opening ceremony. Tomorrow, our athletes will be here to fight first, and we will shout and cheer for them.









运动会 英语06-20

