
时间:2024-05-18 18:00:07 禧雯 关于英语的作文 我要投稿
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  八年级下册英语七单元作文 1

  It was fine last Sunday,Linda went to the park by bike.There were many people in the park.Some were singing,others were swimming in the lake.When she got to the park,sheput her bike under the trees,then she went to see some people swiming in the lake.Whenshe went back to ride her bike.She found that her bike wasnt there.She looked for her bike here and there,but she didnt find it.A thief stole her bike and took her bike away,she didnt know what to do,she cried,at last,she called the police.


  八年级下册英语七单元作文 2

  My Family Everybody both has a happy family.How about my family? Well,there are four people in my family.They are my father,my mother,my sister and me.My father is as tall as me.And we are both taller than my mother and sister.Although my mother and sister are both shorter than us,they are very hard-working.My father is older than my mother,my sister and me.He is forty- five years old and my mother is thirty - nine years old this year.What about your family? Do you have a family the same happy as mine?


  八年级下册英语七单元作文 3

  We can easily recognize the significance of attitude in terms of happiness.On the one hand,some have suffered a great deal but generally remain happy.Take the victims of Wen Chuan earthquake as an example,they lost their families and even something more precious,but they eventually stepped out of the pain to rebuild their home.On the other hand,people who have a relatively easy and comfortable life,and yet are essentially unhappy.Without a positive attitude or the determination to find the little happiness of life,you are destined to be grievous,no matter what kind of situation you are in.


  Considering all the points discussed above,it is advisable that we highly value optimism and apply it in our studies and work.We are,therefore,supposed to take a rational attitude.Happiness is an attitude,not a condition,which lies in the unswerving efforts to complete one’s life.


  八年级下册英语七单元作文 4

  Help my mom with the the housework Last Sunday,I helped my mom do the housework.First my mom asked me to take out the trash.At the same time,my mom cleaned the living room.Then I made my bed.And my mom cleaned the bedroom.Finally,the room got very tidy and cleam.But we all got very angry,mom cooked a delicious meal for me !What a fantastic day it was ! My birsthdays plan Next month.I will be 14 years old.On my birthday,I will stay with my family.We will have a lot of things to do.We are going to watch films,play in a park and have dinner in a restaurant.My parents will buy me a new shirt and I am going to wear it on that day.There will be a new film.My birthday is on Sunday.Many people will go to parks on that day.So,it is going to be fun.But my grandfather will not come,because he will be busy on the day.Anyway,I hope my birthday will come soon.It is going to be a nice day.


  八年级下册英语七单元作文 5

  As one famous professor stated,“One can onlyappreciate the beauty of ancient Chinese literaturethroughthe complex Chinese characters.” What theprofessor wants to convey is that complex Chinesecharacters are manifestation of traditional Chineseaesthetics.However,since the foundation of thePRC,China began to adopt simplified Chinesecharacters,so that illiteracy can be more easily eliminated.


  Undoubtedly,the introduction of simplified Chinese characters contributes to China’smodernization.Sowhen a member of the national committee of CPPCC proposed that weshould return to Complex Chinese Characters,ongoing debates ensued with vehemence.Personally,it is impractical to return to Complex Chinese Characters,but individuals canvoluntarily make efforts to know Complex Chinese Characters.


  Firstly,since the simplified characters have played an indispensable role in people’s lives,wewill have to pay the price if we return to Complex Chinese Characters.To be specific,education administration has to bear the burden of changing textbooks; the corporateworld will have to change their advertisements,contracts and other documents; thegovernment has to change their seals,documents,agreements and treaties with foreignnations.Of course there are other costs resulting from the return to Complex ChineseCharacters.But the question lies in who are willing to bear the costs.In some impoverishedareas,many families can not afford to receive education; when the global economy is reducedto a slow-down,the corporate world is making efforts to cut costs.Therefore,I perceivethe policy of returning to Complex Chinese Characters will trigger oppositions from the public.


  Secondly,considering the amount of complex Chinese characters,can all the Chinese learnto recognize them overnight? While students have the time to learn Complex ChineseCharacters,what about people in other domains? The corporate world can not afford tointerrupt their business,government officials and civil servants can not be distracted fromrunning our country,doctors and nurses have to be at work in case that emergency arises,to list three typical domains that will be affected by the policy.


  Admittedly,returning to Complex Chinese Characters will help preserve traditional Chineseculture.WhenChina becomes more involved in the world,western cultures,especiallyAmerican culture,have influenced Chinese people at an unprecedented level.Many youngpeople look to learning foreign culture as fashionable.However,the obvious benefits cannot make us embrace the policy with open arms,for we should also bear in mind whether thepolicy is feasible.


  八年级下册英语七单元作文 6

  Ambition is the decision one makes and the resolution with which he carries out that decision.It provides us with the required driving force to accomplish any undertakings in our life.Just as Joseph Epstein,a famous American writer put it,“And as we decide and choose,so are our lives formed.” Indeed,once we make up our minds to choose to do something,then our life becomes meaningful and specifically orientated.This notion of life,as far as I observe,is closest to truth and does apply to almost all aspects of life.First things first,ambition renders us a sense of mission.


  No matter what decision you make you have to be responsible for your choice.Your choice procures you a sense of orientation,or more specially a sense of mission.And only a strong mission may enable one to accomplish greatness.Caesar of the ancient Roman Empire was urged by his ambition “I came,I saw,I conquered.” And became an unrivaled empire builder in the history of Rome.John Milton,stimulated always by his ambition that aimed at writing some “mighty lines” which England would unwillingly forget,had in due time secured his position as the second Shakespeare in the history of English literature.In the second place,ambition can bring one’s potentials to the full.Ambition may well serve as a catalyst activating one’s dormant potentials.Without ambition one’s potentials will remain slumbering like a dormant volcano.


  A case in point is Ms Zhang Haidi,a Chinese Helen Keller.It was her ambition to be a useful person has turned the almost paralyzed Zhang Haidi into a well-accomplished figure whose achievements would dwarf those of some normal people aim at the sun,though,at worst,they may probably land on the moon.Influential as it is upon us,however,ambition must be channeled in the right direction.If wrongly directed,one’s ambition may bring havoc on him and others.Hitler,whose ambition was to conquer Europe by whatever evil means,finally turned him into a demon.It was this demon that almost cast Europe into an unfathomable abyss of anguish and suffering.


  Another case is Macbeth whose ambition was to become the king of Scotland.However,his ambition was materialized by the murder of King Duncan.Consequently,unbearable guilt and psychological agony drove him to his tragic doom.To sum up,ambition can benefit us tremendously if wisely and correctly channeled,otherwise it may ruin others and ourselves.A poet says: life can be bad; life can be good; life can be dirty; life can be sad,; life can even be painful.In my mind’s eye,a person can make his life beautiful,meaningful and rewarding and stand out as a respectable personage if he is motivated by a well-orientated ambition.


  八年级下册英语七单元作文 7

  Learn English in an English-speaking Country.


  As economic globalization accelerates,language plays a vital role in cross-boundary communication.An international language like English is inevitably popular among language learners all over the world.And there is a widespread concern whether or not to go abroad for ones English study.To me the answer is undoubtedly a yes,since it provides a chance not only to learn the language,but also to understand the culture.


  First of all,going to an English-speaking country is a better way to create an ideal language-learning environment.As it is said,when in Rome,do as Romans do.Thus it can be inferred that a better way to learn how Romans behave is to go to Rome and observe their way of life.It is also true with English study.In an English-speaking country,one is likely to be exposed to more chances to communicate with native speakers rather than being confined to book knowledge only.On his stay in London,a student will have a taste of royal English himself,thus it is easier for him to improve his pronunciation and intonation through imitation.Surrounded by native speakers,a language learner will also find it very helpful in improving other skills like speaking,reading and writing.


  Moreover,a student going abroad not only enhances their language proficiency but also comes into direct interplay with a new culture,which is an integral part of language study.Some linguists maintain that one cannot fully grasp a language unless he knows about the culture profoundly,for language is only a medium to conduct communication.Thus living with English-speaking people,one can obtain a vivid first-hand understanding of some idioms,slang and the cultural background And this personal experience will be very difficult to achieve-whatever abundant study resources can be accessed to domestically.By chatting with native speakers in daily life,students can gain an insight in the culture.


  Judging from all the analysis above,we may safely come to such a conclusion that going to an English-speaking country is advantageous for English learners.A study experience abroad is such a practice to double the achievements with half the efforts.Fully utilizing the chance to get a deeper involvement in the exotic culture,students may become real masters of English.


  八年级下册英语七单元作文 8

  Miss Liao is my Chinese teacher.She is about thirty years old.She is very pretty and young.Her hair is brown and curly.


  Miss Li always wears a blue coat.I think her favourite colour will be blue.


  Miss Liao is very friendly and kindly.Her classes are very interesting,we all like to have Chinese class.


  She always smiles when she speak to us.Sometimes she is very strict with us,when we make a mistake,she often makes us stand up.


  八年级下册英语七单元作文 9


  We need to protect our small animals, some of them are almost extinct.


  Giant pandas are very cute, but there are only 1000 of them now. The reason is that some people hunt and kill them, and there are only over 300 wild ones. There are only over 700 artificial ones. So we need to protect giant pandas from becoming extinct.


  The red crowned crane is very beautiful, but now there are only 700 of them. The reason is that some people destroy forests and make them homeless. People also hunt and kill them. So there are only over 200 wild red crowned cranes and over 500 artificially raised red crowned cranes. So we need to protect the red crowned crane even more.


  Flat chested turtles are very likable turtles, but they only have over 400 now. The reason is that some people have destroyed streams, greatly reducing their living areas. Currently, there are only over 500 places for them to live. There are also birds in the sky eating them, such as eagles and so on. Although this is not our human cause, we need to protect them.


  The withered leaf butterfly is a type of butterfly that resembles withered leaves in appearance. At present, there are only over 1200 of them, although they are more than giant pandas, they are easily killed in peoples nets. The loss is faster than that of giant pandas. So we should protect it more.


  Dear friends and classmates, lets join hands to protect wildlife, make them no longer homeless, and make them no longer extinct!

  八年级下册英语七单元作文 10


  My family used to have a cute little white rabbit. It was my good friend and I would look at it every day after school. Its eyes were like rubies, and its three petal mouth was very cute. Her body was fluffy, like a little ball of fluff, with a short tail sticking to her buttocks and long ears. It is very likable.


  The little white rabbit likes to eat vegetable leaves very much. Whenever it eats vegetable leaves, its three lips move back and forth, making it very cute.


  However, during the Spring Festival, my mother thought that his urine and urine were dirty. In addition, because he was going back to his hometown and no one took care of him, she gave it to a friend. At first, I was very sad because I refused to take care of it. But when I thought about it, if someone took care of him, I would only agree.


  Last week, my mother told me unfortunate news that the cute little white rabbit had been killed because the person thought the rabbit meat was very nourishing, clear, and delicious, so they killed it and stewed it. I am very sad, and I also deeply regret agreeing to give it to my mother.


  Small animals are also good friends of humans. My little white rabbit has brought me a lot of joy and fun, but why did humans kill it because of greed? The little white rabbit is my good friend. He has been with me for two years and has brought me a lot of happiness. We live at the same home every day, and we live together day and night. We are very good friends.


  Human beings, how can you bear to harm your good friends who live with you day and night? For the sake of profit, you have risked everything to harm your friends around you. Now, they have lost trust in us, no longer treating us as good friends, but as enemies and objects of fear.


  Human beings, I hope you protect small animals, care for our "good friends" around us, and not let them be harmed. Many animals have already become extinct on this earth. In order to make up for your mistakes, from now on, start from yourself, love small animals, and protect them!

  八年级下册英语七单元作文 11


  One day, with a mix of wind and rain, the trees were swaying in the wind. Unexpectedly, a little bird was blown to my balcony by the wind. When I saw that the bird was injured, I quickly carried it back into the house. I arranged a warm little nest for him with cotton, and gave him some food to eat every day. I have to take a look at it every day after school. I looked at the little birds injury and saw if it had healed, but something unexpected happened. A big flower cat ran in from outside the window and I saw it. I thought to myself, "The big flower cat is going to do something bad, how can we not do it?" I became anxious. So I quickly shouted to the big flower cat, "Big flower cat, go out quickly and dont harm the little bird." The big flower cat approached the little bird step by step like a deaf person. Suddenly, I saw our toy little dog, and I had a sudden idea and thought, "Arent cats very afraid of dogs?" So I yelled at the big flower cat, "Woo woof woof... The big flower cat meowed twice and then ran away. The little bird recovered day by day, and when I saw its injury healed, I let it go. By the way, I even protected frogs, dont believe me? Ill tell you one by one.


  That day was Sunday, and my dad and mom took me to play on Jinding Mountain. As soon as I entered the door, I was captivated by the scenery there. It was so beautiful, with birds singing and flowers fragrant. Halfway up the mountain, I saw a waterfall. I told my mom I wanted to play here for a while, but she agreed. As soon as I arrived, I saw many little tadpoles, so I caught three of them and brought them home. With my careful feeding, the tadpoles lasted for a day, two days, a month The little tadpole finally turned into a little frog. I happily said to my mother, "My little tadpole has turned into a little frog. Can you put the little frog back in the field?" My mother agreed. On Sunday, my mother took me back to the field in my hometown, and I let go of the little frog. The little frog croaked twice, then bounced away.


  Are you also very interested in protecting small animals! So you also take action!

  八年级下册英语七单元作文 12


  In the morning, my mother opened the window and suddenly there was a loud bang, as if something had smashed in. My brother and I quickly ran over to see that a little bird had flown into our house. My brother and I exclaimed happily, "Great, great. Weve always wanted to raise a little bird, and now theres finally a bird flying by itself." As we spoke, my brother ran over to catch the bird, and I followed closely behind him.


  Just as my brother was about to catch it, I seemed to see the bird pleading with us in the corner. Looking at its trembling little body, I felt a bit reluctant to grab it. At this moment, my mother quickly called out to us and said, "Dont move, the little bird is already frightened. Dont go and catch it." Hearing my mothers shout, my brother stopped his hands and my mother walked over and touched our heads, saying, "Everyone has their own home, and the little bird is no exception. It doesnt belong to us. If we let it live in our house, its parents will worry. If the little bird cant see its parents, it will also be sad. Lets let it go home." After hearing my mothers words, my brother and I nodded, and my mother walked over and gently held the little bird in her palm. Slowly, she came to the window, opened her hands, and only heard "Ji". With a sound, the bird flew out of the window and slowly disappeared into the air.


  Looking at the blue sky, I seem to see the little bird return to the forest, to the embrace of its parents. I think: no matter how big the birds nest we give it, it wont be as warm as its home. Just like us, no matter how wonderful the outside world is, what we most want to return to is our own warm home. Home is not a place where one can only eat and sleep, it is a destination, a harbor where the heart rests.

  八年级下册英语七单元作文 13


  Today, my mother took me to the Xiamen Science and Technology Museum to see the "Insect" exhibition in the martial arts world, which is a newly opened exhibition hall. I heard that there are many insects inside, which are not common in our lives, so I came here with a hopeful mood.


  As soon as I walked into the science and technology museum, a bunch of various insects looked at me as if saying, "Hello, kid." I thought to myself, these animals are really rare, no wonder this exhibition hall is called "Insects" in the world.


  Firstly, we went to see the Anle lizard, which is known as the Cuban Knight. The reason it got this name is because it is the largest insect among lizards, and because its teeth are sharp like a short sword, its biting power is also the strongest. Next, lets take a look at the Nelson milk snake. It has a long body, about one centimeter long and one centimeter wide, and its parts are all orange white, making it very cute. Although it is a snake, it is actually very timid. Even when other insects attack it, it only sprays a kind of acid to resist, so I want to give it a nickname called "Cowardly Ghost". It is said that with age, this "cowardly Ghost" is willing to eat small mammals such as lizards and mice.


  The most memorable thing for me is the cute marmot. Its two exposed teeth are very cute, with delicate and delicate claws, gray white and gray fur, and a clever little head. How can one not like it? I threw the vegetables down and two groundhogs came over to grab them, as if both were saying, "This is mine, this is mine." As I watched, I couldnt help but think of a slogan: "Protecting animals is everyones responsibility." The reason why these animals are so rare, I think, is because we humans have seriously affected their lives, making them fewer and fewer. So let me protect these animals together.

  八年级下册英语七单元作文 14


  It was a cold and strong wind early this morning, but my mother and I still went out to buy groceries. In the meat stalls of the market, I saw many people gathered together to pick and bargain. The meat seller reached out and weighed a piece of meat, then put it into a plastic bag. I asked my mother: What are they buying? Mom said: They are buying cat and dog meat. How come so many people are buying it? Because people believe that the cold winter is a good time to eat cat and dog meat. Cat and dog meat can nourish blood, warm the stomach and dispel cold, and also improve human immunity. Mom replied. Upon hearing these words, I angrily and sadly asked, "Oh!"! Are cats and dogs not our most loyal friends as humans? Dogs can watch the door for us, cats can catch mice. Yeah! But nowadays, people have a weak awareness of the law. As long as it benefits them, regardless of whether it is good or bad, they accidentally violate the law. The Animal Protection Law introduced by our country has clearly stipulated that cat and dog meat cannot be consumed.


  When I got home, I searched online for what my mother said about the Animal Protection Law and found that it does indeed have this regulation.


  According to the Animal Protection Law, individuals who illegally consume dogs, cats, or sell dog or cat meat will be fined up to 5000 yuan and detained for up to 15 days, and ordered to make corrections; Impose a fine of no less than 10000 yuan and no more than 500000 yuan on the unit or organization. In terms of regulatory responsibilities, public relations agencies are responsible for unified supervision and management, public security agencies must establish a unified reporting hotline, and other departments are responsible for division of labor.


  Here, I hope the government can increase publicity and law enforcement efforts, effectively prohibit peoples indiscriminate hunting and killing of animals, and protect animals. What would happen if there were no animals in this world! People, please speak up and stay in Germany! If there is no buying or selling in the market, then there is no killing. Stop killing animals!

  八年级下册英语七单元作文 15


  We have a little dog at home, and I named it "Pipi". "Pipi" not only helps me take care of my house, but also adds a lot of fun to my life. It has become my inseparable good friend.


  On Sunday, I took Pipi out for a walk and saw several stray dogs eating garbage next to the garbage bin on the roadside. They were dirty and skinny, very pitiful. And my "Pipi" has food and drink every day, its hair is combed clean, and I often give it a bath. How happy it is! Why are their destinies different when they are both small animals and good friends of humans? I suddenly had the urge to call on people to protect small animals and create an "Animal Protection Day": every year on this day, let small animals celebrate their own holiday. Let "protecting animals" become a conscious action of people.


  When I got home, I told my sister about this idea. She was very happy to hear it and clapped her hands in agreement. So we started discussing which day would be the most suitable for animal protection. After thinking for a long time, we have decided to designate June 1st as "Animal Protection Day" every year. Let us children spend the holiday with small animals, allowing them to enjoy the treatment of our children, and making them happy and joyful every day.


  This holiday has been created, and I feel so happy in my heart, as if I have completed a great task.


  In the evening, I had a dream: on Animal Protection Day, small animals put on their festive costumes and ate the delicious food carefully prepared by people for them. Wandering dogs and cats live a happy life in animal shelters under the careful care of their caretakers


  I hope my dream can come true. Classmates, animals are good friends of humans. We must refuse to eat dog and cat meat, and protect small animals. Lets call for the creation of an "Animal Protection Day" together.

  八年级下册英语七单元作文 16


  Recently, I have noticed that many people catch or sell frogs, causing many frogs to die. This incident has caused me great sadness.


  Frogs are the most outstanding "guardians of farmland" in the animal world. Frogs mainly feed on agricultural pests. Through observation, it is known that whether it is a flying moth, a jumping locust, a rice bud insect hiding in a leaf roll, a cotton bollworm burrowing into a cotton peach, or a mole cricket hiding in an underground cave, as soon as they come out to move, frogs will immediately catch them. Frogs are skilled at catching pests. They rely entirely on their long and wide tongue, with the base of the tongue growing in front of the mouth and the tip of the tongue pointing back and forked. There is a lot of mucus on it. As long as the small flying insect flies by, it jumps up suddenly, opens its big mouth, and quickly extends its long tongue to eat the pest in one go. Frogs are the heroes of protecting farmland, and we must all cherish them. The body of frogs also contains peptides, various vitamins, various biological hormones, enzymes, and moisturizing factors. According to statistics, a frog eats over 60 pests every day. From spring to autumn, in the 6-7 months, a frog can eliminate more than 10000 pests. What a great contribution!


  If there were no frogs, the natural enemies of locusts, in the world, locusts would reproduce recklessly. At that time, billions of locusts would fall into rice fields like rain, devouring and gnawing heavily, causing the rice yield to decrease day by day. A frog preys on approximately 70 insects in a day and night, or 2000 insects in a month, based solely on two full meals in the morning and evening. Even the ancients praised frogs.


  In spring, frogs lay eggs on aquatic plants, and their eggs slowly turn into tadpoles. Tadpoles are black, with a round body and a long tail. They grow day by day, first with hind legs, then with front legs. The tail gradually shortens and degenerates, eventually becoming a frog.


  Protect our "farmland guardians" - frogs!

  八年级下册英语七单元作文 17


  The polar killer is a powerful and formidable warrior - the polar bear.


  Polar bears have snow-white fur and small and delicate ears, but they are very sensitive. Its legs, as thick as jade pillars, are very sturdy. Its thick soles can prevent cold seawater, and its big nose can smell odors one kilometer away. Its limbs are well-developed and it can run 56 kilometers per hour.


  In winter, the sea surface is covered with two meters of floating ice. Polar bears use their strong forelimbs to dig holes in the ice. Seals need to go into the water to catch fish, but they need to breathe air, so this hole attracts seals. When seals come, they are like throwing themselves into a trap. Before the seal could react, the polar bear slapped the seals spine with 37 kilograms of force, rendering it immobile. The polar bear used its strong biting force to kill the seal. So, the little polar bear also ran over and enjoyed this delicious meal with his mother.


  In summer, the sun mercilessly scorches the North Pole, melting the floating ice that the polar bear hunts. The polar bear can only stand idly by and watch as the delicious seal escapes, causing the floating ice to shatter. Dont watch chubby seals move clumsily and sluggishly on land, but are agile and agile in water. So polar bears can only go hungry and trying to catch seals in the water is a pipe dream. Polar bears are forced to land and can only catch fish to fill their stomachs. Polar bears are purely carnivorous animals, unlike brown bears and grizzly bears, which are omnivorous and can eat both grass and meat. Polar bears catch fish on land and can also climb dangerous cliffs to eat some seabird eggs. So, the poor polar bear became a skinny bear.


  Polar bears are on the brink of extinction, so take action! Protect the polar bear, protect its home, and protect every living creature on Earth!

  八年级下册英语七单元作文 18


  In life, everyone knows that "protecting animals is everyones responsibility"! But there are very few people who truly protect animals. I also harm animals.


  A few days ago, there was a vendor selling turtle and black sea turtle eggs at the school gate. Out of curiosity, I also bought a black turtle egg to play with. The oval shaped turtle eggs are very smooth and feel very interesting. I happily played with this little turtle egg all the way, and my pace quickened a lot. When I got home and was about to load turtle eggs into the sand, my hand slipped and the eggs fell to the ground like stones. But turtle eggs are ultimately turtle eggs, and turtle eggs are not stones. With a loud bang, the turtle egg had already been smashed. Looking at the ground full of armor piercing fish eggs, I had no sympathy or shame for my actions, only feeling regretful for that one dollar. I couldnt help but blame Turtle Egg: "Good Turtle Egg, I spent a dollar in vain on nothing good, but I want something as small as you..."


  Today, I suddenly received a notice from my teacher asking me to write a short article about wildlife conservation. Suddenly recalling what happened a few days ago, my heart was filled with regret. Yes, animals are our friends. We should protect them. Its not turtle eggs fault, its my fault. If I didnt buy it from a vendor, how could I be "shattered to pieces"? If the vendor didnt bring turtle eggs from the beach for sale, how could turtle eggs leave their parents? If not... too much if cannot make up for the harm I have caused to the turtle.


  Everyone has a responsibility to protect animals. Starting from today, lets protect animals together. Let them grow freely and happily!

  八年级下册英语七单元作文 19


  Since ancient times, there have been many types of animals in the world, but there are also many extinct animals. According to biologists, there have been at least hundreds of animals that have been killed by humans and become extinct over thousands of years. In this way, there are fewer and fewer animals in the world. If we cannot save them in time, then the only animals left in the world in the future may be humans.


  The history of nature is long and rich, and the wild animals it possesses are one of the most precious treasures left to humanity. How to appease wild animals that are threatened by their lives is the most basic concept we have in protecting animals. For animals, indiscriminate killing is the most terrifying behavior. However, the great enemy they face, a poacher, hunts and kills them recklessly to satisfy their appetite or material desires. According to expert estimates, 20000 East African leopards have been arrested in the past five years; For every leopard fur coat made, twelve leopards must be killed, and these leopard fur coats have always been in short supply.


  In the zoo, we often see children feeding animals with "Dim sum", even plastic bags. In this way, even if there are many animals, they will be tormented and die by such actions! Therefore, regularly instilling some feeding knowledge in children is also an effective way to care for animals.


  In short, we must actively protect animals now to prevent further extinction. Imagine: how regretful it would be if our children and grandchildren could not witness the precious gifts of nature! So the policy of protecting animals must be thoroughly implemented to prevent the extinction of wild animals. We even need to cultivate new species so that our descendants can enjoy the fun we have had before when watching animals.

  八年级下册英语七单元作文 20

  我想把每年8月5日这一天设立成“保护动物节” 。因为我发现很多人都在残杀动物。

  I want to establish August 5th as the Animal Protection Day every year. Because I found that many people are killing animals.


  Nowadays, many people indiscriminately slaughter animals in order to make money. Because I dont want these people to continue killing small animals, I have set August 5th as the Animal Protection Day every year. Why set "Animal Protection Day" as August 5th? Because the pinyin for "Bao" is "Bao" and "8" is "Ba", both of which are "B", it is August; The last word for protecting animals is "Wu", with a pinyin of "Wu", and "5" sounds similar to it, so it is the 5th day, which adds up to August 5th.


  On August 5th, I want compassionate people to join me in establishing a stray animal adoption agency. There are specialized adoptions for stray animals, abandoned animals by their owners, sick animals, animal supplies, and so on. And on that day, I also called on people not to eat meat. For example: chicken, pork, lamb, fish, and so on. People can only eat vegetarian food. On that day, animals cannot be hunted or killed. If you kill the wolf, the deer will have no natural enemies, and the deer will breed in large numbers. The deer will eat grass, which will be consumed in large quantities, and the human living environment will deteriorate. For example, if you kill a tiger, the rabbit will have no natural enemies. The rabbit will have children in one place, and it likes to eat grass, carrots, vegetables, etc. After the rabbit finishes all these foods, the green color will fade and wither and yellow will spread. At this time, people will also be affected by environmental damage.


  I really hope to use Animal Protection Day to prevent people from hunting and killing animals, so that animals can survive well in the world, coexist with humans, and live in harmony with animals!

  八年级下册英语七单元作文 21


  After school on Friday afternoon, as soon as I got home and opened the door, I saw my mother slaughtering ducks. She stepped on duck feet, pinched the duck head in her left hand, and was wielding a knife in her right hand to kill. I was just about to stop it, but to my surprise, my mothers hand started to fall with a knife, and with a loud bang, the entire duck lay on the ground, with blood gushing out from its neck.


  I walked up and sternly questioned my mother, "Why do you want to slaughter my duck? Dont you think its cruel? Its my good friend, but you hurt it like this. The book says that animals are good friends of humans, and we need to protect them." Dad said, "Its just a duck. Whats there to cry about?" I didnt want to argue with them anymore, so I rushed into the room, covered the blanket, and burst into tears.


  After finishing my meal, I turned on the TV and when I switched to the pet channel, I saw a person who kept a pigeon. One day, the pigeon got stuck in the tree and couldnt fly down. So, regardless of the danger, the owner climbed up the tree and saved the pigeon. But he was trapped in a tree until someone called for help and he finally came down safely.


  Yes, its so touching that the pigeon keeper was able to save an animal without risking his life! We humans and animals should live in harmony and protect the ecological environment of our planet. However, I heard from the teacher that we can treat poultry and livestock raised in captivity to improve our lives differently.


  Caring for the weak is a traditional virtue of our Chinese nation. I think its also compatible here. So, we must cherish the lives of animals and try not to harm them.

  八年级下册英语七单元作文 22


  In this world, there are many endangered animals, and the many crises they face are mostly caused by humans. For example, littering pollutes rivers, factories and cars emit exhaust gases that make the air no longer clean, and mountains and forests are constantly destroyed for development and construction. Sometimes I wonder, would the Earth become better without the existence of humans? In order to compensate for the environmental pollution caused by everyone, and to value and advocate the concept of "protecting the ecology".


  Due to the continuous decline of living organisms, public welfare groups have emerged one after another to protect wildlife. These groups constantly advocate for the protection of animals, so the right to survival of wildlife is increasingly valued. However, relying solely on the help of these enthusiastic individuals is still a cup of water and a cart of water. Everyone should implement it from a daily perspective. If people around the world can turn off the lights casually every day, at least a likable polar bear can be saved; If people around the world could reduce the amount of plastic used, there would be many organisms with no garbage in their stomachs; If we can reduce the emissions of exhaust gases, we can make the air cleaner, not only protecting animals, but also protecting ourselves.


  Everyones concept of protecting the ecology should be tendered to every corner and deeply rooted in everyones hearts. It is important to understand and respect other lives at all times. All life is precious, and we cannot immediately reverse our desire to indiscriminately kill animals. Sometimes, it is related to our survival and work. However, we can change the thoughts of others and implement the significance of protecting the ecology by taking action.


  Sometimes, people should empathize and put themselves in the shoes of those animals that have died due to humans. Their cries before death are their distress signals. They are also living beings and precious lives. We should not harm other lives just because we think we are high.

  八年级下册英语七单元作文 23


  In our view, there is always a small bird that looks fat - the sparrow. They always fly to the ground from time to time to search for some food. As soon as someone approaches, they will immediately flap their wings and fly to high places to hide. They are small animals that often live in human habitats. However, such a common sparrow is actually a protected animal!


  Dont be fooled by the widespread distribution of sparrows, they are fortunate that they have not become extinct. In the past, sparrows were often listed as one of the four pests because they always stole peoples crops. People also began to hunt sparrows on a large scale, which led to a sharp decrease in the number of sparrows. Making them national protected animals in one fell swoop, hunting and killing more than twenty sparrows is still a violation of the law.


  However, there is also a very important reason for the decline of sparrows - biological invasion. Previously, there was only one species of sparrow in China, but later on, our country was invaded by American sparrows, and the number of sparrows in our country continued to decrease as a result.


  Everyone can note that the sparrows we see now are relatively thin, which is because they are American sparrows, while typical Chinese sparrows generally look plump. So, due to being occupied by American sparrows and competing for food, the number of sparrows in our country is constantly decreasing.


  People initially listed sparrows as one of the four pests because of their misconceptions. As sparrows are omnivorous animals, they eat everything, but misunderstandings arise because they are often seen stealing food.


  So now you know why sparrows are protected animals!

  八年级下册英语七单元作文 24


  If you were an animal but were hunted by humans, what would you think? Would you be willing to be hunted? You absolutely dont want to, some people say, "Im not an animal." But have you ever thought about how animals would think? Nowadays, humans hunt and kill a large number of animals. Will animals be willing to do so? No, no, never. They dont want to die in the hands of humans. Are they willing to be hunted by you? No, they have a thousand unwillingness, ten thousand unwillingness, one hundred million unwillingness

  有些人虽然知道怎样去爱护动物,可是他们只会假惺惺地去教育别人,而自己却照样破坏环境,照样兴致勃勃品尝野味。 就拿印度洋毛里求斯群岛上生活的渡渡鸟来说,由于它身上的肉鲜美无比,所以遭到当时人类的大量捕食,在十七世纪就已告灭绝。但是如果当时人们有动物保护意识的话,就不会造成渡渡鸟的灭绝。

  Some people, although they know how to love animals, only pretend to educate others, while they still destroy the environment and enjoy the game with enthusiasm. Take the Dodo bird living on the Mauritius Islands in the Indian Ocean as an example. Due to its incredibly delicious meat, it was heavily hunted by humans at that time and had already become extinct in the 17th century. But if people had animal conservation awareness at that time, it would not have caused the extinction of the Dodo bird.


  And there are whales. Whales are not meant for you to hunt and kill at will. Whales are killed one by one, unlike small fish and shrimp. If we kill whales, our descendants will not be able to see whales, right?


  Now, some animals have become extinct. Although crocodiles are fierce, humans are even more fierce. It is precisely because the organs on some animals have outstanding economic value that they become objects of human exploitation and become the main factor in animal extinction. Crocodiles have sharp teeth and a huge appetite for food. We all say that crocodiles are scary, but crocodiles are even more afraid of humans. In the eyes of humans, crocodile skin can be used to make luggage, handbags, wallets, shoes, and other items. Therefore, crocodiles have now become endangered animals.

  八年级下册英语七单元作文 25


  The cold winter has not yet fully satisfied, and spring is approaching like a gust of wind. The ducklings broke out of their shells, and the duck vendors started their old business at the school gate, just like in previous years. When they carried loads of tender yellow ducklings to the school gate, they were immediately warmly welcomed by their classmates. The children gathered around the duck baskets, teasing and laughing, while the vendors watched their ducks being bought one by one, their faces beaming with joy.


  On April 1st, during the second class break, a group of third and fourth grade students were playing with ducks by the small pond at school. One of the students grabbed the ducks foot and threw it into the pond. They saw the duck rolling in an arc in the air and sinking into the water with a "plop" sound only 5 centimeters away from the concrete wall of the pond. After being extremely frightened, the weak duck instinctively struggled to swim in the water because its feathers had not yet fully grown! Fortunately, the mischievous laughter of these students caught the attention of a teacher who lovingly rescued the duck from the water and sternly criticized the students, thus avoiding a tragedy in the world of ducks!


  This duck is lucky, but the fate of the other duck is different. At noon that day, the tragic second act followed one after another, which still lingers in my memory. At the corner of the school leading to Bayi Road, I saw a crushed little duck lying on the ground. There is very little hair left on it, and there are shallow shoe marks on its feathers. Upon closer inspection, the ducks body is as thin as a piece of paper. I feel so heartbroken. Although ducks are not human, they are still a life at least! This poor duck was born only a few days ago, and they had the heart to stomp on it to death!


  I think if we have pets, we should pet them and never cruelly abuse them. Here, I call on everyone to protect small animals and let us coexist harmoniously with nature!

  八年级下册英语七单元作文 26


  Protecting animals - the Tibetan antelope, known as the pride of "Kekexili"; It has a robust body, a wide and long head, and a thick and robust snout; It is an absolute dominant animal; It is the Tibetan antelope.


  With an elf like figure and a graceful flying posture, you will believe that it can survive on this land for millions of years because it belongs here. It is not an animal that is on the brink of extinction and has poor adaptability. As long as you dont care about it, it can live well on its own. But unfortunately, some creatures are going to destroy their homeland - humans. Tibetan antelopes run fast and are difficult to catch alive, so poachers have to resort to simple massacres to extract wool from the skin of the killed Tibetan antelopes. Driven by high profits, they are turning their homeland into a slaughterhouse. This species is going extinct. At this point, the country ordered a ban on slaughtering Tibetan antelopes. However, it was too late, and the countrys ban further increased its status. The Tibetan antelope is really going extinct because of this.


  Human beings, when you see bones and bodies, do you not feel heartbroken? Imagine, in this world, the lack of Tibetan antelopes is equivalent to the lack of a precious breed, a living organism. Then this place will become a barren land, devoid of human habitation or living creatures, silent in darkness. We cannot let this happen, so lets start from a young age and protect nature together!

  八年级下册英语七单元作文 27


  Today after school, my classmates were packing their backpacks in the classroom when suddenly a little bird flew into the classroom.


  Mischievous Wang Shanshan saw it and shouted loudly, "Everyone, come and take a look! Theres a little bird!" As he spoke, he ran over and caught the bird. Everyone came upon hearing the sound, and class monitor Shaowen saw it and said to Shanshan, "Shanshan, quickly release the little bird! Dont make the little bird uncomfortable."


  Shanshan caught the bird and said to Shaowen, "Why should I listen to you? If I catch it, its mine. I want to take it home and raise it."


  As he picked up his backpack, he was about to walk out. Coincidentally, the teacher walked into the classroom and Shanshan was startled when she saw the teacher coming. She quickly hid the little bird behind her. At this moment, class monitor Shaowen walked up to the teacher and explained the situation to him. The teacher walked up to Shanshan and said, "Shanshan, we must protect animals. If everyone, like you, catches animals when they see them and treats them as their own, then there will be no more animals in the world." After listening to the teachers words, Shanshan was extremely ashamed and publicly released the bird, receiving praise from the teacher.


  From this incident, I learned that elementary school students must also learn more about protecting small animals. Schools must pay attention to primary school students understanding of animal protection and teach them more basic knowledge about animal protection. I believe that as long as we do this, humans and animals will definitely be able to coexist harmoniously.

  八年级下册英语七单元作文 28


  We need to protect wild animals because we protect them and they are also very friendly to us humans.


  For example, swallows can help us eat the pests in the fields. If we humans kill and capture them, will they eat the mosquitoes that often harass us, making us live better? Without swallows, there are many pests around us, which are very harmful to us humans!


  Let me give you another example. For example, frogs can also help us eat pests in the fields, and can be said to be the police officers in the fields. We will hunt and kill them. Once there are no frogs, the pests in the fields will increase and continue to eat vegetables. Will we have a beautiful harvest?


  Let me give you another example. For example, the woodpecker is a doctor in the forest who can help us eat pests in trees and restore their health. We will kill them, and the pests on the trees will increase, and the trees will gradually decrease. There are no trees on Earth, which can cause floods and earthquakes.


  Let me give a final example. For example, owls catching field mice are beneficial to us humans, but humans often hunt them. Without owls, field mice will increase. The field mice eat more crops and vegetables, and we humans do not have good harvests.


  So, we need to protect the animals mentioned above. At the same time, we also need to protect other wild animals!

  八年级下册英语七单元作文 29


  Animals are good friends of humans, and we should love and protect them. But todays scene made me very angry.


  Today, I felt a bit tired while taking a walk, so I decided to take a break and then go home. Suddenly, two boys caught my attention. They were holding discarded gear rods together. At first, I didnt understand what they were doing. Later, when they turned the gear rods towards the birds nest, I realized that they were trying to dig out the nest. I wanted to stop them, but it was too late. The nest had already "pounced" on the ground, and I couldnt keep looking anymore. I was about to go home, but I accidentally caught a glimpse of the swallows nest they had just dug out. Inside was a dying swallow, with a faint mournful sound in its mouth that was almost desperate. A hint of guilt surged in my heart upon seeing this.


  After they left, I thought: if the young bird died like this, the mother bird would definitely be very sad. With this in mind, I carefully picked up the birds nest on the ground and tied it to a small branch on the roadside with a rope to prevent the young bird from being harmed again. After finishing these, my heart suddenly relaxed a lot, and I happily went home.


  When I got home, I thought to myself: havent they heard of protecting animals since theyre so big? They are a fresh little life! If people all over the world were like them, animals would go extinct. How can we create our beautiful home? So, while caring for life and creating a better future together, please also protect animals together!

  八年级下册英语七单元作文 30


  Animals are our good friends. Woodpeckers help catch insects in trees, cats help us catch mice, dogs help us guard our homes


  Although God has bestowed upon humanity a wise mind, he has not taught some humans how to treat animals. Yes, animals do not speak, but do they not feel pain?


  I like to see marine creatures playing freely in the sea, but some people take away shark fins, which is really cruel. I searched online for videos of people catching and killing sharks, and it was unbearable for me to watch. With a single strike, the vast sea turned bright red, and the shark struggled non-stop, but with no use for its strength.


  I dont know why, but I suddenly clicked on a video about taking bear bile. There was a scene where I filmed the bears eyes, which were so clear that I didnt want to look into those eyes, which would bring me sadness. Then came the howling of the bear.


  I really dont know what those people think about harming animals. Isnt it true that animals are our good friends? Is this the attitude towards friends? Are those people stupid or foolish, unaware of the harm their actions bring to them? No wonder Hawking said that the Earth will be destroyed within 200 years. Although this prediction is not accurate, we also have to believe it. The destruction of nature by humans will sooner or later be avenged, which is a kind of advice, well intentioned advice.


  So, please take care of animals.




八年级英语下册Unit 3单元试题及答案08-05

八年级英语下册Unit 5单元试题及答案08-05

八年级英语下册Unit 8单元试题及答案08-05



