Look Deeper in Natural CalamitiesLike endless nightmares, there have been many natural calamities recently, such as the earthquake in Yushu and the volcano eruption in Iceland which caused great loss. It seems that natural disasters will always accompany us.As many people believe, natural disasters are usually harmful, or even terminal. We can't have forgotten the earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province, which taken away over 50,000 lives. Anyhow, we aren't capable of preventing natural disasters from happening, which is rather depressing. We can be well prepared, though. It is necessary for us to be trained for handling the emergency.However, we still need to look deeper, which may aid us in handling many of the natural calamities. Seeking for causes of natural disasters for many years, people have achieved much progress at the same time. Some natural disasters, like muddy flood and landslide, have something to do with human activities, which should be deeply looked into. Now we are getting more and more sources from the environment, and keep creating waste on end. All what we've done has led to large quantities of problems, including natural calamities. With the wildly release of CO2, the Global Warming has becoming more and more serious, which contributes to drought and floods in different parts of the world. In 20xx, south part of China suffered from a horrible snowstorm which lasted for almost one month. At the beginning of this year, farmlands in south-western China dried out due to the abnormal weather.Without humans' effect, those disasters may still happen, while how can they appear so frequently? In the past,we seldom have the El Nino. But at this point,we experience it every year. These facts all infer that the environment is settling an account with us for our greed and stupidity. If we cannot make up for our mistakes, our guilty will suffer before long.Our ancestor have told us to live in harmony with nature centuries ago, while still some people takes no notice of that. We must change our behaviours now, not just for a solution to reduce the damage of natural disasters.Only when we begin to respect and love the nature will we live a better life. We really need to look deeper, and try to treat the nature more friendlily。