

时间:2022-02-06 16:49:26 关于英语的作文 我要投稿




中国英语作文 篇1









  Western festivals and China’s traditional ones

  With rapid spreading of western cultures, there is a growing number of Chinese people prefer western holidays to traditional ones. When Christmas or Valentine Day comes, youngsters flood into bars, restaurants, or department stores to celebrate these festivals, while they know little about Chinese traditional festivals.

  The reason behind such kind social phenomenon is obvious: in a society dominated by mass media and consumerism, festivals and holidays from abroad are labeled as fashionable, new and unique, while traditional ones are something out of date and old. Young people all over the world have regarded western life style especially the life depicted in Hollywood films as their ultimate goal of life. As a consequence it is no wonder that Chinese young people have much more passion on Christmas than China’s Spring Festival.

  We should think about the influence of such a social phenomenon carefully. As far as I am concerned, it is obvious that the wide spread and recognition of western holidays is definitely doing harm to our traditional value. If we don’t take some measures right now, some day in future, Chinese cultural heritage may be alien to our offspring. It is high time for the government and all people to take some action to protect our traditional culture.

中国英语作文 篇2

  The products that are labelled with the words “ Made In China” can be seen everywhere. These products refer to be manufactured in China and they contain both the material and cultural elements. once these products were very popular around the world for the low price and excellent quality, but in most foreigners’ eyes, they treat these products with low end and low quality. With the development of Chinese economy, the government try to improve its image, so it is in need of creating our own brand. Made In China is the good choice, the government makes effort to improve the quality, so as to promote the international image.


中国英语作文 篇3

  May 13, and how the whole night I have not slept. No, I am more than one Moshui is hundreds of millions of Chinese people and the world are not sleeping.

  Wenchuan County in the 7.8 earthquake that caused the various regions of Sichuan and the hundreds of aftershocks of varying degrees.

  This time, I caught the shock of our firmly suspended, the heart of tension and panic;

  This time, the shock of many a painful pressure in the affected areas on the body;

  This time, the deeply shocked India in the eyes of our humanity;

  However, I believe that as long as we work together we can overcome the difficulties on!

  "As long as there are a glimmer of hope, we will strive to make 100 times the affected people rescued." Wen Quanjie Grandpa this is not to panic in the affected people…… Although only a short sentence, but the hearts of people in disaster areas are What a powerful earthquake, the duty-ah! This sentence not only encouraged the local people in the disaster areas, and even now has been listening to a 24-hour live broadcast I was excited, we will definitely be good!

  In 24 hours of live broadcasting, I heard the host of the working day and night for the broad masses of the people who disseminate disaster information, have heard many many people are extending a helping hand to help the people of disaster areas, the United States, Japan and other countries The resources are ready to China by the earthquake zone.

  Yes, I heard many many came from the radio around the accent, although we just heard on the radio, still can feel the warmth of thousands of miles away. Radio host from the mouth, I was also informed that Chengdu has many taxi drivers curb between Dujiangyan in Chengdu and delivery of the wounded. In such a special day, many people have lost contact, perhaps some family members were scattered in various places, some of them even have died, but we can still reported from broadcasting the sound of the words in a unique feel that the world no matter what , What are the special place of love and warmth.

  Earthquake in the first night, 500 aftershocks had so many times the shock of Chengdu people sleeping on the streets at night, yes, today, 0:00 to 5:00 I also go out of. In the car and did not fall asleep, because while one after another while always feeling in shock. But we do not suffer, because I know that the people of disaster areas is Kushangjiaku more than we do, the worse.

  In addition, road traffic also interference by the earthquake and military vehicles can not pass to the Military Region of the military to prepare to walk to Wenchuan County, for an ordinary person, this is far from the remote, but I Perhaps the reason the military would like to have such a capability and the will of iron is to see that their reasons for the army of God! Come on!

  There are a very unfortunate message, really unacceptable, but I have heard from the radio immediately after Jiuku, said the North River County has been the basic earthquake razed to the ground by. We can look at this piece of news ---- "from the earthquake disaster areas in Sichuan Province Beichuan County, the source said, because of the North-road mountain landslide completely disrupted, very serious damage to the county seat, communications interruption, the specific situation is still not completely sure .

  Seismological Bureau of Sichuan Province on the 12th night news conference to disclose the sixth, as at 22:20, Sichuan earthquake has caused 8,533 deaths, Mianyang City, Sichuan county death toll reached 7,000 people .

  It is learnt that the North River Road is expected to meet tomorrow morning to get through. "

  8,533 people were killed and how large a number, how Jiuxin a number of people, how resentment of the people of a number of earthquake!

  Federation of past earthquakes, the human force is infinitely great.

  I hope the remaining people are safe escape danger.

中国英语作文 篇4




  绝大多数同学都这样写:His joke made me laugh to death.




  His joke made me laugh to death.












  I was quite amused by the joke he just told.

  同学们注意到这是一个比His joke made me laugh to death这种人鬼情未了式的句子正常多了的一个表达。为什么我们一开始写不出来呢?让我们把它字字对译到中文:


  这的确是中文,但不是人话。所以同学们永远也不可能在脑海中形成这么一句中文句子,没有“我是很被逗乐被那个笑话他刚告诉”这样的中文句子,对译型同学就无法写出“I was quite amused by the joke he just told”这样的被动句子。

  事实上,绝大多数英文的被动表达在中文中都特别奇怪。比如常见的“sb”s son was born“,这是一个被动语态,用中文的被动来表达就是”某人的儿子被生了“,这几乎会让同学们忍不住产生”是谁干的“这样的`问题。






中国英语作文 篇5

  Bicycle is a convinient means of transporation. It has been very popular in China. During the rush hours, particularly in big cities, you can often see a sea of bicycle riders in the streets. People can ride bicycles to their working places, to schools, to shopping centers and so on. In a word, bicycles play an important role in daily life.

  Compared with cars, bicycles have many advantages. Firstly, they are not so expensive as cars and almost every family can afford to buy and repair them. Secondly, riding bicycle is a healthy form of exercise. They do good to our health. Thirdly, bicycles can save energy and does not cause any pollution, while cars will cause serious air pollution, which makes the air in our living place very dirty and makes a lot of people suffer from lung cancer. As we all know, China is a country with a large population. Ifeach family has a car, a large amount of energy would be wasted and air pollution would become more and more serious. Finally, most Chinese people don’ t live far away from where they work or study, it is convenient to ride bicycles. I think that is why bicycles are used so much.

  Bicycles are so popular in China that China is often referred to as the kingdom of bicycles. I hope more and more people can ride bicycles in order to make our planet better and cleaner.




中国英语作文 篇6

  the twelfth night, house started to warm up. Father will yellow rice, rice, red jujube, and red bean with warm water bubble up, then use sand pot in the fire boil chestnuts. Father said, do it with the five kinds of materials to, suggesting the grain and make it plentiful in the coming year. We several elder brother in the father's side, like a few didn't plunge wings of the bird, mother bird such as feeding. Chestnut cooked, father of the hand of the dry with peel it off the brown scale, will sweet and the pulp, stood in turn into our mouth to, but he also won't a taste. At this time, the mother sat cross-legged on the kang, in bright light cover, for her this several children rushed the clothes of the New Year. Orange cover light column straight with white paste the moon roof, ceiling and there is a small, round the moon. Small moon ?

中国英语作文 篇7

  Perhaps autumn is the most pleasant season of the year. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. It is the best time for going on a trip.

  Last Sunday we went to the countryside. There was golden wheat all over the fields/The fields were covered with golden wheat. Large and colourful apples and pears were hanging on the trees. We could see some peasants were busy getting in the crops in the fields, and others were picking fruits under the trees. All the baskets were full of lovely fruits. It was also the fruit of the peasants labour. No pains, no gains. What a magnificent/beautiful picture(it was)! It seemed as if we were wandering in a splendid/wonderful world.

  I love Zhongguoguan.I love the harvest time.










