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  我爱我家英语作文带翻译 篇1

  My family is a harmonious family. There are 5 members in my family. They are my grandpa、grandma、mother、father and I. My grandpa is 58 year old. He is a very happy man. His hair is short. I look like him. My grandma is happy too. She wants to have a pair of sandals. Two days ago she had one. My mother is a beautiful woman. My father is a handsome young man. He wants to have many shoes and jumpers. My grandpa likes running. My grandma likes singing. My mother likes driving and my father like drawing. My family is harmonious, because my mother takes care of my grandpa and grandma very well. I love my grandpa、 grandma、father and mother very much, and they all love me too. I have a happy family.

  I love my family!



  我爱我家英语作文带翻译 篇2


  This is a beautiful and warm word, home is everyone's dream harbor, wonderful world.


  I have a warm family, it is so beautiful, so perfect, and so full of life.


  In my childhood eyes, home is a shackle.


  Some of my desires are determined by the words of my family; some of my ideals and family will interfere, and all my fantasies will be destroyed.


  It was a sunny Sunday morning. I had just finished my homework and wanted to relax. I saw a pair of eyes staring at me, "what do you want to do?" "It's not easy to study. You want to go out when you finish your homework. If you don't take the key middle school test like you, you will have no future!" "Go and read..." Every sentence "key point" is like a tight hoop mantra, which is put on my head. At that time, I really wanted to leave this "land of right and wrong".


  But, after all, I was wrong. They are for my good, in order to let me have a future, they get up early, make a rich breakfast for me, at night, they also accompany me to do homework, in the wind and rain, pick me up


  It was a stormy night. I forgot to bring rain gear because I was in a hurry to go to school for counseling. I cried out in a hurry. After a while, a familiar figure appeared at the school gate, "Dad", and suddenly a stream of heat rushed to my heart. Dad hurriedly helped me put on my raincoat and took me home.


  At home, I was shocked. A red candle was burning and put on a beautiful cake. Mom came out of the kitchen with a smile and sang "Happy Birthday to you" in her mouth. My eyes are wet and fuzzy. Mom, their work is so busy. Since I can remember my birthday, how about me? Have I ever cared about them? When is their birthday? I used to blame them. Now I want to come. I'm so ashamed. I can't help myself.


  When I picked up the knife and began to cut the cake, there was an unspeakable taste in my heart. Eating the cake, I felt that it was the greatest pleasure in my life.


  When I looked up at the two of them, I thought they were getting older, and there were a few more wrinkles on their weathered faces, and a lot more white hair on their heads. They were too hard-working.


  Although I live in this ordinary family, I feel how warm and lively it is.


  I love my home! I am proud to have such a home!

  我爱我家英语作文带翻译 篇3


  I have a warm family. My father and mother selflessly offer their love.


  I remember when I first went to school, every day when I went to school, my mother always carried your schoolbag on your back, helped me to take care of my clothes, and told me: "study hard and listen carefully when I go to school..." Although it is short, it contains the love my parents expect from me.


  Now I have grown up. Although my home is far away from the school, I have asked you more than once to ride my own bike to school. I can't bother my parents any more. But my father said to me, "as long as you have this heart. It's not very safe to go to school alone. " I was deeply moved by Dad's words. I feel honored and proud to be their daughter. Because, the parents let me feel that the world that thick true feelings, how much money can not buy priceless.


  Every day after school, my father always makes "extra meal" for me. It's either tomato and egg soup or fried tomato with egg. Later, I learned that it was dad who saw these nutritious foods in the newspaper. Dad always cheerfully came to me with a bowl and said, "come on, Wang Fan has drunk this bowl of soup. Hurry up to write homework, then endorse it, and let dad check it after reciting it. Then you can watch TV."


  Although my parents love me so much in life, they are very strict with my learning requirements. I remember when I was in the third grade, my mother asked me to recite all the texts. In addition to these, I also recited the "rules of disciples" and other ancient texts.


  I remember one time, my mother asked me to recite the ancient article "brothers and friends", but I couldn't recite it. I was so anxious that I tore the article. You see, take out the branches from behind the door, and punish me. I immediately cried for mercy: "Mom, I dare not......" But you still hit me, "put your hand out, don't cry!" The blue tendons on my mother's face burst and rose with the beating of her heart That fight was really fierce. My hand was swollen for several days, and I couldn't even write. After that, my mother gave me medicine and said: "Wang Fan, you must be in pain! In fact, mom... " At the word "pain", I immediately threw myself into my mother's arms and cried, "don't cry, don't cry!" My mother wiped away tears for me, but big tears fell on my hands.


  "My mother is worried about my children's travel." my mother's hands are full of thread and clothes Isn't this the embodiment of father's love and mother's love? The love of parents is selfless, great and simple.


  I want to say to my parents heartily, "I love you, mom and Dad, and I love the home we live together."

  我爱我家英语作文带翻译 篇4


  I was born in an ordinary family. My parents work in very ordinary positions. But such an ordinary family is full of happy melody everywhere.


  First, the head of the family - Dad. My father is a teacher. He is diligent in his work. At the same time, he is also a very homesick person. The "work" after work everyday is to go home. My father hardly eats out. He always said: no matter how delicious the fish is outside, it can't be equal to my mother's skill, and I can eat it with ease.


  Dad usually doesn't talk much and is very persistent about things. As long as he thinks it's right, he won't change his point of view if other people can't provide any real evidence. In study, I am my tutor, my brain trust, my mother's good helper in housework, and my father has become my enemy in game. But no matter when, he is my good father.


  Then there is the beautiful and gentle mother. I dare say that my mother is a good housekeeper. She is considerate not only to her husband and daughter, but also to the elderly. That time, grandma was ill. Mom went to grandma's house almost every day, asking questions, cooking and bringing some dirty clothes home to wash. The mother never complained about doing these things. In her opinion, she still kept the old rules of being a wife, being a virtuous wife.


  I call my mother the chef of my family, because no matter what material it is, it will become a delicious dish after a few changes in her hands. Now, my mother also pays attention to the nutrition matching of dishes. What kind of meat and vegetable matching, and my mother occasionally makes some dishes she ate when she was a child. It's really special.


  Then I like quiet, but also have some fun, greedy me. Junior high school life is very tense, but I have my own way to adjust myself, to call one of my party, talk about heart, this is the best way.


  The only child is a treasure of parents, of course, I am no exception. Since I was born, I have saved a small amount of affection. When sailing on the sea, family is my compass; in the hot desert, family is a green shade; in the calm and beautiful harbor, family is my coast. No matter where I go, he will accompany me.


  It's such a family of three consisting of father, mother and me. It's nothing special, but it's a happy family that loves each other. I love my family!

  我爱我家英语作文带翻译 篇5


  I love my family. It makes me healthy and healthy. I love my family because it gives me intelligence and cleverness. My family I love is the seed it planted for me. I don't believe it. Let's have a look at our family's qunyingpu.


  Smart and tough Dad


  Whenever I have a math problem that I can't, my smart dad always comes to teach me how to do it. But sometimes when I am naughty, my father will become very severe to criticize me. At that time, my father also does not have the heart to hurt me. I believe that all parents will not have the heart to hurt their children. My father's strict requirements hope I can be better.


  Gentle and gentle mother


  Whenever I have a Chinese question, my mother always comes to help me and teach me how to do it. When I get up in the morning, my mother always prepares breakfast on the table. Whenever I have dirty clothes to wash, my mother always comes to wash them for me. I love my mother!


  A learned grandfather


  Never look down on my grandfather. Whenever I can't do English problems, he always teaches me how to do them. And he often says to me: "when reading English, you must read one sentence in English and one sentence in Chinese. You can't read English without reading Chinese.". My grandfather is also a first-class good at writing calligraphy. Whenever he has time, he will teach me how to practice calligraphy, such as how to start, how to hide, how to close, and how to return to the front. Grandpa often speaks at the mouth, and also teaches me how to write hard calligraphy.


  An industrious and skillful grandmother


  I also have a grandmother who knows how to cook. Whenever I pick up my favorite food on Saturday and Sunday. Grandma's cooking ability is also very first-class. She also won the first prize in Haidian District. My grandma is good at sewing clothes. Whenever my clothes are broken, she always helps me to sew them. That's a perfect level. What a wonderful grandmother.


  I'm smart and studious


  How about me? Needless to say, can I not be good with so many good examples around me? Do I win many awards? The first prize of Beijing group was won in the large-scale competition, the first prize of Haidian District was won in the computer competition, and I won the first prize in calligraphy. Ha-ha! Not bad.


  There are so many excellent people who make up a good home. How beautiful the home can be! Do you also like our family? Come to visit if you have a chance.

  我爱我家英语作文带翻译 篇6

  Here is a photo of my family. These are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and I.

  My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital far away. He goes to work by subway. My mother is a teacher. She works in a school near my home. She goes to work by bike. After work, they like reading books. Who is the tall boy? He is my brother. He is five years older than me. He is a singer. He’s now in Beijing. He goes there by plane. I love my family.


  我的爸爸是一位医生,他在一家很远的医院工作,他坐地铁去上班。我妈妈是一名教师,她在我家附近的一所学校工作,她骑自行车上班。下班后,他们喜欢看书。高个子的男孩是谁呢? 他是我哥哥,比我大五岁,他是个歌手,现在北京,他坐飞机去北京。我爱我的家人。

  我爱我家英语作文带翻译 篇7


  Everyone has a home, and everyone will love his own home, so I am no exception.


  Home, can give people a warm feeling, can make people full of self-confidence, from failure to cheer up. However, home is the most important pillar of people everywhere.


  I love my family for many reasons, the main reason is my parents and family environment. It's true to say that "love grows with each passing day". No matter a person or a dead object, as long as you face it for a long time, it will produce deep feelings. Unconsciously, I have lived in my home for 13 years. There are my favorite parents, the most familiar environment, and my stories for many years.


  At home, my parents, like my good friends, live a happy life every day, even if they are not happy on the way home, as long as I step into the door, my heart is as relaxed and free as being unbound.


  In the environment where I grew up, there was a side that made me happy and a side that made me sad. In the whole room, my favorite is my room. There is a desk, a big bed, a bookcase, a dresser and a computer I do my homework on my desk and sleep in the big bed every day. Sometimes when I am tired, I sit in front of the computer and relax my brain. When I am free, I turn over the books in the bookcase. Everything in the room is accompanied by my joy, anger, sorrow and joy. Another place I am familiar with is my little garden. There are green grass and flowers in the garden. I also often play in the garden. I love my family, every member of my family and every story of my family.

  我爱我家英语作文带翻译 篇8


  I was born in a happy family, a smart father, a gentle and wise mother, and a lively and lovely me. My home is full of warmth and happiness


  That time, I was ill in hospital, another three days is my birthday, how to live? I asked myself curiously. Spend time in a hospital bed? No, maybe mom and dad will buy me a toy; maybe mom and dad will take me to the playground to have a good time; maybe mom and dad will take me to eat pizza


  The birthday finally arrived, and the day I was looking forward to arrived. Fortunately, on that day, I recovered from my illness. I went out of the hospital, looking at the blue sky, free flying birds, breathing the incomparably fresh air, feeling very comfortable. Suddenly, an idea flashed through my mind, "right! "I cried out. How is my birthday? So I asked my mother again and again, but she said nothing to me. I was angry and annoyed, and wanted to know the answer right away.


  As soon as I get in, whoa! It's spectacular. The door and windows are all pasted with the words "Happy Birthday to you"! I was dazzled. "Happy Birthday to you! Happy! Happy! " Everyone shouted in unison. Mom held out a big birthday cake with colorful candles on it. The candles were shining on everyone's face. "Beautiful!" I cried excitedly. At this time, my mother said loudly, "these lighted candles represent our expectations for you. Once again, I want to say to you, life - day - Fast - happy!" Everyone was cheering. At this time, I was so excited that I couldn't even speak. Tears came out of my eyes. At this time, I couldn't help my inner excitement and shouted: "thank you, Dad! Thank you, mom! I love you! " You may not feel the excitement because it comes from the heart.


  Yeah! My parents have a deep expectation for me. They expect me to grow up healthily and happily. They expect me to become a talent as soon as possible. My parents' unselfish devotion and endless love to me will turn into a forward force.


  I love you! Mom and dad. I love this warm and happy home.

  我爱我家英语作文带翻译 篇9


  From the moment you are born, you have a home. There is no choice, no matter rich or poor, no matter the education level of parents. The picture you and your parents make up has a warm name - home. -- inscription


  Since I moved to the new house, my living space has become larger, but our original furniture has been filled with dissatisfaction with the house. So, we have to fill it with each other's love to make the family full.


  I think nine out of ten people will complain that their mother is a nagging machine. What's wrong with my mother? Sometimes I'm upset. I really want to have a big fight with her. But I also think that she also loves me and conveys her love to me in a different way. In this way, I can accept her practice a little more. Yes, remember her love for me when she nags again.


  Fathers are not as "passionate" as mothers love us. They only think that they work hard to create a good learning environment and foundation for us. Their love is so implicit, just like an underground river, gurgling. My father is very tired. He runs for a living. I give him a cup of tea to get rid of his fatigue. This is my love for him.


  Three people live together, there must be some friction, but do not choose silence, what dissatisfaction to say to everyone, common "research". Take our family for example. Washing dishes is a difficult task. No one wants to wash them. So after "research", our family "issued" a series of policies. After "rectification", it is much better than before. Although I will be lazy several times, I will be taught by "patience".


  I can't forget my father, who sat at the head of the bed and held my hand when I was ill, my mother's sunken eyes after suffering, the smoke ring in my father's mouth when he was running for a living, and her thin and haggard face. And the only thing I can do now is live up to their expectations of me, study hard, and repay them with my love a hundred times and a thousand times in the future.


  I want to use a concave mirror to gather our love for each other and illuminate our future with this bright light. Ha! I love my family.

  我爱我家英语作文带翻译 篇10

  I have a clean and warm home, or after school, please follow me to go to home and have a look...

  As soon as I opened the door to the food smelled a musty aroma, now mom has to start preparing dinner. An enter a door, we put the shoes in the cupboard, along the red carpet to reach the living room.

  Put in the sitting room is simple: a decent sofa, a wall-mounted TV, a glass coffee table... Cross-stitch is particularly striking near the TV set, that is given to our aunt, family is very like, it is hanged on the wall.

  To the south is a capacious and bright sitting room balcony, the balcony with many flowers and plants. Dad like gardening, but are not rare, in the words of my father, that is to "beautify the environment". But these flowers on the balcony, really let our family adds a lot of green and vitality.

  To look at my bedroom. Purple hung on the bed nets, cartoon characters, posted on the wall is feeling a little different? Especially those cartoon characters, what more la A dream ah, winnie the pooh, A quick top junior high school students, some child?

  In my bedroom, the most eye-catching is the bookcase, that's my sweetheart, although the inside of the book is not "everything", but also be a "little library". I collect books, the largest number of Yang hongying's novels, I am Yang hongying loyal "fans", in the words of today's popular is "fans", as long as it is from the author's words I'm feeling blue.

  How, my home is very sweet? Will you have time to come to my house guest.
















