

时间:2022-08-30 15:21:56 关于英语的作文 我要投稿




  蛋炒饭英语作文 篇1

  Egg fried rice is a colorful,tasty and easy-to-make dish.The main ingredients are long grain rice,egg and green onion for flavor and garnishing.To make it nutritious and colorful,you can add various vegetables such as carrots, sausage,bell peppers,peas and corn,etc..The enticing aroma of egg mixed with green onion and soy sauce always let your appetite inspire greatly。I like egg fried rice very much.


  蛋炒饭英语作文 篇2

  At noon, since I couldn't eat in the morning, I had to eat the egg fried rice in the morning.

  By noon my grandmother kept coming to ask me if I had eaten. I was so annoyed that I said, "I ate it." I think my grandmother believed me, but I didn't expect her to go to the kitchen to see. Oops! Well, I was completely defeated by my grandmother, so I went to eat.

  But the rice was cold, grandma said she came to heat, I was afraid that grandma burned paste, do not worry about grandma burn. I boldly said, "I'll heat it up." Grandma said you know how to cook rice, and I quickly said, "I will." Grandma had to go away. I slowly thought in my head how my mom and dad had heated it, and oh! It's like this, first hit the fire, in the over put on, and finally warm. Ha that's good! I used a spatula, let the egg fried rice turn over, after a while, almost, I turned off the fire again, slowly serve rice, eat a bite of yourself, it was delicious.

  Next time I want to learn how to make fried rice, so I can burn it for my mom and dad to eat.

  蛋炒饭英语作文 篇3

  There are a lot of good food under the sky, but I still like the very ordinary egg fried rice.

  Today, at noon, I was hungry and asked my dad to make me a plate of fried rice with eggs. First, my dad took two eggs, tapped them on the side of the bowl, slid the yolk and egg white into the bowl, put in a little salt, and then stirred.

  Then, Dad started to heat the wok, and after the wok smoked, Dad put in the oil, and when it was hot, he put the stirred eggs into the wok, shoveled and cut them into pieces, then poured the cold rice into the wok and tumbled it.

  In order to increase my nutrition, dad also cut carrots into the pot. When it was about to be ready, dad put some salt and MSG and fried it a few times before serving it in a bowl. I couldn't help but drool when I smelled the aroma.

  Dad's fried rice is so delicious!

  蛋炒饭英语作文 篇4

  Today is a wonderful day. You don't believe it. Look, the grass is swinging its beautiful dance, the little flowers are dressing themselves up, the little tree is opening its umbrella.

  I excitedly went to call my parents and they were asleep, so I decided to cook dinner this morning. First, I take out three eggs. Look, the eggs are asleep. When I cracked the three eggs, the egg was bleeding as if he was begging me not to eat him. This is my least favorite part. Pouring the oil, because I was most afraid of splashing it on me, but still, let's face it. I would risk my life. Now I know pouring oil is not that hard. When I was fried, I quickly poured the eggs down. Immediately, the shiny yellow eggs turn golden and shine like gold. I put more ingredients in. Suddenly it felt like I could smell it from ten miles away.

  Mom and Dad got up. When they saw that I had made a good meal, they quickly praised me.

  蛋炒饭英语作文 篇5

  My mom was not home today, leaving me and my parents. Both my dad and I were too lazy to get up and hadn't eaten yet. After a while, my father said to me, "Come and cook today." I said to my father, "I don't know how to cook." "I'll teach you," Dad said. "Can you do it? Don't just watch the game." "Cook what?"" I'll make you the easiest scrambled eggs you can make." So I started to do it. Dad said, "Go for it, I'll go for it too. Dad said cheer and then cheer. I said, "Daddy has finished filling up the gas." Dad continued to add gas, and I had to add gas. Dad said one more time. I said, "Mom and Dad don't usually do that." I told you to refuel, but don't refuel. Look at the penalty. There was no choice but to refuel once. By the time I was done with the scrambled eggs, most of the oil was used up and the scrambled eggs were black, a "masterpiece".

  蛋炒饭英语作文 篇6

  This evening, my mother invited me to dinner. I went to the table and saw that I didn't like any of the food on the table, so I lost my appetite. My mom saw it and told me fried eggs and fried rice. I was ecstatic.

  I took two eggs out of the fridge, broke them in a bowl, put some salt on them in the evening, and stirred them a few times with chopsticks. Then I cleaned the wok, put it on the stove, lit the fire, and when the water in the wok was dry, I put two spoons of oil into the wok, and after about a minute, I poured the eggs into the wok and spooned them a few times with a spatula, then put the rice into the wok and fried it with the eggs a few times.

  My mom ate her fried rice and said to me, "You're really good at that. My mom makes better fried rice with eggs than my mom does." I was so happy that I jumped up and down.

  Egg Fried Rice English Essay Part 6

  Today I came back from school and was especially hungry. My grandmother asked me, "What should I eat?" I said, "Whatever, just hurry up, I'm starving." Grandma said, "Didn't you eat at noon? Why are you so hungry?" I said to my grandmother, "We ran too much today, so I'm hungry, go do it!"

  After a while, my grandmother put a bowl of fragrant fried rice with eggs in front of me, and my mouth watered. So I love my grandmother very much, and when I grow up I will cook for her too.

  蛋炒饭英语作文 篇7

  On Saturday morning, I said to my grandmother, "Grandma, teach me how to make fried rice with eggs." Grandma said, "You must know how to do it without me teaching you." I tried to start making it. First I beat an egg into a bowl and stirred it well with chopsticks.

  Then I cut the cucumber and ham sausage into pegs, then I put the egg into the wok, and when it was cooked, I cut it into pieces.

  Then put the rice into the pan and fry it with the eggs for a while, then put the cut cucumber and ham sausage in, fry them for half a minute, sprinkle some salt and put in a little MSG. Grandma prompted me, "Put in less MSG." I nodded my head, then I stir-fried for a while, and the fragrant fried rice was ready.

  I put the fried rice into a bowl and immediately put a piece of egg into my mouth. It was delicious! I asked my grandmother to eat it, and she said, "Yummy!" Finally, I ate the fried rice in three bites, and it tasted so good with my own labor.

  蛋炒饭英语作文 篇8

  In the evening, my grandmother was cooking, and I also wanted to help her cook. "Grandma let me help you cook!" Grandma said, "Sure, you can copy the egg rice later!" The pot was too high for me to reach, so I moved a chair and stood on it.

  I poured the oil into the pan first, and Grandma lit the fire. After a short while, the oil was hot, and Grandma said you can pour the rice into the pan, then the rice was hot, and Grandma said it was time to put the eggs in. How strange! The white rice turned into golden brown rice! It smelled so good that my mouth watered. In the evening, my parents came back from work, ate the rice I made and praised me. I was so happy!

  蛋炒饭英语作文 篇9

  Hello everyone, today I am interested in learning how to make fried rice. So I asked my mom to teach me, and she was very willing and kept praising me for growing up.

  I followed the steps and methods my mom taught me. First, I took out two eggs, beat them in a bowl and stir them well, then put some salt into the eggs, my mom helped me cut diced carrots and sausages, the ingredients were ready, and I started to do it.

  Put the pan on the stove, put some oil in it, and when the oil is hot, put the stirred eggs in the pan. "When the oil is hot, put the stirred eggs in the pan and the eggs swell up like bubbles. Put in the diced carrot and sausage, add some chopped green onion, stir-fry and then put in the rice, add salt, MSG, and nature. After a while, the fragrant egg fried rice was ready.

  I brought my personally made rice to my mom and dad to try, and they both praised me for the good frying, and I was so happy.

  It was the best meal ever.

  蛋炒饭英语作文 篇10

  When I woke up this morning, I said to my mom, "I'll make you fried rice with eggs, how about my cooking?" Mom listened and nodded her head in agreement.

  With the help of my mom, I prepared all the ingredients I needed. First, cut the carrots and cucumbers into nails, then beat the eggs into a bowl, stir well with chopsticks, put some salt in the eggs, then light the fire and put the oil in the pot, when the oil is hot, pour the eggs into the pot, use the spatula to fry a few times and crush them, then put the rice into the pot and fry the eggs together for a while, put the diced cucumbers and carrots in, fry for 10 seconds, sprinkle some salt and MSG, then fry a few more times, the fragrant After a few more stir-fries, the fragrant egg fried rice was ready.

  I put the fried rice into a bowl, and my mom, sister and I each had a bowl, and after they tasted it, they all said, "It's delicious. I was so happy to hear that!

  蛋炒饭英语作文 篇11

  My mom has to go to work and has no time to cook for me, so she taught me how to make fried rice with eggs.

  Today is my first time to make fried rice. I brought a ham sausage, a few eggs, corn kernels and a bowl of rice. I cut the ham sausage into pieces, beat the eggs into the wok, poured the corn kernels into the wok, and then poured in the rice and ham sausage, respectively.

  Turn on the heat, pour some oil into the pot, and add some seasoning. I took the bowl and carefully put the rice in, but I couldn't reach the chopsticks, but I reached the basket where the chopsticks were. I didn't care, I pulled it hard and heard a loud clatter of chopsticks and spoons falling to the floor. I picked up the chopsticks and started to eat.

  This is the best rice I've ever eaten, and it's not as hard to make as I thought!

  蛋炒饭英语作文 篇12

  On Saturday morning, I woke up at 6:30 a.m. I got up and my grandmother didn't come to make breakfast for me until after 7:00 a.m. I said to my mom, "I'm sorry. So I said to my mom, "Mom, I'll make my own fried rice with eggs."

  I took a bowl of leftover rice from yesterday from the rice cooker, then took an egg out of the fridge, cracked it into the bowl, and stirred the egg well.

  I heated up the wok, turned on the hood, and introduced the cooking oil into the wok. When the oil was hot, I poured the rice into the wok and stir-fried it, then poured the egg mixture into the wok and stir-fried it together with the rice.

  While I was eating the fried rice, I thought, "Although this time it was simple, with only eggs and rice, it still tasted good, and I thought it was my first time making fried rice. I hope I can make a better egg fried rice next time.

  蛋炒饭英语作文 篇13

  One day in the morning of June 1, I cooked my own rice for the first time. It was so much fun!

  It was the morning of the day just after the holiday, Tongtong my good friend came to my house to play. After playing for a while we both had our stomachs growling, and there was nothing to eat at my house, so we looked around and finally found a bowl of leftover rice, and we decided to fry egg fried rice.

  I recalled my mom's scrambled rice and started to make it. First, I took out the leftover rice, took three eggs and one green onion; then Tong Tong cut the green onion, I poured the rice into the pot and kept turning it around with the spatula, when the rice was hot, I set the rice aside and then cracked the eggs into the pot, when the eggs were almost cooked, I hurriedly mixed the eggs into the rice, I also put a little salt, put the chopped green onion into it, and finally I shoveled the rice into the rice bowl and started to eat.

  It was so sweet to eat my fried rice.

  蛋炒饭英语作文 篇14

  This morning, I was going to make my own fried rice for my mom. Before that, I already had a preliminary understanding of fried rice. At that time, I was very nervous, but I secretly encouraged myself: this time the fried rice will be successful.

  The ingredients for the egg fried rice were: some leftover rice, two eggs, a little cooking oil, and a little soy sauce. First, I poured all the leftover rice into the wok, turned on the fire, put in a little cooking oil, stirred the leftover rice, then beat the eggs, stirred the yolks and whites of the two eggs into the wok, mixed them with the hot leftover rice, stirred back and forth a few times, then added a little soy sauce, and finally stirred back and forth a few times, turned off the fire, and the fragrant fried rice was ready.

  When my mom saw it, she praised me: "My Xixi is great!" The praise was sweeter than honey to my heart. When I saw my mom gobbling it up, I ate it too, and my heart burst with joy!

  蛋炒饭英语作文 篇15

  Today, my mom taught me how to make fried rice with eggs.

  My mom and I first prepared diced carrots, green onions, eggs and white rice.

  Then I turned on the heat, poured the oil into the pan, poured the stirred eggs into the pan, and when the eggs were bubbling on top, poured the diced carrots into the pan, and then I poured the white rice into the pan, and I stir-fried it again and again with the spatula. It seems that there is a skill to do everything. I smelled the aroma and couldn't resist taking a bite. Ah! It smells so good! Finally, I sprinkled on the green onions and stir-fried them, and the fragrant fried rice came out of the oven.

  I had the best fried rice ever, and I didn't have a single piece left.

  I learned another skill and I am very happy!

  蛋炒饭英语作文 篇16

  In the evening, after a long day of work, we started to prepare the ingredients for dinner. This was my first time helping to cook!

  At first, my brother was pouring the liquid inside the eggs into a small bowl and stirring it well; my mom was chopping the green onions and carrots, and I was peeling the chopped carrots. Next, I poured the well-stirred eggs into a wok and with the assistance of my mom injected a little oil and I started to scramble the eggs; my mom and brother were cutting the bacon and lean meat. Then, my mom poured oil to fry the rice and added the bacon and lean meat. Finally, I added carrots and green onions, and it was done! I ate it up and couldn't stop. Maybe it's because I fried it myself!

  It was fun to make my own fried rice, so I will do it again!

  蛋炒饭英语作文 篇17

  "La la la la" Today I'm going to show off my skills by making scrambled eggs with tomatoes, which is my first time cooking.

  Under my mother's guidance, I unscrewed the gas stove and poured in the oil, and before a minute had passed, the oil popped out from the bottom of the pan with a sizzle, scaring me several steps backwards. Then I cracked an egg and poured it into the pot. The egg was really naughty, like it was skating, skating to the east and west. I had a hard time mashing it with the bamboo spatula, but the egg was against me. I asked it to come out of the pot, but it wouldn't, as if to say, "I just won't come out". Then I poured the chopped tomatoes into the pot, which were much better behaved than the eggs. Mom said, "Pour them both into the pot", I listened and quickly acted, and finally put in the spices, I put salt and MSG, I tasted the taste just right, and finally a plate of fragrant scrambled eggs with tomatoes was completed!

  How about this simple scrambled eggs with tomatoes?

  蛋炒饭英语作文 篇18

  One day, my mom and dad were not home, only my brother and I were home. We decided to make fried rice. I said to my brother, "I want to make my own fried rice, let me try!" My brother nodded his head. With my brother's help, I got started.

  I first took out an egg and cracked it on the side of the bowl, poured the egg white and yolk into the bowl, stirred it back and forth with chopsticks, and put in a little salt. By this time, my brother had already heated up the wok for me, so I poured a little oil into the wok and poured the prepared rice into the wok. I kept stirring and stirring to make the rice hot and soft, and then I poured the stirred eggs into the pan and scrambled them together. With my efforts, the rice was finally ready. The white grains of rice turned yellow, as if they were wearing a small yellow autumn dress, beautiful.

  My egg fried rice, although it didn't taste good, made me happy to eat.

  蛋炒饭英语作文 篇19

  Students, you all like to eat fried rice with eggs, right? Today, I'm going to cook it myself.

  First, I break the eggs into a bowl and mix them well with chopsticks. Then I light up the stove and pour the right amount of eggs into the frying pan. Immediately the frying pan sizzled and the eggs swelled up like soap bubbles. Then use a spatula to turn the eggs over and break them into small pieces. When the eggs are cooked, put the rice in, then put is the right amount of salt, and keep turning with the spatula, about 3 minutes, the egg fried rice is ready. At this point, I asked the very fragrant taste. One bite, although not as good as my mother's, but this is my first "cooking" ah! I was very satisfied to be able to make it.

  I think, as I grow up, I must learn to do more housework to lighten the burden for my mother.

  蛋炒饭英语作文 篇20

  Today is Sunday and my mom said she would teach me how to make fried rice with eggs.

  I took the egg and cracked it on the side of the bowl. The first egg opened smoothly, and when the second egg opened, I was dumbfounded. Why were there two eggs? I quickly called my mom to come over and see. She said, ''This is a double-yolked egg, a normal biological phenomenon. There will be one egg in a hundred, just like some mothers give birth to two children at a time. This is a natural biological phenomenon. I am very happy today that I not only learned how to make scrambled rice but also discovered the phenomenon of double-yolked eggs.

  There are many natural phenomena around us, if you look carefully you will surely find them. This is the secret of nature.

  蛋炒饭英语作文 篇21

  When I got home from school, I felt a little hungry and my mother said she would give me fried rice with eggs. I was especially happy because I like my mom's fried rice the most.

  When my mom fried the rice, I helped her beat the eggs. She poured the oil into the wok, and when the oil was hot, I poured the beaten eggs into the wok, then poured the rice and sausage into the wok, then sprinkled some cooking wine and "delicious fresh" soy sauce, then picked up the spatula and stir-fried the rice, stir-frying it left and right, and the rice kept rolling around in the wok like a naughty like a naughty child rolling around. Soon the fragrant rice was ready.

  I smelled it, and it smelled so good! I couldn't wait to pick up my chopsticks and finish the bowl of fried rice in one go.









