Mark: Hey, Mike, hows it going?
Mike: Good, thanks
Mark: Mike I have a question for you. What do you think about the issue of guns? Do you think that people should have a right to own a gun or do you think that it should be illegal, that people should not be able to own guns?
Mike: Right, well, I think if there was a reason for it, like if it was the 1890s, lets say, and there was, you had to hunt for your dinner, then I could see the purpose or the point of having a gun, but I think in this day and age, again, being from Canada, Im very much against ownership of guns and I just see, you know, bad things happening when I see people with guns.
Mark: I definitely see your point, and generally Im a kind of liberal person but when it comes to guns, I feel like its sort of too late to make them illegal. In the Unites States, anyway, because if you take away the guns, youre really only taking away guns from the good people who actually register their guns and make their guns legal, but the criminals, or the bad people, they will still have their guns because theyre not going to turn their guns in legally anyway.
Mike: But if you punished people who had guns, in other words, if there were strict fines and those fines were enforced, you dont think that then people would, I mean, you know, turn in or, at least that violent gun crime would diminish or decrease.