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  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 1

  The annual New Years Eve is coming, our family is jubilant, are celebrating this happy festival.

  In the morning, my mother prepared breakfast and my grandfather went to buy food to prepare the New Years Eve dinner. My parents and I are big lazy, still sleeping in!

  We had breakfast, our family went to Kowloon Lake, came here to present in front of the nine dragons in the water, so imposing, really worthy of the Kowloon Lake, really worthy of the name.

  Leaving Kowloon Tam, we came to the Century Park, which is also a lively, festive atmosphere.

  Then we went home to prepare for the New Years Eve dinner. The New Years Eve dinner is very rich with delicious big plate chicken, tempting braised pork ribs, delicious steak, and our favorite big crab. We sit together, while eating a sumptuous dinner, while watching colorful programs, how happy ah!

  Downstairs firecrackers one after another, the sky became colorful, night like day.

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 2

  Today is February 16th, that is, the 28th of the Twelfth month, my sister will go home from Shanghai! Every time my sister comes home, I will be very happy, because my sister is very good to me, and every year my sister will only come back during the New Year, and every time I come back to stay only for a few days, I cherish it.

  Because my sister got off the train at 13:30 and took the subway, my father and I waited for my sister early at Changsha West Station, while my mother sat in her own car, afraid that others would steal the car. Waiting for more than 20 minutes, my sister walked out of the elevator, I ran over, hugged my sister, too excited to call "sister".

  On the way home, my mother and my sister talked a lot, although my sister was sitting next to me, I still let the two of them have a communication space - not to disturb their chat.

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 3

  Every day of our lives is wonderful. There are joys and sorrows. Every day when something happens, its unforgettable. Last Sunday I was very happy.

  That day, grandpa, grandma, mother, brother, our family came to the street. We talked and laughed with joy. My brother and I, while playing bumper cars, while playing jumping bed that high! When we were tired, we lay on the lawn, a breeze blew, the body was cool and refreshing, at this time, my mother bought my brother and me my favorite food Liangpi and wahaha, we sat on the lawn eating Liangpi and drinking wahaha, listening to grandpa and grandma tell us about the past and present changes in Zhongning, it was very nice.

  I think todays day is really a happy day ah!

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 4

  One sunny morning, a caterpillar and a little ant are walking in the countryside. As they walked, they saw a big round egg shell. They had an idea and made the egg shell into a seesaw and played happily.

  After a while, the little butterfly flew and said: "Do you want to go to the sky with me to play?" "Yes, yes," the two friends cheered. So, they made the egg shells into hot air balloons and flew into the sky on the hot air balloon. They flew over the fields, crossed the mountains, shook hands with the white clouds, and saw the beautiful scenery.

  In the afternoon, it rained heavily, and they hid in the egg shell for shelter, listening to the "patter" of rain, as if listening to a wonderful concert.

  It was dark, everyone was tired, they took the egg shell as a cradle, the green leaves as a quilt, lying in the cradle, into the sweet sleep.

  Today, so happy!

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 5

  Today my classmates and I spent a happy day in Big agriculture.

  We started our own roast mutton, first brush a layer of oil, and so on when almost cooked and sprinkle some salt and chili powder, wow, good smell! We accidentally dropped the roast on the ground, rinsed it with water, and then re-cooked it. Although the taste was a little strange, we deserved praise for not wasting food.

  After eating, we kicked the shuttlecock, played the toy golf ball, but also lying in the hammock to watch cartoons, happy time is always short, just like a running pony, running to go home, on the way home also met a lovely little rabbit in the grass fast running, it also want to go home?

  Through this party, I found that the students are so cute ah, I like them!

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 6

  Look, the fish in the river are swimming happily! Many open flowers are really beautiful, listen, the birds on the tree in pairs are chirping and singing! This is what spring looks like!

  Today is the wind and sunshine, my mother and I went to the south space to pick strawberries, the flowers and trees inside the fruit harvest is full, there are large and small, fat and thin.

  I picked one and used it. It was very sweet. I found that the skin of the strawberry is very fragile and will soften with a little effort.

  Today I am very happy, I took the strawberry home to share with my sister and father, they all said very sweet, although only picked a little to take home, but can let everyone eat is happy, after all, to share is happy!

  My mother and I also took some pictures, although not stunning, but everyday life

  I hope next time its our family!

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 7

  Today is an ordinary day.

  This morning, I got up early, to slip my dog Tuantuan, Tuantuan is very cute, it is clever and obedient, walk up and down a jump, as if there is no trouble.

  Although today is an ordinary day, but the extraordinary time will be how many? Many extraordinary things are created by ordinary people in ordinary days! I think through their unremitting efforts will also create extraordinary things in ordinary days!

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 8

  This is what a happy day, today my brothers birthday, I am very happy, my parents bought a big birthday egg for my brother, there are many different colors of fruit.

  When my brother and I came back from school, I just opened the door, my father and mother said: come to eat cake, when my father opened the cake, my brother and I drooled all over the ground. Then Dad said: Lets play a game. We all agreed, dad took out four balloons, let us play to see who blew the biggest balloon who will win, when I blew the balloon very big, but I did not think the balloon suddenly broke, I sat on the ground, my brother saw pushing me to play up, playing with the dark mom and dad let us go to bed, I fell asleep.

  What a happy day it was. My brother had a happy birthday.

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 9

  On Sunday, after we had lunch at home, my mother and I drove out to the childrens playground of Trust-Mart. On the way, I looked forward to playing with the car, jumping on the trampoline, playing in the wave pool and so on.

  As soon as I arrived at Trust-Mart, I couldnt wait to run into the playground and play with my favorite car. Unconsciously time passed quickly, two hours passed, my mother let me accompany her to the mall shopping, I reluctantly out of the playground, into the mall.

  I walked while looking, there are a lot of things inside, there are food, there are clothes, there is play, everything... When I passed the toy area, I suddenly found a "hamburger set" toy very attractive to me, I picked it up and looked at it, very exquisite, I couldnt put it down.

  Later, my mother still bought the toy for me, my heart is particularly happy, thank you mom!

  But every time I buy a toy, I have to get a good grade, or my mother will confiscate it.

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 10

  Today I am very happy, because I go back to my hometown. I can only go back to my hometown about once a week.

  I especially like going back to my hometown, because I have a lot of friends in my hometown. Friends in the hometown will play some games that have not been played in the county, and those games are more fun than one. Those games are not thought of in the county, and there is no venue to play. Today I went to find friends to play, playing hide-and-seek, if the county thought of hide-and-seek is not so big venue. We started playing.

  First round rock, paper, scissors! I lost. Okay. Look for 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!

  Where is it? Check the kitchen. No. What about behind the door? Ha-ha. Let me find it

  And then I looked for them, and I found them all. Time for the next man...

  I spent a happy day in my hometown!

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 11

  National Day is coming, I can have a good time to play, I heard that mom and dad will take me to go fishing, I jumped up with joy.

  That day, I couldnt wait to buy a fishing pole from the supermarket. Mother got the fish food, bait and bucket ready and we set off. Came to the river, the mother first put the fish food into the river, and then the mother put the bait on the hook, and then threw the hook into the river. At this time, the fish fluttered, the mother quickly put the rod up, a fish on the hook did not have a fish, the original is a small fish hit the hook.

  Mother threw the hook into the river again, we stared at the fish without blinking, then the fish floated and moved, the mother quickly lifted up the rod, look, a hook on the hook, I was happy to clap my hands. Although the fish was a little small, I was still very happy, because I knew what fishing was like.

  This day, I had a good time.

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 12

  On the evening of the New Years Eve, our whole family gets together to have the New Years Eve dinner. After dinner, we sat around the TV and talked while watching TV.

  The bell of the Spring Festival has not rung, and the sound of firecrackers outside has been ringing one after another. My father and I have a little itch in the heart, then took out a "Qianzihongqi" to.

  Dad lit the fireworks carefully. I saw fireworks "wheezing -" white smoke, suddenly "whoosh -" a burst of fireworks to come. Some are like bright pearls falling from the sky, some are like glittering stars hanging in the night sky, and some are like full peony to open. Red, yellow, purple, fireworks adorn the night sky with colorful, beautiful! I clapped my hands and jumped, laughed and turned.

  On the evening of the New Years Eve, the festive atmosphere everywhere was filled with cheers, laughter, and firecrackers, which formed a "New Year symphony".

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 13

  Class, I saw the teacher holding a stack of papers, my legs are weak.

  The teacher handed out the test paper, and I saw that the test paper was reviewed by me last night. Thought: there must be no problem. I worked very hard and there was only one question left in the paper.

  I tried and tried, but I couldnt figure it out. I turned my head and looked around, and there was a little kid scratching his head. Some are checking carefully, and there is a naughty child copying another childs paper. And then I thought about it, and I finally got it. After I had checked the test paper, I handed it to the teacher.

  In the afternoon, the teacher held the paper over, and my legs were shaking again. The teacher said: "Today to praise a child, today he got a hundred, he is Mei Shihao." My classmates clapped for me.

  This is a really happy day.

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 14

  On the weekend afternoon, my father took time to take me to the forest park.

  We soon arrived at the gate of the forest park, through a long path, at a glance can see a very big lake, my father said, this is the famous North Long Lake. Looking at the horizon, the lake is like a flat mirror, the lake is crystal clear, and there are small fish swimming happily in the water. Because it is the weekend, the weather is sunny, there are a lot of visitors here, adults with children to play here, I also took off my shoes, for safety, can only play in the water side with grass, barefoot, very comfortable.

  Time passed so fast, more than two hours passed, it was getting dark, Dad said, we should go home.

  Today I had a good weekend, so happy!

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 15

  Today is Sunday, I got up early in the morning. I go down to do morning exercises first. Then I go upstairs to brush my teeth and wash my face. After eating, I do my homework. Then I went down to play. After a while, my mother asked me to go home, I thought something was wrong. After arriving at the store, I realized that it was my mother who had to go out for a while and asked me to help watch my sister. After a while, my mother came back, and it was time for me to eat. After dinner, I went to Phoenix with my friends. We had a great time. When we came back, we had another rest in the park, and then I went to class again. I studied hard in class. Two hours passed quickly and I finished the class.

  Today is a colorful day, I am very happy.

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 16

  Today, I was looking for something, and I was looking, and I saw my bathing suit. Speaking of swimming suits, I think of the time I went swimming with my father last summer.

  When we got to the swimming pool, all the people could swim, but I couldnt, so my father taught me. At first, my father held me, gradually, I will, my father also loosened his hand. However, I sank to the bottom of the water and drank three times in a row. Dad quickly put me up, I feel sour nose, ears inside like into something, I really want to end it. But I am not convinced, I want to show my father not bad! I took a breath and swam. After swimming for a while, I stood up and saw that I was far away from my father. I thought: Am I a genius? All at once!

  What a happy day it was!

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 17

  The Prune Rabbit, the Jingle Dog, and the Purring pig were already at school, but they were very tired after only one day of school. After the first weekend, I immediately rushed out of the house and ran to the green lawn.

  Grass plum rabbit holding a butterfly catch net, came to the lawn to catch butterflies.

  The hare found a beautiful butterfly among the flowers. She walked gently to the beautiful butterfly and caught it when it did not pay attention.

  Tinker Bell Dog and purring pig took a intact football and kicked it on the lawn. The little bee who had just finished collecting honey saw Tinker Bell dog play so well, as if it had become a fan of Tinker Bell Dog.

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 18

  Today is Sunday, my father took me to the South Street Xinhua bookstore to buy books. I was happy and excited all the way.

  On the South Street, I asked, "Dad, is Xinhua Bookstore on the third floor?" He said, "Of course!" Look at him again. His eyes were closed and his mouth closed. Look like a proud! Then, my father accompanied me up the stairs of the third floor and found the Xinhua Bookstore. I ran into the bookstore like the wind, and picked out two books from the shelf, respectively, the beautiful girl Xia Lin Guo and the friends at the same table are Zhou Jis trouble. I took two books and read them with great interest, and my father also chose a book on the shelf called "The Answer to All the Reasons on Earth." He picked up the book and read it with all his attention. At last my books and my fathers books were placed in front of the waitress, and I made a price and took the money home.

  Aaargh! Im so happy today. I wish every day was like this!

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 19

  Today is my happiest day.

  In the morning to participate in the flag-raising ceremony, the well teacher praised our group to stand fast, praised by the teacher my heart is very excited, looking at the raised national flag thought: next time to stand faster, last week is because of our group to stand slow, was criticized by the teacher.

  The most happy thing for me this afternoons class meeting, I became a "reading star", the teacher also awarded me a medal, looking at the teacher gave me a medal in the heart. I know that this medal is my usual careful writing reading notes, insist on writing a blog, love to read in exchange.

  In the future, I will read more books and strive to be a "golden reading angel".

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 20

  From the morning sun just shed the first ray of sunshine, I will get up to open is the first day of diligence. I did not close my eyes until the evening when the moon was deep, and I was busy for eight hours, twenty-four hours a day.

  After getting up in the morning, after washing, I rode my bike to go outside to buy breakfast, with the disappearance of various hawker voices, I returned home, after eating breakfast, I put my mind into learning, various subjects, various assignments. I still try my best to complete, finish the homework is usually in the afternoon, this is sleepy I still do not rest, have started my other side business - learning drums, various exercises to enrich my brain, "single jump", "double jump", "compound jump" occupy my hands and feet, after dinner, I have to wash the dishes, after the end I went to read to know sleep.

  Warm bed is where I want to go every day, but busy makes me happy, hard work makes me healthy.

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 21

  On Sunday, I was playing computer at home and suddenly my q had a letter above and then "Thor" below it said, "Can you come to my home to play?" I asked my parents, "Can I go to his house?" Mom and Dad said, "Who is he?" I said, "Its my classmate." Dad said, "Do you know where his house is?" I said, "Yes." Dad said, "Well, be careful!"

  I came to my friends house, I asked: Have you finished your homework? He said, "Gee! I forgot to write it. He wrote very slowly, and I waited there for a long, long time, but it was not finished. I said Id go first and hurried home. I was very, very tired when I got home, and when I had no energy, my father and sister took me home on a motorcycle.

  So I went home. It was an interesting day!

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 22

  Today is New Years Eve, I ate dinner at my uncles house and cant wait to go home, because home can set off fireworks. Its not even 7:00 and Im clamoring to see the fireworks. Finally, fireworks! I saw the front and back of every family are setting off fireworks, but look and look, or my home is the most beautiful. There are gold ones, silver ones, and colorful ones.

  My mother said to me: "There are some fireworks for children to play, you can play with your brother." Then I played with my brother. After the fireworks, I watched the Spring Festival gala with my mother and sister, looking at me, I almost fell asleep, my mother said to go back to the room early, to welcome the New Year!

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 23

  Today, I went to the Yuquan Temple in Dangyang with my parents.

  My parents and I respected a stick of incense into the "" incense group" there are a variety of Buddha statues have a thousand hands Guan Yin, Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva, four heavenly Kings, Maitreya Buddha.

  The most memorable thing for me is the pearl, which looks no different from the ordinary river from the appearance, only to see the tourists next to clap their hands, the bottom of the river will appear some small bubbles. Really like a small pearl, the original clap of the river will emerge small "pearls" ah. I also clap hands really fun, my father and I went to the green dragon cave to the door only to find that it is a haunted house. I did not hesitate to close my eyes, and only heard a burst of "ghost" laughter in my ear.

  This is so much fun. Ill come back next time.

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 24

  Today, I went to celebrate my cousins birthday. My sister-in-law bought two birthday cakes, one large and one small.

  When we wake up, we begin our journey for the day. After two long hours, we finally arrived at my cousins house.

  As soon as I entered the room, my cousin pulled me into the room and started the game. We are playing car racing. Im a novice. I kept crashing into the wall when I was turning and accidentally flying off the runway. I was very distressed. Later, I asked my cousin about the secret. Slowly, the car began to listen to me. Later, I also got the first place. Im really happy!

  I found a lot of joy in the game, something I wont be able to forget for a long time.

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 25

  My aunt passed away this morning. My aunt, my grandmothers youngest sister, died of a serious illness. Grandma cried sadly. I dont remember my aunt very much. I seldom see her at family gatherings because she is ill. My mother said that my aunt liked me very much, and that she had taken care of me when I was young, but I was too young to remember.

  Grandma was sad and had to see my aunt off one last time. So I followed my grandmother to my aunts house. My aunts home is in Jinshan, far, far away. My grandmother and I took the subway, then the train, and finally took the bus to my aunts house. All the other aunts and uncles were there when we arrived, and we were all very sad and crying. I couldnt help but cry when I saw it. Today is the saddest day of my life. Im really sad. I think my aunt should meet my great-aunt and grandpa in the sky now. I hope they can have a good life in the sky.

  I miss Grandpa!

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 26

  This week our team did not organize team activities, I had to get up at home to watch TV, do homework, can not go out to play like last week, feel a little boring. I watched TV for a while and grandma said, "Come on, lets go fix your skates."

  When I got to the repairman, I said, "My shoes are broken, would you please help me repair them?" The master took my shoes carefully observed and began to repair them. After a while, my skates were repaired by the master and looked as good as new. The masters workmanship is really good! I immediately put it on to eat breakfast, and then I went home.

  My shoes were repaired today. Im so happy!

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 27

  More than ten o clock in the morning, I went to the toilet, and then my mother got up, my mother let me brush my teeth and wash my face, after finishing, we went to my mothers unit, a little thing happened when I went, so, delayed a little time, and then, we took lunch to the unit to eat.

  In the afternoon, I wanted my mother to buy Gaqi cakes and instant noodles, this afternoon I had a good time, I always went out immediately back, although my mother took the trouble to open the door, I always make small mistakes, mother every time forgive me, I always ask my mother some questions, in the blink of an eye, the afternoon passed, in the evening, father took my mother and I went to the countryside, I finished in the countryside for a long time, After dinner and playing for a while, I went to do my homework

  I had a great time!

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 28

  It was a sunny day in summer vacation. People are hot do not know what to do, cicadas in the tree kept calling "cicada, cicada". Xiaogang took the swimming ring to the edge of the sea to swim. The blue sea is like a big bright mirror, and there are all kinds of shells on the beach: some are like triangles, some are like five-pointed stars... Its beautiful.

  Xiao Gang cant wait to take off his swimsuit and dive into the sea, which is really refreshing. Xiaogang swimming freely in the water, naughty fish under Xiaogang body to tickle Xiaogang, Xiaogang could not help but turn over a body, he for a while breaststroke, a while backstroke, very happy.

  Its getting dark. "Its time for Mom to set the time for me," thought Xiao Gang. Xiao just reluctantly go home, Xiao Gang before leaving can not forget to pick up a few shells, keep as a souvenir.

  What a happy day! The mountains and rivers of the motherland are really beautiful!

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 29

  After class this morning, my parents took me to Yingze Park to play for a while.

  Used to be afraid to play exciting games, always watch others play. This time I decided to play exciting games.

  I played two bumper cars first, and then I played a music boat. I didnt want to play with the hurricane chair, but Dad pushed me into the seat and I had to sit up. Played once, feel very exciting, very fun, so "love" this game. I asked my father to buy me another ticket. After two games, Dad took me to the disco again.

  I asked, "Do you two play?"

  Dad said: "We dont play, we watch you play below."

  I said, "Isnt that a good show?"

  I started the machine as soon as I got up. Ten seconds later, I was knocked down. Im facing the door. I did not dare to slide down the door, so I quickly supported the ground. I stole a glance at my parents who were laughing there.

  I also played games like Super Swing.

  So happy today!

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 30

  It was a beautiful morning, my classmates and I made an appointment to go to his house to play, but we were on the way, saw an old grandmother slowly cross the road, we saw hurriedly ran over, said: grandma we help you cross the road, grandma nodded, so we sent the old grandmother to the home, grandma said happily: Come on, grandma. Ill buy you something to eat. I want to thank you for driving me home. We quickly said: no no grandma we help you not to eat, we are a good example to learn Lei Feng ah! Grandma, you dont have to thank us! Bye, Grandma. At this time, our hearts seemed to eat honey like, happy smile.

  This is a happy day.

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 31

  Today is a special day. My uncle took my aunt and two naughty brothers to visit my house.

  Mother prepared a lot of delicious food for them. Chengdi - came into my home and asked, "Aunt, what delicious food did you cook for us? I love you so much." I quickly said: "You love to eat egg tarts, bread, yogurt, pizza ah!" Chengdi said, "Wow, thats great! "Good ah," watching them eat their mothers food, with relish, mother smiled.

  We came to my base, began to play games, play toys, play hide-and-seek, Wolf Wolf time, eat chicken, play a lot of fun, then uncle said: "We should go home" two younger brothers reluctantly said: "OK!"

  They left me a little reluctant to part, but I am still very happy today, a long time have not played so happy? Today is really unforgettable!

  不平凡的一天初中英语作文 32

  I got up and saw the first ray of sunshine in the morning. How bright it was! The air is particularly fresh, the surrounding trees are lush, looking from a distance like a green sea, a beautiful day began!

  It has been two days since the end of the exam, in these two days, I am looking forward to my exam results. I carefully answered the exam, checked several times, I think they must be very good, but English listening is not very good, because only listen to once, I can not check, so I have no idea, I hope to have a good score, although the score can not represent all the learning strength, but at least a yardstick.

  An inch of time an inch of gold, an inch of gold can not buy an inch of time, I must cherish the time, study hard, do not work hard, the old man is sad!










