
英语作文on the national day

时间:2021-07-06 15:15:52 关于英语的作文 我要投稿

英语作文on the national day

  Today is National Day.It was a fine day for going out.The air is clean.The sun is bright.We all had a long hoilday.We were going to Qingdao to spend the National Day.In the morning,we set off early.Then we went there by bus with a lot of tourists.It took us about five hours to get there.We were very tired when we got there.After I had a good rest,

英语作文on the national day

  I went to "Yellow River".The waves are high.There were a lot of people surfing,swimming.The next day ,we climbed the named "lao"moution.Its steep,But we climbed the top of the moution.We had a good time.we went to named "five ,four" park and some places of great interest.We were happy.We took some photos.It will help us remember tihs National Day forever.

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