
时间:2024-05-18 11:10:18 志华 英语演讲稿范文 我要投稿
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  介绍室友的英语演讲稿 1

  hello,everyone. good afternoon. thank you for giving me this

  opportunity to talk about my top concern. im no.26, ill talk about friend.

  everyone of us,rich or poor,should at least have one or two good friends. my friend will listen to me when i want to speak, will help me when i need,will take care of me when i am sick,and my friends will go together with me side by side through this journey of life. when i was ten, i was suddenly confronted with the anguish of transferring to other school. i had to left my friends i had ever known. as a kid,i feel lonely when i study in a new environment without a person i had known. nobody i could talk,nobody could know when i feel lonely. the time when i couldnt sleep, ill always miss them, then the tears filled my eyes.

  later, i became familar with the environment ,and made some friends ,which became my best friends then. they talked with me when i felt lonely, they helped me when i needed, they took care of me when i was sick. even through we were part, we still keep in touch with each other.

  in our whole lives,well meet too much people but only a few can be our best friends. when staying with them,we can release ourself completely. we can do whatever we want, we can laugh together, talk together, and even cry together. i should say that being together with our best friends is the most wonderful moment of our lives. but in this fast-developing modern society, the reality is not that. more and more people forget to enjoy the beauty of friendship.

  they work hard in order to gain a higher position in the society and to earn more money for their work. they have few time to share with their friends. with the time goes by, they will be far away from each other.

  friend is kind of treasure in our lives. its actually like a bottle of wine, the longer it is kept, the sweeter it will be. it also likes a cup of hot tea, when we are in bed time, it will warm our broken hearts.

  friends,especially best friends. it is what we should have in our lives,and it can make our lives be colorful go beyond our imagination. thanks for your listening. this is what i concerned.






  介绍室友的英语演讲稿 2

  Morning everyone,Ifeel excited to have the chance to give you a short speach here.

  Let’s see a phenomenon,we can’t live for a minite without it,cellphone.Just as a fish can’t live without water.But why is cell phone so attractive?

  Iguess that it is software applications that makes it.

  nWhether you acknowledge or not,smart phone has changed our lives in the past ten years.Sincerely speaking,softwaer applications make our lives more and more colorful.They cover almost every aspects of our lives,such as clothing,eating,travelling,payingand entertaining.These kinds of software applications makes us approach to everything.We can order take out even in dormotory.They give us a moving map when we are travelling.What’s more.,they provide us with quantities of games,which occupys almost all our free time.

  Ten years have seen the rapid development of software applications.It’s really unbelieveable that they developed so comprehensively,they have became helpers of us.They become practical,they press close to the tendency.In addition,they make our lives more and more convenient.

  It’s a tendency that everything is to develop into mobile one,which truly makes room for software applications.People rae accustomed to paying on phone.And other people have the desire to do everything by their smart phone.since the software applications are used so frequently,safty and pravicy truly catch our attention.So what’s the tendency of requirement of market today?Or what’s the development of software applications in the future?

  Maybe the inventors are supposed to focus on the tendency of the development of the world,pay attention to the requirement of users.What’s more,what’s the most important is safty.

  Only follow the tendency can they develop well.

  That’s all my speech.Thank you for listening.

  介绍室友的英语演讲稿 3

  Good morning, everyone! Today, Id like to share with you a special person in my life - my roommate.

  My roommate is a remarkable individual, full of energy and enthusiasm for life. Weve been sharing the same living space for quite some time now, and Ive come to admire her in many ways.

  Firstly, she is incredibly organized. Our shared space is always tidy and clean, thanks to her constant efforts. She believes in the saying, "A place for everything and everything in its place." Her dedication to keeping our space tidy is truly admirable.

  Moreover, she is an incredibly hardworking person. Whether its her studies, part-time job, or extracurricular activities, she always puts her heart and soul into whatever she does. Her perseverance and dedication are an inspiration to me.

  Shes also a great friend. Shes always there to lend a helping hand when I need it, whether its a study session, a late-night chat, or just a shoulder to lean on. Her kindness and compassion make our friendship even more special.

  Lastly, shes a cultural enthusiast. She loves exploring different cultures, languages, and cuisines. Her passion for learning and discovery has broadened my horizons and made me more open-minded.

  In conclusion, my roommate is a truly amazing person. Her organizational skills, hard work, friendship, and cultural enthusiasm make her a joy to live with. Im grateful to have her as my roommate and friend. Thank you for listening to my speech.

  介绍室友的英语演讲稿 4

  Im excited to talk about my roommate today, a person who has left a lasting impression on me.

  My roommate is a unique individual with a contagious sense of humor. Whenever the going gets tough, she always has a joke or a funny story to lighten the mood. Her laughter is like sunshine, warming up even the coldest of days.

  Shes also incredibly independent. She values her freedom and personal space, yet shes always ready to lend a helping hand. Her balance of self-reliance and compassion is something I admire deeply.

  Moreover, shes a passionate advocate for her beliefs. Whether its about environmental conservation, social justice, or simply a good book, shes never afraid to speak her mind. Her conviction and courage are truly admirable.

  But above all, shes a great listener. Shes always there with an open ear, ready to hear my stories, my joys, and my struggles. Her understanding and empathy make her a true friend.

  In conclusion, my roommate is a multifaceted person with many talents and qualities. Her humor, independence, passion, and empathy make her a joy to be around. Im truly blessed to have her as my roommate and a close friend. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to share her story with you.

  介绍室友的英语演讲稿 5

  Good afternoon, everyone! Today, Id like to share with you about my dear roommate, John.

  John is a fascinating individual who has become an integral part of my university life. Hes from a small town in the Midwest, but his enthusiasm for life and sense of adventure make him feel like hes from anywhere but there.

  Johns academic prowess is unquestionable. Hes majoring in Computer Science and is always on the cutting edge of technology. But hes not just a bookworm; hes also an avid sports fan. On weekends, we often watch basketball or football games together, cheering for our favorite teams.

  What truly sets John apart, however, is his kind and compassionate nature. Hes always ready to lend a helping hand, whether its with homework, emotional support, or just a good laugh. His sense of humor and positive attitude are a constant source of energy for our room.

  In conclusion, John is not just my roommate; hes my friend, my confidant, and a true inspiration. Im grateful to have him as a part of my journey through university.

  Thank you for listening!

  介绍室友的英语演讲稿 6

  Hello, everyone! Im here to introduce my wonderful roommate, Emily.

  Emily is a true globetrotter. She hails from the East Coast but has traveled to numerous countries, bringing a unique perspective to our shared space. Her stories of exotic cultures and adventures are always fascinating.

  Academically, Emily excels in her field of study, Psychology. Her keen interest in human behavior and emotion makes for interesting conversations around our room. But shes also a great cook, often whipping up delicious meals for us to enjoy.

  More than that, Emily is a thoughtful and caring person. Shes always there to offer advice or a shoulder to lean on when needed. Her kindness and empathy make her a pleasure to live with.

  In a nutshell, Emily is a multifaceted individual who brings joy, wisdom, and warmth to our little space. Im extremely lucky to have her as my roommate.

  Thank you for your attention!

  介绍室友的英语演讲稿 7

  Good day, ladies and gentlemen! Today, I want to introduce you to my remarkable roommate, Michael.

  Michael is a music aficionado with a passion for all genres. His room is adorned with guitars, keyboards, and various other instruments. But dont let his love for music fool you; hes also a diligent student in the field of Business Administration.

  What I admire most about Michael is his dedication to his hobbies and studies. Hes always finding a balance between the two, whether its practicing his guitar or preparing for exams. His ability to multitask and prioritize is truly admirable.

  Moreover, Michael is a great conversationalist. His stories and anecdotes about music, business, and life in general are always entertaining and insightful. Hes the perfect person to have a casual chat with or a deep discussion.

  In summary, Michael is a talented musician, a diligent student, and a fascinating conversationalist. Im proud to call him my roommate.

  Thank you for listening!

  介绍室友的英语演讲稿 8

  Good morning, everyone! Today, Id like to share with you about my remarkable roommate, John.

  John and I have been sharing the same dormitory for the past year, and it has been an absolute joy. He is a person who radiates positivity and enthusiasm for life. His sense of humor always brightens up our room, and his easygoing nature makes him a joy to be around.

  John is an avid learner. Whether its a new language, a challenging course, or a new skill, he always dives in with eagerness. His dedication to academics has inspired me to push myself harder as well.

  Moreover, John is a true friend. Hes always there to lend a helping hand, whether its with homework, emotional support, or just a good conversation. Im grateful to have him as my roommate and as a part of my college journey.

  In conclusion, John is not just my roommate; hes a friend, a mentor, and a valuable part of my college experience. Im looking forward to many more years of shared moments and memories with him. Thank you for listening!

  介绍室友的英语演讲稿 9

  Hello, everyone! Today, I want to talk about my unique roommate, Lily.

  Lily is a cultural blend. Her parents are from two different countries, and she has grown up with a unique blend of traditions and values. This diversity has made her a fascinating person to be around.

  Not only is she culturally diverse, but shes also incredibly artistic. Lily is an accomplished painter and a talented musician. Her artwork often hangs in the student gallery, and her music fills our dormitory with melodies.

  In addition to her artistic talents, Lily is also an advocate for sustainability. Shes always reminding us to recycle, conserve energy, and be mindful of our environmental impact. Her dedication to this cause has motivated me to make more eco-friendly choices in my daily life.

  In summary, Lily has brought so much color, creativity, and consciousness to our shared space. Im grateful to have her as my roommate and a constant reminder to be open-minded, artistic, and environmentally aware. Thank you for listening!

  介绍室友的英语演讲稿 10

  Im here to introduce you to my inspiring roommate, Michael.

  Michael is a person who never gives up. Whether its overcoming a difficult exam, training for a marathon, or pursuing a passion project, he always finds the strength to persevere. His resilience and dedication have taught me the importance of hard work and perseverance.

  Michael is also a leader in our community. Hes always ready to step up and take on new responsibilities, whether its organizing a dorm event or volunteering for a campus-wide initiative. His leadership skills and dedication to service have made a positive impact on our entire dormitory.

  Lastly, Michael is a great listener and a compassionate friend. Hes always there to lend an ear and offer support, whether its with a personal struggle or just a need for a good conversation. His empathy and kindness have made our dormitory feel like a true home.

  In conclusion, Michael is an incredible roommate who has inspired me in many ways. His resilience, leadership, and compassion have left a lasting impression on me, and Im grateful to have him as a part of my college experience. Thank you for listening!


大学英语作文:我的室友-My Roommate08-06








