美签 邀请函
dearf-ather fu:
thisletter is inviting you to come to usa to see us together with mother li, and living with us for 4 months in 1625 pleasant ave, auburn ca, usa. youwill come to america with my girl friend xiaoai on 11, february and returnto china with your grandson jiheng nie on 11, june.
we willpay all the fees for your living and traveling in usa, and the plane ticketsfor coming to usa and returning to china. during you staying in usa, we will visitseveral famous cities: lake-tahoe, reno, san-francisco area, los angeles, las vegasso on. you will see how the people in usa live and a little about our day to day living in auburn, ca.
we believe that you will enjoy traveling in the usa and we look forward to being able to spend time with you and mother.
yourdaughter :mia
yourson-in-law : terry
yourgrandson: nie
爸爸您好 :
这封信是邀请您和母亲一起来美国看我们, 和我们一起生活在 1625 普来真特 ,奥本,加州 4 个月。我的女朋友小爱会在 2 月 11 号带你们一起飞来美国,你们将会在 6 月 11 号和你们的外孙子聂寄恒一起飞回中国。
xx-xx ave
auburn,ca, 95602
tel& fax: xx-x
dear sir/madam:
we arewriting this letter to invite our parents baba fu and mama li to visit usthis coming february for a period of 4 months. our friend xiaoai is travellingto china celebrate chinese new year with her family and will be coming back to americaon 11, february! she wound like to do me a favor and bring my parents togetherwith her ,as they can ’ t speak any english at all, we are worried them to fly and go through customs by themselves .
duringtheir visit , we plan to take them to look around lake-tahoe, reno,san-francisco area, los angeles; if time permits, we will also take them to seelas vegas. our plan is to spend spring with them in the usa and then send themback to china with my son jiheng nie on 11, june.
we willcover all their expenses during their visit in the usa, including flightticket, local transportation, accommodations, medical insurances and all other related expenses, enclosed please find our financial supportive files for yourreference.
yourf-avorable consideration regarding their visa applications will be highlyappreciated. if you have any questions regarding this matter, please kindly contact us at the address and telephone number above.
yours respectfully,
mia&terry petersen
美签 邀请函 [篇2]
september 10, 2012
wenhao cui
5540 parker street,burnaby, bc, v5b 1z7
re:invitation letter for wenqi cui
dear sir/madam:
i, wenhao cui(passport no. :g33472498), would like to invite my sister, wenqi cui(passport no. :g48064415)to canada to stay with me for about ten days starting from october 22.
as my whole family (my wife xuan deng, my 4-year-old son jiachang cui and i) have moved to canada under independent visa program and haven’t seen my parents and sister for a long time, we missed them very much. even though we really want to come back to see them it’s not so easy for us to spare time. it is a pity that my parents might not be able to visit us due to their age and health situation. so, my wife xuan and i would like to invite my dear sister to visit us.
the purpose of the visit is family reunion. she will stay with us at the above address and i will be responsible for all the expenses including the round trip air fare to canada, food, housing travelling within canada.
i have been missing them so much, since i left home a long time. i even dreamt of meeting them every night. i will make sure that she will leave canada before the expiration of their authorized day.
please kindly grant her a temporary resident visa.
please do not hesitate to contact me via +1-778-330-7338, if you have any concerns.
best regards,
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