
时间:2023-03-13 03:55:55 观后感 我要投稿
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  Rain Man is a moving story about two brothers, one a selfish yuppie named Charlie Babbitt who cares only about the importance of money and the other named Raymond who is a autistic and doesn't know anything about the importance of money. Charlie realizes that his father left three million dollars to Raymond and little to him, as he also realizes Raymomd is his brother! Charlie kidnaps Raymond from his residential home and begins a long journey and discovery that will forever change both their lives. Rain Man is a completely moving, emotional, funny, and unforgettable movie. Dustin Hoffman is one of my favorite actors and plays his most memorable role as well as Tom Cruise, who gives a great performance that helped a lot in launching most of his career. The direction by Barry Levinson is stunning and of course, his best yet. Overall, the film is a timeleclassic that moves me in every way. This is definitely one of the best films of the 80's and one of my all time favorites. Yea, definitely, definitely, recommend it!

  This is a big Oscar in the list of their names left the classic film, but also throughout the'80s most influential film. In my view, it is more like a tight, and even some of the Hollywood stereotypes of textbooks. The film seeks to achieve the so-called "academic" and "public" between the most appropriate point of intersection, and this is the appropriate time to develop, on the one hand are those judges affirmed, on the other hand won popular joy, which, the huge succeof the film is the main reason.

  Films chosen the "kinship" with infinite charm of this emotional theme, and throughout the entire movie, the multiple use of moral choice to the "family" concept to烘托. The so-called "moral multiple choice," which actually refers to the movie as a younger brother Charlie (Tom Cruise ornaments) in the treatment takes the money interests and the two options, this is a film where the focus of contradictions . First of all, we look at what factors in the film its emotional theme longer play a role.

  The film director Barry Levinson has always been to the social issues and social hot spot known for a calm understanding. Most of his film style restrained in the handling of the lens appears moderate, often at the focus of the lens as well as the characters start clues to the whole incident. The dominant motive in the handling of si-mp-le implication, it Chilled and rules. Films opening at the first-Motive: hanging in midair car out in straight locations throughout the main narrative films - Highway. The car is the film contradictions carrier. At the same time, this also points out the film as the he-ro-in-e Charlie figures. In the next workplace a show, the performance is the smart and capable Charlie, good at reconciling the many character side of things. In addition, the car in the air to a certain extent, hinted at the work of the sun at high noon Charlie background, it seems like he-car traffic in the sky, and in the depth of field space is one himself the proliferation of high-rise buildings.

  Then, Charles received the news his father passed away, then went to attend the funeral, but found that the car, leads to childhood memories. Originally, Charlie because a stolen car and his father's father was spurned by. Cars become a film contradictory motives are. It is precisely because the reasons for the car, Charlie and his father will not and, therefore dry himself on the automobile businesses. In the following paragraphs, the same use of motor vehicles, leads to the true masters of the film - "Rain Man" (Dustin Hoffman ornaments). So the whole film has been basically established all set up, in the remaining time, the use of these settings is to create and solve them by contradiction.


  In class I have saw the “rain man”, when I got back to my dormitory I saw it again carefully , found the rain man speak not only the brotherhood, and father and son feeling, and a feeling of love for the weak, as Charlie’s girlfriend Suzanne to Raymond’s care. In order to help Raymond, Suzanne quarrel with Charlie. I like Suzanne very much, i think she not only beautiful, more has a kind heart. When Suzanne come back later, she and Raymond in elevator , more let me feel the greatness of her, maybe she would have his brother as Raymond.

  When I have enjoyed the film of the “rain man”, I think the charm of family is so delicate and vocal. It is a excellent film .when the movie came to the end, Facing the upcoming departure, brother frank in a shed, silly rain man should actively let two people in the forehead stick. The lens slowly lasted nearly a minute, their communication of soul in a flash burst.

  A man of words to the effect of childhood life is great, perhaps this is right. The film we know that Charlie childhood was painful: when he was two years , he lost his mother, father is a very strict man, he has no brothers and sisters, no friends to play with. Charlie only in pride to protect themselves, he used a defiant attitude is to reduce their damage, even with his girlfriend is rude not caring. Can say in the lonely environment of Charlie is psychological don't grow up healthy, also have some close to the tendency.

  As a businessman, Charlie terming is no lack of greed and cunning chase interest. The beginning, he rejects Raymond, desperate to get their father's legacy, so he, with a cavity anger, put his brother was taken away from home, on the journey back to Los Angeles. But he himself is not found, his cunning his fury his only the socialist in the brother of under the influence of the invisible kind naive become tender up. At the same time also become human kind up. Later he even help brother take off shoes, listen to brother childhood memories together of the time, but also teaching his dancing. When the camera gradually move to them by the together when we feel the face of affection in the two men warm slowly the heart of the reform in the Charlie. He began to sincerely want to and Raymond live together, as for the heritage, for him, is not important. Elder brother, this word is forever of melting into the his life, become a kind of eternal!

  When we see Raymond, all of us think of him that lovely words and behavior, on the surface the Raymond stupid, since closed but his the inside of the heart full of love and naive, "he has no concept of money," he away from the ordinary have unique inner world, want to do as interested in doing everything. He lived in his own world, has a lot of happy. He has a photographic memory, every day he is very busy, because there are a lot of things to do, he really is a funny rain man. Psychology research found that the essence of autism damage is cognitive impairment,

  performance in the early days of the share of attention and play behavior. Sexual attention refers to share with others to share in something of interest, when autism face a items not to share interests, but to get it, the disorder is one of the first signs of autism. As in front of the first part about the it, never play sex game is one of the autism early performance. If you can see the early symptoms, and for early diagnosis and early treatment of prognosis will no doubt have a positive and effective influence.

  Sometimes, meet again would make people pay too much, one is silly, and another one can not keep it; Sometimes, love can let a person taste all pain after the understand to possess and cherish. I appreciate that do not break wise choice, because it has the meaning of the eternal.

  “one for bad, two for good .’’the words that Raymond often talk to himself. in the early time, I can not understand this words, but when I have saw the film two times, I think I am a little

  understand this words .one is lonely, one is Charlie or Raymond .the two is Charlie and Raymond, they are family. they should live with together. I think Raymond should stay with his brother. he can feel the warmth of family, he will live a more happy and healthy life.

  Dustin Hoffman landed a well-deserved Oscar for his equally moving and funny portrayal of Raymond Babbitt, the autistic savant taken on a road journey across the United States by

  newfound brother Charlie. But it's Tom Cruise, as Charlie, who's just as likely to make you sit up and take notice when watching 'Rain Man'. Cruise, who's made some seriously bad movies in his time, shows something here that previously remained incredibly well-hidden - he can act.

  Cruise's gradual transformation of the Charlie character is in itself one of the key reasons for 'Rain Man's greatness. He starts off an unequivocal asshole - a yuppie car-dealer who bullies his staff and shuts out his girlfriend (Valeria Golino). When he learns of the death of his estranged father, his main concern is the $3million inheritance of which he has been left not a bean. Instead, the money has been put in trust for an institutionalised brother he never knew he had - Raymond (who is, of course, an excellent driver).

  When Charlie kidnaps Raymond in the hope of receiving as ransom the pile of cash he believes to be rightfully his, the pair end up forming an unlikely bond which leads to rewards of an entirely different kind.

  Hoffman produces an incredibly well-researched and polished performance as a character who lives by strict routine and is said to be incapable of forming human relationships. Extraordinarily high-functioning, he can count cards at the casino, memorise obscure baseball stats and add up large and complicated sums quicker than a calculator. He provides both highly-strung drama and some marvellous moments of humour, but it's in watching Charlie's mood turn from anger and frustration to love for his brother that the film is at its most rewarding. \\\\

  Charlie is a young car dealer in Los Angeles. The father is a millionaire, but due to the rebellion of the youth, so that he no affection between father. When his father died, Charlie received only a father left his garden and an old-fashioned car, which made Charlie feel very angry and decided to trace the beneficiaries of the estate. After some effort, Charlie learned that he is the beneficiary of unheard autistic brother Raymond.

  In order to get out of that legacy, Charlie served as the guardian of Raymond, and Raymond with a mental hospital, began a one-week trip. During this time, Raymond performance of normal: as reluctant to fly, do not want on the highway every day to see fixed television programs, each meal eat fixed food, wearing a brand of underwear, and so on, so that Charlie not smile, but in order that the heritage, but do nothing.

  By chance, Charlie found Raymond superhuman memory and mental arithmetic, Charlie

  Raymond's super powers, made a fortune in the casino, but it is in this process, Charlie gradually learn to care about people, love, and the realization that the world is more precious than money brotherhood.

  Finally, Raymond was forced to return to a mental hospital, but the two have forged deep brotherhood between two separate reluctantly, and promised to soon "Goodbye".


  I saw a movie named Rain Man in class few days ago, this movie is one of the most moving movies I have seen.

  Rain man and Raymond are homonyms,which is a good pun. Raymond is an Autism, maybe that’s why Raymond is special in our eyes. He was curious about everything when he first came to Los Angeles. In the course of the journey the director shows us the scenery along the way, it’s just like a road movie. And the fantastic scenery seems to appeal for the true,the good and the beautiful.

  Raymond is just living in his own world like an innocent child. That’s true. Raymond is an innocent child and Charlie is the one who grows up. It seems that a man has two, one is still young, a grows up. The grown one kidnaped the young himself and then both of them started an interesting journey.

  There is no doubt that this story shows us the brotherhood between Raymond andCharlie. But what you may not take notice of is father’ love. The father’s love is invisible.

  It seems that the car let the relationship between Charlie and his father came to an end. But why did the father give this car to Charlie when he died? That made Charlie confused. The father gave his son his precious things but not even a coin. Why did he do that? I think that this behaviour may represent the father’s love for his son since he had another son who was unsound, he wanted Charlie to be more independent but not sap his spirit by seeking pleasures, which may be the reason for the father’s behaviour. What’s more, the father may plan a meeting for Charlie and Raymond. Since he may had already predicted that Charlie would look for the man who would get his legacy depend on the comprehension of Charlie. What we can infer from the father’s behavior is that this may be the last course he taught hissons about life and love.

  The director watches and criticizes the lifestyle of the normal persons in American society from the view of Raymond. And what’s more, the movie shows also us that the normal persons in American society always discriminated against the disabled at that time and the lost of human nature with the rapid economical development, which we can see from the sharp contrast between Charlie and Raymond.

  What impressed me most in this movie is the love among them. This movie teaches me something that I have never known. Nothing is more important than love. I want to appreciate my parents and my brother for their tolerance and love which I will cherish in my whole life. And what’s more, I know that we should treat the disabled in right way, which not means that we should treat them as if they are disabled buttreat them like a normal person just like a friend.






  《雨人》这部电影真的很令人感动!特别是看到最后心理专家问雷蒙要不要和弟弟查理一起住,雷蒙会说“要”,问他要不要回疗养院时,他的回答也是“要”,虽然他可能不清楚这两者之间的区别,但是他自己会重复说:“和查理一起回疗养院住。”这表明他是希望和弟弟查理在一起的。这是不是表明亲情对他们来说也是有感觉的呢?我想他们并不是真的没有感觉,只是和我们正常人相比亲情的感觉是质和量的多少的问题!在以前,当自闭症还没有走进大家的视野,还没有正确认识到自闭症是什么时,很多专家认为自闭症是父母养育方式不当造成的。例如,母亲疏远孩子,父母工作太忙无暇照顾孩子等,但其实并不是这样。尽管自闭症的成因任然扑朔迷离,但是现在形成的共识是,自闭症主要是脑生物学原因,而造成脑生物学改变的原因主要有遗传因素、免疫生化因素、围产期因素等。[ 自闭症的成因选自《自闭症儿童的教育与干预》第一章]
















  这应该算是一部老电影,对于钟情动漫的我,如果不是因为工作 ,我想我不会去接触。但观看结束后,我感触很多,也通过这部电影让我从心里去了解什么是“自闭症”!





  儿童孤独症属于广泛性发育障碍,此病的典型特征被雷蒙的扮演者表现得淋漓尽致(由于年代久远, 人们对自闭症认识不够,在演绎上难免有些小瑕疵)。在人际交往与语言沟通方面,雷蒙存在着严重问题,他几乎不与他人主动交谈,回避眼神交流,用词减缩,除了他有限关心的几件事物之外,外界几乎与他完全无关;即使交通已经因为他看见红灯就要停在马路中央而被搞得水泄不通,他也视而不见;K市场的内裤,午餐的三明治,一成不变的就寝时间,他的时间表刻板到近乎无情,不留有任何松动与改变的余地,这害得查理不得不想尽办法进入路边上的人家,好让雷蒙准时看上电视以至不发“神经”。兴趣狭窄和活动刻板、重复,坚持环境和生活方式不变的病症特征,更是为该片增添了不少看点。虽然雷诺的记忆力超群,但是他的认知能力并没有发展到逻辑运算阶段,也就是无法运用到生活中,记忆能力也只限于机械记忆,无法与自己的'生活发生联系。





  当大家走在大街上,坐在餐厅中……如果发现身边有表情奇怪,语言,身体于常人不同的小朋友或是成人,请您用您的爱去认识他们 关爱他们 。

















  Rain Man is a moving story about two brothers, one a selfish yuppie named Charlie Babbitt who cares only about the importance of money and the other named Raymond who is a autistic and doesn't know anything about the importance of money. Charlie realizes that his father left three million dollars to Raymond and little to him, as he also realizes Raymomd is his brother! Charlie kidnaps Raymond from his residential home and begins a long journey and discovery that will forever change both their lives. Rain Man is a completely moving, emotional, funny, and unforgettable movie. Dustin Hoffman is one of my favorite actors and plays his most memorable role as well as Tom Cruise, who gives a great performance that helped a lot in launching most of his career. The direction by Barry Levinson is stunning and of course, his best yet. Overall, the film is a timeleclassic that moves me in every way. This is definitely one of the best films of the 80's and one of my all time favorites. Yea, definitely, definitely, recommend it!

  This is a big Oscar in the list of their names left the classic film, but also throughout the'80s most influential film. In my view, it is more like a tight, and even some of the Hollywood stereotypes of textbooks. The film seeks to achieve the so-called "academic" and "public" between the most appropriate point of intersection, and this is the appropriate time to develop, on the one hand are those judges affirmed, on the other hand won popular joy, which, the huge succeof the film is the main reason.

  Films chosen the "kinship" with infinite charm of this emotional theme, and throughout the entire movie, the multiple use of moral choice to the "family" concept to烘托. The so-called "moral multiple choice," which actually refers to the movie as a younger brother Charlie (Tom Cruise ornaments) in the treatment takes the money interests and the two options, this is a film where the focus of contradictions . First of all, we look at what factors in the film its emotional theme longer play a role.

  The film director Barry Levinson has always been to the social issues and social hot spot known for a calm understanding. Most of his film style restrained in the handling of the lens appears moderate, often at the focus of the lens as well as the characters start clues to the whole incident. The dominant motive in the handling of si-mp-le implication, it Chilled and rules. Films opening at the first-Motive: hanging in midair car out in straight locations throughout the main narrative films - Highway. The car is the film contradictions carrier. At the same time, this also points out the film as the he-ro-in-e Charlie figures. In the next workplace a show, the performance is the smart and capable Charlie, good at reconciling the many character side of things. In addition, the car in the air to a certain extent, hinted at the work of the sun at high noon Charlie background, it seems like he-car traffic in the sky, and in the depth of field space is one himself the proliferation of high-rise buildings.

  Then, Charles received the news his father passed away, then went to attend the funeral, but found that the car, leads to childhood memories. Originally, Charlie because a stolen car and his father's father was spurned by. Cars become a film contradictory motives are. It is precisely because the reasons for the car, Charlie and his father will not and, therefore dry himself on the automobile businesses. In the following paragraphs, the same use of motor vehicles, leads to the true masters of the film - "Rain Man" (Dustin Hoffman ornaments). So the whole film has been basically established all set up, in the remaining time, the use of these settings is to create and solve them by contradiction.


  In class I have saw the “rain man”, when I got back to my dormitory I saw it again carefully , found the rain man speak not only the brotherhood, and father and son feeling, and a feeling of love for the weak, as Charlie’s girlfriend Suzanne to Raymond’s care. In order to help Raymond, Suzanne quarrel with Charlie. I like Suzanne very much, i think she not only beautiful, more has a kind heart. When Suzanne come back later, she and Raymond in elevator , more let me feel the greatness of her, maybe she would have his brother as Raymond.

  When I have enjoyed the film of the “rain man”, I think the charm of family is so delicate and vocal. It is a excellent film .when the movie came to the end, Facing the upcoming departure, brother frank in a shed, silly rain man should actively let two people in the forehead stick. The lens slowly lasted nearly a minute, their communication of soul in a flash burst.

  A man of words to the effect of childhood life is great, perhaps this is right. The film we know that Charlie childhood was painful: when he was two years , he lost his mother, father is a very strict man, he has no brothers and sisters, no friends to play with. Charlie only in pride to protect themselves, he used a defiant attitude is to reduce their damage, even with his girlfriend is rude not caring. Can say in the lonely environment of Charlie is psychological don't grow up healthy, also have some close to the tendency.

  As a businessman, Charlie terming is no lack of greed and cunning chase interest. The beginning, he rejects Raymond, desperate to get their father's legacy, so he, with a cavity anger, put his brother was taken away from home, on the journey back to Los Angeles. But he himself is not found, his cunning his fury his only the socialist in the brother of under the influence of the invisible kind naive become tender up. At the same time also become human kind up. Later he even help brother take off shoes, listen to brother childhood memories together of the time, but also teaching his dancing. When the camera gradually move to them by the together when we feel the face of affection in the two men warm slowly the heart of the reform in the Charlie. He began to sincerely want to and Raymond live together, as for the heritage, for him, is not important. Elder brother, this word is forever of melting into the his life, become a kind of eternal!

  When we see Raymond, all of us think of him that lovely words and behavior, on the surface the Raymond stupid, since closed but his the inside of the heart full of love and naive, "he has no concept of money," he away from the ordinary have unique inner world, want to do as interested in doing everything. He lived in his own world, has a lot of happy. He has a photographic memory, every day he is very busy, because there are a lot of things to do, he really is a funny rain man. Psychology research found that the essence of autism damage is cognitive impairment,

  performance in the early days of the share of attention and play behavior. Sexual attention refers to share with others to share in something of interest, when autism face a items not to share interests, but to get it, the disorder is one of the first signs of autism. As in front of the first part about the it, never play sex game is one of the autism early performance. If you can see the early symptoms, and for early diagnosis and early treatment of prognosis will no doubt have a positive and effective influence.

  Sometimes, meet again would make people pay too much, one is silly, and another one can not keep it; Sometimes, love can let a person taste all pain after the understand to possess and cherish. I appreciate that do not break wise choice, because it has the meaning of the eternal.

  “one for bad, two for good .’’the words that Raymond often talk to himself. in the early time, I can not understand this words, but when I have saw the film two times, I think I am a little

  understand this words .one is lonely, one is Charlie or Raymond .the two is Charlie and Raymond, they are family. they should live with together. I think Raymond should stay with his brother. he can feel the warmth of family, he will live a more happy and healthy life.

  Dustin Hoffman landed a well-deserved Oscar for his equally moving and funny portrayal of Raymond Babbitt, the autistic savant taken on a road journey across the United States by

  newfound brother Charlie. But it's Tom Cruise, as Charlie, who's just as likely to make you sit up and take notice when watching 'Rain Man'. Cruise, who's made some seriously bad movies in his time, shows something here that previously remained incredibly well-hidden - he can act.

  Cruise's gradual transformation of the Charlie character is in itself one of the key reasons for 'Rain Man's greatness. He starts off an unequivocal asshole - a yuppie car-dealer who bullies his staff and shuts out his girlfriend (Valeria Golino). When he learns of the death of his estranged father, his main concern is the $3million inheritance of which he has been left not a bean. Instead, the money has been put in trust for an institutionalised brother he never knew he had - Raymond (who is, of course, an excellent driver).

  When Charlie kidnaps Raymond in the hope of receiving as ransom the pile of cash he believes to be rightfully his, the pair end up forming an unlikely bond which leads to rewards of an entirely different kind.

  Hoffman produces an incredibly well-researched and polished performance as a character who lives by strict routine and is said to be incapable of forming human relationships. Extraordinarily high-functioning, he can count cards at the casino, memorise obscure baseball stats and add up large and complicated sums quicker than a calculator. He provides both highly-strung drama and some marvellous moments of humour, but it's in watching Charlie's mood turn from anger and frustration to love for his brother that the film is at its most rewarding. \\\\

  Charlie is a young car dealer in Los Angeles. The father is a millionaire, but due to the rebellion of the youth, so that he no affection between father. When his father died, Charlie received only a father left his garden and an old-fashioned car, which made Charlie feel very angry and decided to trace the beneficiaries of the estate. After some effort, Charlie learned that he is the beneficiary of unheard autistic brother Raymond.

  In order to get out of that legacy, Charlie served as the guardian of Raymond, and Raymond with a mental hospital, began a one-week trip. During this time, Raymond performance of normal: as reluctant to fly, do not want on the highway every day to see fixed television programs, each meal eat fixed food, wearing a brand of underwear, and so on, so that Charlie not smile, but in order that the heritage, but do nothing.

  By chance, Charlie found Raymond superhuman memory and mental arithmetic, Charlie

  Raymond's super powers, made a fortune in the casino, but it is in this process, Charlie gradually learn to care about people, love, and the realization that the world is more precious than money brotherhood.

  Finally, Raymond was forced to return to a mental hospital, but the two have forged deep brotherhood between two separate reluctantly, and promised to soon "Goodbye".


  I saw a movie named Rain Man in class few days ago, this movie is one of the most moving movies I have seen.

  Rain man and Raymond are homonyms,which is a good pun. Raymond is an Autism, maybe that’s why Raymond is special in our eyes. He was curious about everything when he first came to Los Angeles. In the course of the journey the director shows us the scenery along the way, it’s just like a road movie. And the fantastic scenery seems to appeal for the true,the good and the beautiful.

  Raymond is just living in his own world like an innocent child. That’s true. Raymond is an innocent child and Charlie is the one who grows up. It seems that a man has two, one is still young, a grows up. The grown one kidnaped the young himself and then both of them started an interesting journey.

  There is no doubt that this story shows us the brotherhood between Raymond andCharlie. But what you may not take notice of is father’ love. The father’s love is invisible.

  It seems that the car let the relationship between Charlie and his father came to an end. But why did the father give this car to Charlie when he died? That made Charlie confused. The father gave his son his precious things but not even a coin. Why did he do that? I think that this behaviour may represent the father’s love for his son since he had another son who was unsound, he wanted Charlie to be more independent but not sap his spirit by seeking pleasures, which may be the reason for the father’s behaviour. What’s more, the father may plan a meeting for Charlie and Raymond. Since he may had already predicted that Charlie would look for the man who would get his legacy depend on the comprehension of Charlie. What we can infer from the father’s behavior is that this may be the last course he taught hissons about life and love.

  The director watches and criticizes the lifestyle of the normal persons in American society from the view of Raymond. And what’s more, the movie shows also us that the normal persons in American society always discriminated against the disabled at that time and the lost of human nature with the rapid economical development, which we can see from the sharp contrast between Charlie and Raymond.

  What impressed me most in this movie is the love among them. This movie teaches me something that I have never known. Nothing is more important than love. I want to appreciate my parents and my brother for their tolerance and love which I will cherish in my whole life. And what’s more, I know that we should treat the disabled in right way, which not means that we should treat them as if they are disabled buttreat them like a normal person just like a friend.






  《雨人》这部电影真的很令人感动!特别是看到最后心理专家问雷蒙要不要和弟弟查理一起住,雷蒙会说“要”,问他要不要回疗养院时,他的回答也是“要”,虽然他可能不清楚这两者之间的区别,但是他自己会重复说:“和查理一起回疗养院住。”这表明他是希望和弟弟查理在一起的。这是不是表明亲情对他们来说也是有感觉的呢?我想他们并不是真的没有感觉,只是和我们正常人相比亲情的感觉是质和量的多少的问题!在以前,当自闭症还没有走进大家的视野,还没有正确认识到自闭症是什么时,很多专家认为自闭症是父母养育方式不当造成的。例如,母亲疏远孩子,父母工作太忙无暇照顾孩子等,但其实并不是这样。尽管自闭症的成因任然扑朔迷离,但是现在形成的共识是,自闭症主要是脑生物学原因,而造成脑生物学改变的原因主要有遗传因素、免疫生化因素、围产期因素等。[ 自闭症的成因选自《自闭症儿童的教育与干预》第一章]
















  这应该算是一部老电影,对于钟情动漫的我,如果不是因为工作 ,我想我不会去接触。但观看结束后,我感触很多,也通过这部电影让我从心里去了解什么是“自闭症”!





  儿童孤独症属于广泛性发育障碍,此病的典型特征被雷蒙的扮演者表现得淋漓尽致(由于年代久远, 人们对自闭症认识不够,在演绎上难免有些小瑕疵)。在人际交往与语言沟通方面,雷蒙存在着严重问题,他几乎不与他人主动交谈,回避眼神交流,用词减缩,除了他有限关心的几件事物之外,外界几乎与他完全无关;即使交通已经因为他看见红灯就要停在马路中央而被搞得水泄不通,他也视而不见;K市场的内裤,午餐的三明治,一成不变的就寝时间,他的时间表刻板到近乎无情,不留有任何松动与改变的余地,这害得查理不得不想尽办法进入路边上的人家,好让雷蒙准时看上电视以至不发“神经”。兴趣狭窄和活动刻板、重复,坚持环境和生活方式不变的病症特征,更是为该片增添了不少看点。虽然雷诺的记忆力超群,但是他的认知能力并没有发展到逻辑运算阶段,也就是无法运用到生活中,记忆能力也只限于机械记忆,无法与自己的'生活发生联系。





  当大家走在大街上,坐在餐厅中……如果发现身边有表情奇怪,语言,身体于常人不同的小朋友或是成人,请您用您的爱去认识他们 关爱他们 。











