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  西安是中国四大古都之一 ,联合国科教文组织1981年确定的“世界历史名城”,美媒评选的世界十大古都之一。下面是百分网小编给大家整理的西安英语导游词,仅供参考。



  Xi’an (Xī ǎn [西安]), the capital city of Shaanxi Province (Shǎn xī [陕西]), is also referred to as Xian, Chang’an (Dynastic name), Hsi-An (Wade-Giles), and Sian (old Postal System). Xi’an is recognized as one of the most important cities in China, both historically and currently. Xi’an, as it’s named now and under different names, has been the capital region for 13 dynastic periods. It also happens to be the Eastern end of the Silk Road.

  It is the home of ancient Neolithic Age ruins discoveries, and several important Buddhist sites. Beyond the history; Xi’an is surrounded by natural beauty, including; rivers, mountains, plains, and rolling hills. If today’s urban environment is your flavor, you will be well served in this metropolitan city.

  The City Wall of Xi'an is one of oldest existing Chinese city wall. It is based in Xi'an, an ancient capital of China.

  194 BCE: Construction of the first city wall of Chang'an began, which did not finish until 190 BCE. The wall measured 25.7 km in length, 12-16 m in thickneat the base. The area within the wall was ca. 36 km2.

  1370: Ming Dynasty built a new wall to protect a much smaller city of 12 km2. The wall measures 11.9 km in circumference, 12 m in height, and 15-18 m in thickneat the base.

  The Great Mosque is located in Huajue Lane, which branches off from the West Main Street. It is the major spot for the religious activities of over 60,000 Moslems in Xi’an. It is also an important historical monument in Shaanxi Province. Unlike Arabian mosques with splendid domes, skyward minarets, and dazzling patterns, this mosque possesses much Chinese tradition in both design and artistic outlook. It assumes the striking features of Chinese Pavilions, with painted beams and engraved ridgepoles.

  However, it would be useleto talk about the Great Mosque without knowing how Islam was introduced into China.

  Islam, as a religious order, was founded in the early period of the 7th century and was introduced to China in the mid-7th century. At that time, some Arabian merchants and travelers came to the northwestern region by way of Persia and Afghanistan to establish diplomatic, trade, and military contacts with China. Others started their voyage from the Bangladesh Bay, crossed the Strait of Malacca, and arrived at Guangzhou, Quanzhou, Hangzhou, Yangzhou and other Chinese cities. Later, many of them settled down and married the local women. Their children became the first generation of Chinese Moslems. However, massive immigration of Moslems to China did not take place until, as late as, the early period of the 13th century. As a result of his Western Expedition, Genghis Khan conquered vast expanses of land from Central Asia to East Europe, including the northern part of Iran. Many of the Moslems in these conquered areas were forced to enlist in the army. Later, they made China their permanent home. Many of them were soldiers; and some were smiths and officials. They were called the Hui people in the history books of the Yuan Dynasty. The Hui people later followed Kublai Khan down to the South, helping him unify China and establish the Yuan Dynasty. In the wake of this conquest, Islam spread all over China and mosques began to appear everywhere. Many Moslems held positions both in the military and civil services in the Yuan Dynasty.

  A lot of Moslems took part in Zhu Yuanzhang’s uprising in the early 14th century and made great contributions to the founding of the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, all the emperors of the Ming Dynasty issued 转载自百分网http://www.oh100.com,请保留此标记Moslems for their great contributions. In the early 16th century, Islam dominated Xinjiang and spread its influence top Gansu, Ningxia and Qinghai. The religion later won domination over such minority ethnic groups as the Hui, the Uygur, the Kazak, the Kirgiz, the Tajik, the Tartar, the Uzbek, the Dongxiang, the Salar and the Bonan. The Moslems in Xi’an are mainly the Hui people. There are approximately 17 million Moslems in China.

  The Great Mosque is the most sizable of its kind in the city of Xi’an, and also one of the oldest and best-preserved mosques in China. The Stone Tablet o the Building of the Mosque says that it was built in the Tang Dynasty. However, judging from its architectural style, it was probably built in the Ming Dynasty. Its four courtyards cover an area of more than 12,000 square meters, with a building area of 4,000 square meters. The still intact wooden memorial arch in the front yard was built at the turn of the 17th century. With glazed tiles, spectacular corners, and upturned eaves, it stands about nine meters high, and has a history of about 360 years.

  The stone memorial gateway in the center of the second courtyard is flanked by two tall tablets, with dragons carved on each. They record the details of the repair work ever conducted since the building of the master calligrapher Mi Fu mosque. One tablet bears the characters by the in the Song Dynasty: “May Islam Fill the Universe.” The other bears the characters by the Ming master calligrapher Dong Qichang, “Royally Bestowed.” These characters are typical examples of traditional Chinese calligraphy.

  At the entrance of the third courtyard is a hall built by the order of the Royal Court, where a “Crescent Tablet”, showing the calculation of the Islaluic Calendar is stored. The calendar was compiled by Xiao Xining, who was in charge of the mosque in the early period of the Qing Dynasty. A three-storeyed octagonal wooden structure called the Retrospection Tower stands in the center of the courtyard. It functions the same as the minaret in an average Arabian mosque. Orders are often sent from the tower to call the Moslems to come to worship. Respectively on the south and north wings of the tower are the Reception Chamber and the Scripture Chamber. Both of them are elegantly laid out. The five wooden houses, called “water houses” in the southwest section of the mosque, are where the believers bathe themselves before they attend their services.

  Inside the fourth courtyard, there is a structure called the Phoenix Pavilion, a place where worshipers wait for services. The pavilion, in fact, is a complex of three small buildings. The six-gabled structure in the central part is adjoined by two three-gabled buildings on each side which make it look like a flying phoenix; hence its name. Just at the back of the pavilion there is a fish pond, and beyond it is a platform with an area of 700 square meters. Acrothe platform stands the 1,300-square-meter prayer hall. It holds over 1,000 worshipers at a time. The ceiling is decorated with over 600 panels. The walls of the hall, as well as the panels, are decorated with patterns of trailing plants and Arabic letters. The shrine at the western end of the hall is where the imam and worshipers chant the Koran and pay homage while facing in the direction of Mecca.

  The Moslems in China share much the same customs with their brothers and sisters elsewhere in the world. They worship five times a day: at dawn, at noon, in the afternoon, at dusk, and at night.


  Xi'an is located in the downtown area, rectangular, wall 12 meters high, 18 meters wide at the bottom, top width of 15 meters, 2590 meters long west east wall, south wall wall of 2631.2 meters long, 3441.6 meters long, the north wall is 3241 meters long, the total circumference of 11.9 km. There are four gate: East Gate of Changle, Xi'an door, South Yongning gate, north of the town, each of the Shing Mun are by the watchtower and the tower. The existing walls built in the Ming Hong Wu seven years to 11 years 1374-1378, has been 600 years of history, is China's most complete extant ancient walls of buildings.

  Xi'an city wall is the Ming Dynasty the years in policy of Zhu Yuanzhang "high walls, wide accumulate grain, slow the guidance of kings" under, built on the basis of the Tang imperial. Completely around the "defense" strategy system is greater than the thickness of the wall height, solid as a mountain, the top of the wall and practicing sports can. Walls include moat, drawbridge, building gate, watchtower, is buildings, towers, fortresses, parapet, forts and other a series of military facilities. Since the completion of the wall after three major renovations. Longqing two years (1568), Shaanxi provincial governor Zhang Zhi presided over the restoration of Tucheng first into brick city; Qing Emperor Qianlong 46 years (1781), Shaanxi governor, Bi source host on the walls and towers were renovated; since 1983, in Shaanxi Province and Xi'an Municipal People's Government of the city wall the large-scale renovation, construction has been the demolition of the east gate, north gate of the watchtower, on the South Gate building, suspension bridge, and built around the park, so that this ancient building glow in the old style, has become a tourist attraction for visitors in Xi'an.


  All visitors:

  China has hundreds of ancient city wall, which with the biggest scale of ancient city wall in Beijing, Nanjing and Xi'an, but Beijing, the ancient city wall of Nanjing has been destroyed or badly damaged, and was founded in the year 1370 of ancient city wall of Xi'an so far are still intact. Japanese Emperor's visit to Xian, put "the eighth wonder of the world," Qin terracotta pit can not, they boarded the 600 years ago Westgate tower built in the, a taste of the ancient city wall majestic appearance. Please follow me to visit the ancient city wall of Xi'an.

  For visitors, these days we have been in the garage or enjoy the sunset in the dawn of the ancient city walls are colorful and ancient deep. Now we come to the foot of the wall, please go to the city wall tour.

  You must want to know what the real meaning of the city wall is. The word "city wall" was originally derived from the word "city". "City" according to the "Shuowen" explains, phonetic loan characters "Sheng", "Sheng" is satisfied that the people, so the original meaning of the word "city" is soil around the people and country, which leads to the walls of righteousness. Known as the backbone of the Chinese nation's "the Great Wall city" Yu, is also the meaning of the wall. Just later with the development of society, the word "city" also contains the interpretation of today's city. "City" first appeared in the Zhou Dynasty of Jin Wenzhong, see the physical embodiment of the military use of the ancient city wall from the shape. Military role of walls is protecting private ownership, and in ideology, wall body size and patriarchal clan system strictly reflect. Obviously the ruler is to create the wall, use it to protect themselves, that paul. Now we see the walls of Xi'an, is one of the most famous Chinese wall construction history. It from the Ming Hong Wu for three years (year 1370) Zhu Yuanzhang, issued an edict to repair the city to start, to Hong Wu eleven years (1378 AD) completed, which lasted 8 years is in the capital of the Sui and Tang Dynasties on the basis of the imperial city building expansion and, after successive repairs, basically maintained complete feudal society the walls of the building appearance, reflecting the outstanding achievement of Chinese ancient fortification technology.

  Fellow tourists, then the city wall of Xi'an in the end how much it. Its structure is how? According to estimates, Xi'an city wall circumference of 11.9 kilometers, the east wall 2590 meters, west wall 2631.2 meters, south wall 3441.6 meters, north wall 3241 meters. Such a scale is relatively rare at home and abroad.

  We saw the walls built outside the four guard gates of the town, called the urn. The so-called urn, meaning for the enemy once inside, will be the Barbican wall above the attack from all sides, like bottled up, unable to escape. Wengcheng also built a guard in the town, called the goat horse. Ancient gate Kai has closed the stipulated time, shut the gate after has not been returned to town can be together with holding his sheep, drive the horses into the sheep in Oklahoma City and modern city park area rest, waiting to open the gates to the city. Xi'an city has been completely destroyed in the late Qing Dynasty in sheep. Remember in 1986 in Xi'an City Andingmen (Simon) Barbican outside the north about 17.5 meters place found sheep Oklahoma City on the north side of the doorway, 5.5 meters long, 2.4 meters wide. Now we can see the gate Wengcheng lateral repaired sheep Macheng, wall 198 meters long, 9.5 meters high.









