Sat 百文网手机站


时间:2021-06-08 11:30:55 Sat 我要投稿





  1. 认真读题


  Do people achieve more success by cooperation than by competition? 这道题并不复杂,但是很多同学会把所有的精力都放在写Cooperation对Success的好处上,忘记了这篇文章是关于Cooperation和Competition的比较。所以你举得例子不能仅仅指Cooperation的好处,更要和Competition相比较,并且证明Cooperation是否是更容易成功的要素。

  Is creativity needed more than ever in the world today? 这道题看似非常简单,但是却有一个很大的陷阱。很多同学会直接说Creativity is needed,忽略了题目实际上问的是Creativity是否在当今的世界更加被需要。所以正确的观点应该是对Creativity的要求达到了前所未有的程度或者是它并没有超过过去对于Creativity的要求。

  2. 先找例子


  那有同学会问,如果我找到一个Cooperation的例子,一个Competition的例子怎么办?很简单,通过定义Success的方法或者区分两个例子的具体情况就可以得出一个中立的观点。 注意:中立的并不是没有观点,一定要写清楚你为什么得到这个中立的观点,而这个观点又是什么。

  3. 做好计划


  你的Thesis Statement



  4. Link, Link, Link

  Link就是保证你的前后文紧密的联系,前后呼应,并且一直保持和你的观点相关。不少考生的一个问题就是希望把例子展开的太大,交待的过于详细,以至于正文的很多内容并不是和自己的观点息息相关。 举一个简单的例子,类似于Bill Gates这样的名人,有非常多Example-Worthy的方面,所以你在用他做例子的时候只要写和你观点相关的方面就可以,不用每次都说到他的财富或者他的基金会。

  5. 完成为上

  能够完成一篇作文是最重要的目标之一。但是因为时间上的压力和经验不足,很多新手考生会花过多的时间在开头及中间段,导致没有时间完成结论部分。有头无尾的文章是基本拿不到6以上的分数的 (满分为12分),所以一定要注意无论如何一定要留下一些时间给Conclusion。


  SAT考试的作文部分有三个要素,分别是point of view,example,reasoning, 也就是我们通常所说的论点、论据、论证。这其中,又以第二点example(论据)最难把握。从SAT官方指南中的10道作文题,对SAT作文的论据进行分类解析。这八大类论据分别是:人物、企业、个人经历、科技发展、环境污染、文学作文、历史、时事。

  第一题:Should heroes be defined as people who say what they think when we ourselves lack the courage to say it? 英雄是否应该定义为这样一种人:当我们缺乏勇气表达自己内心想法的时候,他们却勇于说出自己的真实想法?


  第二题:Do you think that ease does not challenge us and that we need adversity to help us discover who we are? 顺境不足以挑战我们,我们需要逆境来了解自己,是否同意?


  第三题:Is conscience a more powerful motivator than money, fame, or power? 良知是不是一种比金钱、荣誉、权利更为强大的驱动力?


  第四题:Do we need other people in order to understand ourselves? 我们是否需要他人以了解自己?


  第五题:Is the world changing for the better? 世界是不是越来越好?


  第六题:Can success be disastrous? 成功会不会带来灾难?


  第七题:Do changes that make our lives easier not necessarily make them better? 让我们生活变得更加简单的那些变化,是否让我们的生活变得更好?


  第八题:Is there always another explanation or another point of view? 是不是总存在另外一种观点?


  第九题:What motivates people to change? 什么促使人们改变?

  解题:这类题目要求考生自主定义。我们戏称之为“爽歪歪”题型,原因是只要把我们之前写过的题目中的关键词填在这里就可以了。比如说,如果我们写过第一题,我们就可以说Courage motivates people to change. 如果我们写过第二题,我们就可以说Adversity motivates people to change. 同理,如果我们写过第三题,我们就可以说Conscience motivates people to change.(或者Money, fame and power motivate people to change.)

  第十题:Is deception ever justified? 谎言是否正确?

  解题:这道题除了可以写自己生活中的谎言,也可以来自于文学作品和战争历史中的White Lie(善意的谎言)。比如,《了不起的盖茨比》中的男主人公,为了获得真爱,不得不欺骗自己的爱人。再比如,南北战争中,南方军队为了保存实力、避免伤亡,利用战术蒙骗了北方军队。我们可以写谎言不好,比如结合时事,有些企业欺骗消费者,由此带来巨大伤害。


  Both actions and words reveal attitudes and intentions

  The true attiduteds and intentions of an individual person or a group of individuals will be not easily discovered if the person or the group calculatedly covers or hides them. The complexity of human beings is that they are able to deceive others. However, both the words and the actions reveal some of their true intentions, inclinations, and attitudes, depending on the knowledge, experience, and wisdom of the perceiver.

  Words are able to convey the true attitudes. But at the same time, words can be well used as a means to deceive others or to hide the true intentions of the speaker. This is not necessarily lies. When one peroson or a gourp of persons clearly and unequivocally articulate his or their attitudes towards one or a series of social, economic, cultural, or religion problems, these words are used perfectly to convey the thoughts. For instance, when the Chinese president Hu Jintao clealry claimed that the problems in Tibet fall in the scope of Chinese domestic political and cultural issues, these words reveal the attitudes of his administration. But not in all cases humans are willing to entirely and clearly express their attitudes in the form of speeches or words. Under such conditions, words might lead the audiences to go astray. For example, in many cases, when a Chinese girl receives a bandle of rose from her boy friend, she will not use words in literal means. Rather she, not calculatedly, prefers to use words i

  n figurative or even ambiguous senses. A particular but typical sentence in such case is “I hate you”. Paradoxically, when girls say the words, their actions show that they love the boys.

  As far as the relationship between actions and true attitudes is concerned, the role actions play are not much different from those of words. That is to say, the actions of a person and a group of persons have two opposite functions. On the one hand they might reflect or mirror the true intention or inclination. This is much common among children. When a child cries, the baby is not satisfied. But in the field of political affairs, the situation might be totally reverased. For instance, when the Chinese King of Han Dynasity cried in front of his crew, he conveyed a complex sense and sensibility, attempting to cover not reveal his true attitude.

  As the means of conveyance or communication, both human language and human behavior have at least double functions. Therefore, it is presumptuous to conclude that actions reveal the true attitude while the words have no such a function. The fact is that the true attitudes or intentions of human beings can only be revealed by those who have rich experience, wisdom, and knowledge in language, psychology, and the like.
















  1. 认真读题


  Do people achieve more success by cooperation than by competition? 这道题并不复杂,但是很多同学会把所有的精力都放在写Cooperation对Success的好处上,忘记了这篇文章是关于Cooperation和Competition的比较。所以你举得例子不能仅仅指Cooperation的好处,更要和Competition相比较,并且证明Cooperation是否是更容易成功的要素。

  Is creativity needed more than ever in the world today? 这道题看似非常简单,但是却有一个很大的陷阱。很多同学会直接说Creativity is needed,忽略了题目实际上问的是Creativity是否在当今的世界更加被需要。所以正确的观点应该是对Creativity的要求达到了前所未有的程度或者是它并没有超过过去对于Creativity的要求。

  2. 先找例子


  那有同学会问,如果我找到一个Cooperation的例子,一个Competition的例子怎么办?很简单,通过定义Success的方法或者区分两个例子的具体情况就可以得出一个中立的观点。 注意:中立的并不是没有观点,一定要写清楚你为什么得到这个中立的观点,而这个观点又是什么。

  3. 做好计划


  你的Thesis Statement



  4. Link, Link, Link

  Link就是保证你的前后文紧密的联系,前后呼应,并且一直保持和你的观点相关。不少考生的一个问题就是希望把例子展开的太大,交待的过于详细,以至于正文的很多内容并不是和自己的观点息息相关。 举一个简单的例子,类似于Bill Gates这样的名人,有非常多Example-Worthy的方面,所以你在用他做例子的时候只要写和你观点相关的方面就可以,不用每次都说到他的财富或者他的基金会。

  5. 完成为上

  能够完成一篇作文是最重要的目标之一。但是因为时间上的压力和经验不足,很多新手考生会花过多的时间在开头及中间段,导致没有时间完成结论部分。有头无尾的文章是基本拿不到6以上的分数的 (满分为12分),所以一定要注意无论如何一定要留下一些时间给Conclusion。


  SAT考试的作文部分有三个要素,分别是point of view,example,reasoning, 也就是我们通常所说的论点、论据、论证。这其中,又以第二点example(论据)最难把握。从SAT官方指南中的10道作文题,对SAT作文的论据进行分类解析。这八大类论据分别是:人物、企业、个人经历、科技发展、环境污染、文学作文、历史、时事。

  第一题:Should heroes be defined as people who say what they think when we ourselves lack the courage to say it? 英雄是否应该定义为这样一种人:当我们缺乏勇气表达自己内心想法的时候,他们却勇于说出自己的真实想法?


  第二题:Do you think that ease does not challenge us and that we need adversity to help us discover who we are? 顺境不足以挑战我们,我们需要逆境来了解自己,是否同意?


  第三题:Is conscience a more powerful motivator than money, fame, or power? 良知是不是一种比金钱、荣誉、权利更为强大的驱动力?


  第四题:Do we need other people in order to understand ourselves? 我们是否需要他人以了解自己?


  第五题:Is the world changing for the better? 世界是不是越来越好?


  第六题:Can success be disastrous? 成功会不会带来灾难?


  第七题:Do changes that make our lives easier not necessarily make them better? 让我们生活变得更加简单的那些变化,是否让我们的生活变得更好?


  第八题:Is there always another explanation or another point of view? 是不是总存在另外一种观点?


  第九题:What motivates people to change? 什么促使人们改变?

  解题:这类题目要求考生自主定义。我们戏称之为“爽歪歪”题型,原因是只要把我们之前写过的题目中的关键词填在这里就可以了。比如说,如果我们写过第一题,我们就可以说Courage motivates people to change. 如果我们写过第二题,我们就可以说Adversity motivates people to change. 同理,如果我们写过第三题,我们就可以说Conscience motivates people to change.(或者Money, fame and power motivate people to change.)

  第十题:Is deception ever justified? 谎言是否正确?

  解题:这道题除了可以写自己生活中的谎言,也可以来自于文学作品和战争历史中的White Lie(善意的谎言)。比如,《了不起的盖茨比》中的男主人公,为了获得真爱,不得不欺骗自己的爱人。再比如,南北战争中,南方军队为了保存实力、避免伤亡,利用战术蒙骗了北方军队。我们可以写谎言不好,比如结合时事,有些企业欺骗消费者,由此带来巨大伤害。


  Both actions and words reveal attitudes and intentions

  The true attiduteds and intentions of an individual person or a group of individuals will be not easily discovered if the person or the group calculatedly covers or hides them. The complexity of human beings is that they are able to deceive others. However, both the words and the actions reveal some of their true intentions, inclinations, and attitudes, depending on the knowledge, experience, and wisdom of the perceiver.

  Words are able to convey the true attitudes. But at the same time, words can be well used as a means to deceive others or to hide the true intentions of the speaker. This is not necessarily lies. When one peroson or a gourp of persons clearly and unequivocally articulate his or their attitudes towards one or a series of social, economic, cultural, or religion problems, these words are used perfectly to convey the thoughts. For instance, when the Chinese president Hu Jintao clealry claimed that the problems in Tibet fall in the scope of Chinese domestic political and cultural issues, these words reveal the attitudes of his administration. But not in all cases humans are willing to entirely and clearly express their attitudes in the form of speeches or words. Under such conditions, words might lead the audiences to go astray. For example, in many cases, when a Chinese girl receives a bandle of rose from her boy friend, she will not use words in literal means. Rather she, not calculatedly, prefers to use words i

  n figurative or even ambiguous senses. A particular but typical sentence in such case is “I hate you”. Paradoxically, when girls say the words, their actions show that they love the boys.

  As far as the relationship between actions and true attitudes is concerned, the role actions play are not much different from those of words. That is to say, the actions of a person and a group of persons have two opposite functions. On the one hand they might reflect or mirror the true intention or inclination. This is much common among children. When a child cries, the baby is not satisfied. But in the field of political affairs, the situation might be totally reverased. For instance, when the Chinese King of Han Dynasity cried in front of his crew, he conveyed a complex sense and sensibility, attempting to cover not reveal his true attitude.

  As the means of conveyance or communication, both human language and human behavior have at least double functions. Therefore, it is presumptuous to conclude that actions reveal the true attitude while the words have no such a function. The fact is that the true attitudes or intentions of human beings can only be revealed by those who have rich experience, wisdom, and knowledge in language, psychology, and the like.