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时间:2021-12-02 10:01:23 Sat 我要投稿






  An emulsifier of fats secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder for release in the small intestine.

  binary fission(二分裂) :单细胞生物进行无性繁殖的方法之一,一个个体分裂为大小大致相同的两个子个体

  Asexual reproduction found in prokaryotes in which a cell divides into two equal daughter cells by a nonmitotic process.


  The amount of living matter in a given ecosystem. Because only 10 percent of energy is transferred between trophic levels, the biomass of lower trophic levels is greater than the biomass of subsequent trophic levels: biomass of producers > biomass of primary consumers > biomass of secondary consumers > biomass of tertiary consumers.


  A particular geographic area with a common climate and characteristic plant and animal life. There are six major terrestrial biomes and two aquatic biomes. The six terrestrial biomes are tropical rain forest, savanna, desert, temperate deciduous forest, taiga, and tundra. The two aquatic biomes are marine and freshwater. Each biome is characterized by specific climax communities.


  The liquid that carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells and carries carbon dioxide and nitrogenous wastes away. The liquid fluid of blood is called plasma. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, an iron-containing protein that binds oxygen. White blood cells fight disease. Platelets clot to prevent extreme blood loss resulting from injury.


  Rigid structures composed of living cells rooted in a matrix of calcium, phosphate salts, and collagen fibers. Bones are the primary component of most vertebrate skeletons.


  The center of the central nervous system. The brain coordinates the processes of the body. It is composed of various distinct regions, all of which have different functions, including the cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, and hypothalamus.


  A lower terrestrial plant (often a moss or liverwort) that lacks a vascular system and is dependent on environmental moisture for reproductive and nutritive functions.


  Asexual reproductive process in which a small portion of the cell membrane and cytoplasm receive a nucleus and pinch off from the parent cell.


  Solutions that resist change in pH even when acids and bases are added.


  Roughly spherical underground bud containing additional buds that can develop asexually into new plants.



  Instinctual behavior in which social bonds are formed during early development. Typically used with the example of a newly hatched bird or other animal identifying and treating the first moving object it sees as its mother.

  incomplete dominance(不完全显性)

  Occurs when two different alleles of the same gene are both partially expressed in a heterozygote. The resulting phenotype is intermediate between the homozygous phenotypes of the two alleles. Color in a four o’clock flower is an example of incomplete dominance.

  independent assortment(单独分类)

  Mendel’s conclusion that during gamete formation, the segregation of one pair of genes has no influence over the segregation of another pair of hereditary units. Two different traits will thus be inherited independently of each other. This law holds true, except for linked genes. It is often called Mendel’s second law.

  inheritance of acquired traits(获得性状遗传)

  A crucial, and incorrect, aspect of Lamarck’s theory of evolution. Lamarck believed that the traits a parent acquired during its lifetime would be passed on to its offspring.


  Behavior that is hardwired into the brain of an organism; behavior that does not have to be learned.


  Hormone secreted by the pancreas that reduces blood sugar levels. A lack of insulin can result in diabetes.


  The phase of the eukaryotic cell cycle in which the cell prepares for division, primarily by replicating its DNA. After interphase, the cell enters mitosis.

  intertidal zone(潮间带):涨潮线与落潮线中间之地区

  The most shallow zone in a marine habitat. Periodically dry or wet with the changing tides. Algae, sponges, mollusks, starfish, and crabs inhabit this zone. Also called the littoral zone.


  An atom or molecule that has lost or gained an electron and consequently has a positive or negative charge.


  A situation in which the concentration of solutes in a solution is equivalent to what it contains. There is no concentration gradient in isotonic solutions and no net flow of solutes or water.



  Sensory organ capable of detecting sound.

  ecological succession(生态序列)

  The progression of plant life and attendant animal life in a given geographic location, from pioneer plant to climax community.


  The study of the interactions and relationships of populations with each other and their abiotic environments.


  A community of organisms and its abiotic environment.


  See cold-blooded.


  The female gamete in sexual reproduction; also called an ovum.

  electron microscope(电子显微镜)

  An instrument that uses an electron beam to form clear and highly magnified images of microscopic structures. Electron microscopes cannot take pictures of living organisms.

  electron transport chain(电子传递链)

  The final stage of aerobic respiration. The electron transport chain establishes an electrochemical gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane that powers the synthesis of ATP in oxidative phosphorylation.


  Before birth, the maturing cells that will grow into a fully formed organism.

  endocrine system(内分泌系统)

  Control system of the body that functions by releasing hormones into the bloodstream.


  Process by which liquids or small solid particles are taken into a cell in the form of small vesicles that are produced through the invagination of the cell membrane.

  endoplasmic reticulum(ER/内质网)

  A network of membrane-bound tubes and sacs in the cytoplasm. The endoplasmic reticulum is a major site of protein and lipid synthesis.


  An interior skeleton found in vertebrates made of bone and cartilage.


  See warm-blooded.

  energy pyramid(能级图)

  Energy in a community can be depicted as a pyramid of food or biomass. The availability of food, biomass, and energy from the trophic level of producers up through each subsequent level on the food web is approximately 10 percent of that available in the previous trophic level.


  Biological catalysts made from proteins. Enzymes have attachment locations for substrates called active sites.
















  An emulsifier of fats secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder for release in the small intestine.

  binary fission(二分裂) :单细胞生物进行无性繁殖的方法之一,一个个体分裂为大小大致相同的两个子个体

  Asexual reproduction found in prokaryotes in which a cell divides into two equal daughter cells by a nonmitotic process.


  The amount of living matter in a given ecosystem. Because only 10 percent of energy is transferred between trophic levels, the biomass of lower trophic levels is greater than the biomass of subsequent trophic levels: biomass of producers > biomass of primary consumers > biomass of secondary consumers > biomass of tertiary consumers.


  A particular geographic area with a common climate and characteristic plant and animal life. There are six major terrestrial biomes and two aquatic biomes. The six terrestrial biomes are tropical rain forest, savanna, desert, temperate deciduous forest, taiga, and tundra. The two aquatic biomes are marine and freshwater. Each biome is characterized by specific climax communities.


  The liquid that carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells and carries carbon dioxide and nitrogenous wastes away. The liquid fluid of blood is called plasma. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, an iron-containing protein that binds oxygen. White blood cells fight disease. Platelets clot to prevent extreme blood loss resulting from injury.


  Rigid structures composed of living cells rooted in a matrix of calcium, phosphate salts, and collagen fibers. Bones are the primary component of most vertebrate skeletons.


  The center of the central nervous system. The brain coordinates the processes of the body. It is composed of various distinct regions, all of which have different functions, including the cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, and hypothalamus.


  A lower terrestrial plant (often a moss or liverwort) that lacks a vascular system and is dependent on environmental moisture for reproductive and nutritive functions.


  Asexual reproductive process in which a small portion of the cell membrane and cytoplasm receive a nucleus and pinch off from the parent cell.


  Solutions that resist change in pH even when acids and bases are added.


  Roughly spherical underground bud containing additional buds that can develop asexually into new plants.



  Instinctual behavior in which social bonds are formed during early development. Typically used with the example of a newly hatched bird or other animal identifying and treating the first moving object it sees as its mother.

  incomplete dominance(不完全显性)

  Occurs when two different alleles of the same gene are both partially expressed in a heterozygote. The resulting phenotype is intermediate between the homozygous phenotypes of the two alleles. Color in a four o’clock flower is an example of incomplete dominance.

  independent assortment(单独分类)

  Mendel’s conclusion that during gamete formation, the segregation of one pair of genes has no influence over the segregation of another pair of hereditary units. Two different traits will thus be inherited independently of each other. This law holds true, except for linked genes. It is often called Mendel’s second law.

  inheritance of acquired traits(获得性状遗传)

  A crucial, and incorrect, aspect of Lamarck’s theory of evolution. Lamarck believed that the traits a parent acquired during its lifetime would be passed on to its offspring.


  Behavior that is hardwired into the brain of an organism; behavior that does not have to be learned.


  Hormone secreted by the pancreas that reduces blood sugar levels. A lack of insulin can result in diabetes.


  The phase of the eukaryotic cell cycle in which the cell prepares for division, primarily by replicating its DNA. After interphase, the cell enters mitosis.

  intertidal zone(潮间带):涨潮线与落潮线中间之地区

  The most shallow zone in a marine habitat. Periodically dry or wet with the changing tides. Algae, sponges, mollusks, starfish, and crabs inhabit this zone. Also called the littoral zone.


  An atom or molecule that has lost or gained an electron and consequently has a positive or negative charge.


  A situation in which the concentration of solutes in a solution is equivalent to what it contains. There is no concentration gradient in isotonic solutions and no net flow of solutes or water.



  Sensory organ capable of detecting sound.

  ecological succession(生态序列)

  The progression of plant life and attendant animal life in a given geographic location, from pioneer plant to climax community.


  The study of the interactions and relationships of populations with each other and their abiotic environments.


  A community of organisms and its abiotic environment.


  See cold-blooded.


  The female gamete in sexual reproduction; also called an ovum.

  electron microscope(电子显微镜)

  An instrument that uses an electron beam to form clear and highly magnified images of microscopic structures. Electron microscopes cannot take pictures of living organisms.

  electron transport chain(电子传递链)

  The final stage of aerobic respiration. The electron transport chain establishes an electrochemical gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane that powers the synthesis of ATP in oxidative phosphorylation.


  Before birth, the maturing cells that will grow into a fully formed organism.

  endocrine system(内分泌系统)

  Control system of the body that functions by releasing hormones into the bloodstream.


  Process by which liquids or small solid particles are taken into a cell in the form of small vesicles that are produced through the invagination of the cell membrane.

  endoplasmic reticulum(ER/内质网)

  A network of membrane-bound tubes and sacs in the cytoplasm. The endoplasmic reticulum is a major site of protein and lipid synthesis.


  An interior skeleton found in vertebrates made of bone and cartilage.


  See warm-blooded.

  energy pyramid(能级图)

  Energy in a community can be depicted as a pyramid of food or biomass. The availability of food, biomass, and energy from the trophic level of producers up through each subsequent level on the food web is approximately 10 percent of that available in the previous trophic level.


  Biological catalysts made from proteins. Enzymes have attachment locations for substrates called active sites.









