Methylpropane 甲基丙烷
microbe 微生物,细菌
Millikan’s ‘oil-drop’ ecperiment 密立根油滴实验
mineral 矿物质
miscibility with water 与水的互溶性
magnetic field 磁场
magnetise 磁化
malleable 有延展性的
Maltese Cross 马耳他十字
marble 大理石
marine invertebrate 海里的'无脊椎动物
mass number 质量数
mass spectrometer 质谱仪
matter 物质
mechanism 机理
megawatt 兆瓦,即106瓦
melting point tube containing sample 装有样品的熔点测定管
melting point 熔点
Mendeleev’s periodic table
metabolism 新陈代谢
metal calorimeter 金属量热计
metal complex 金属络合物(由金属离子与电子给予体结合而成)
metal foil 金箔
metal hydride 金属氢化物
metallic bonding 金属键(通过自由运动的价电子将金属原子连结起来的键)
metallic element 金属元素
metallic radius 金属半径
meteorite 陨星
methane 甲烷
methanol (=CH3OH) 甲醇
haemoglobin 血红蛋白
halate 次卤酸根离子
halide 卤化物
halogen 卤族元素,简称卤素
halogenoalkane 卤代烃
halogenoalkanes 卤代烃
hard margarine 硬植物油
hard 硬的
heat capacity 热容(当一系统由于加给一微小的热量δQ而温度升高δT时,Δq/δT这个量即是热容)
heating-insulated vessel 隔热容器
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle 海森堡测不准原理
heptane 庚烷
Hess’ law 赫斯定律(一个化学反应的热销应决定于其始终态,与中间过程无关)
heterogeneous catalysis 多相催化(催化剂与反应物处于不同相如在固体和流体相界面间发生催化作用)
heterolytic fission 异裂(共价键断裂产生两个相反电荷的离子)
hexane 己烷
high-density poly(ethene) 高密度聚乙烯
high-performance liquid chromatography 高效液相色谱法
Refers to an allele that cannot control the phenotype unless it is the only kind of allele present, as in a homozygote or hemizygote. Also refers to the trait or phenotype produced when only a recessive allele is present. The opposite of recessive is dominant.
reproductive isolation(生殖隔离)
The inability of individuals within a species to create offspring with members of any other species. The mark of a species is its reproductive isolation from all other species.
respiratory system(呼吸系统)
The organ system responsible for the intake of oxygen and diffusion of that gas into the blood and the elimination of carbon dioxide from the body. Important structures of the system are the pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and lungs. Alveoli in the lungs are the location of gas exchange with the blood. The movement of the muscular diaphragm allows the lungs to inhale and exhale.
ribonucleic acid (RNA/核糖核酸)
One type of nucleic acid polymer. RNA nucleotides’ sugars contain one more oxygen atom than DNA nucleotides’ sugars. RNA nucleotides can have the nitrogenous bases adenine, cytosine, guanine, and uracil.
Organelle responsible for protein synthesis. Ribosomes are located in cytoplasm or endoplasmic reticulum.
The part of a plant beneath the soil; responsible for collecting water and minerals from the soil, storing nutrients, and securing the plant to the ground. Can be fibrous or a taproot.
root hair(根须)
An outgrowth of a plant root that provides an increased surface area for the absorption of water and dissolved minerals from the soil.
Slender horizontal stem that can form new plants via specialized nodes.