
时间:2021-07-02 10:55:39 GRE 我要投稿


  编辑点评: 新GRE阅读考试考察大家的方面较多,除了大家需要拥有一定的.词汇量以外,还需大家在解题的时候能够迅速了解出题者的意图,这就需要大家充分发挥自己的逻辑理解能力和推理能力,大家可以利用下文的新GRE阅读短文练习进行练习。


  Over a period of several months, researchers attached small lights to the backs of wetas flightless insects native to New Zealand enabling researchers for the first time to make comprehensive observations of the insects nighttime activities.Thus, since wetas forage only at night, the researchers observations will significantly improve knowledge of the normal foraging habits of wetas.

  Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

  Researchers were interested only in observing the wetas foraging habits and so did not keep track of other types of behavior.

  No pattern of behavior that is exhibited by wetas during the nighttime is also exhibited by wetas during the daytime.

  Attaching the small lights to the wetas backs did not greatly alter the wetas normal night- time foraging habits.

  Wetas typically forage more frequently during the months in which the researchers studied them than they do at other times.

  The researchers did not use other observational techniques to supplement their method of using small lights to track the nighttime behavior of wetas.













  编辑点评: 新GRE阅读考试考察大家的方面较多,除了大家需要拥有一定的.词汇量以外,还需大家在解题的时候能够迅速了解出题者的意图,这就需要大家充分发挥自己的逻辑理解能力和推理能力,大家可以利用下文的新GRE阅读短文练习进行练习。


  Over a period of several months, researchers attached small lights to the backs of wetas flightless insects native to New Zealand enabling researchers for the first time to make comprehensive observations of the insects nighttime activities.Thus, since wetas forage only at night, the researchers observations will significantly improve knowledge of the normal foraging habits of wetas.

  Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

  Researchers were interested only in observing the wetas foraging habits and so did not keep track of other types of behavior.

  No pattern of behavior that is exhibited by wetas during the nighttime is also exhibited by wetas during the daytime.

  Attaching the small lights to the wetas backs did not greatly alter the wetas normal night- time foraging habits.

  Wetas typically forage more frequently during the months in which the researchers studied them than they do at other times.

  The researchers did not use other observational techniques to supplement their method of using small lights to track the nighttime behavior of wetas.