
时间:2021-06-23 13:00:02 GRE 我要投稿


  taciturn saying very little


  talon claw of a bird of prey

  tamp tap or drive down by repeated light blows

  tarnished lost brightness

  taunt contemptuous reproach, hurtful remark

  tedious tiresome

  temperance abstinence from alcohol, self-control, moderation

  tenuous thin, slender

  terse brief and to the point

  thrift care, economy, thriving, prosperous

  timid shy, easily frightened

  tolerable fairly good

  tonic smth giving strength or energy

  topple be unsteady and overturn

  tortuous full of twists and bends

  tout person who worries others to buy smth, to use his service

  touting act as tout

  toy think not seriously, handle absent-mindedly

  tractable easily controlled or guided

  trend tendency, general direction

  trepidation alarm, excited state of mind

  turbulence being uncontrolled, violent




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  taciturn saying very little


  talon claw of a bird of prey

  tamp tap or drive down by repeated light blows

  tarnished lost brightness

  taunt contemptuous reproach, hurtful remark

  tedious tiresome

  temperance abstinence from alcohol, self-control, moderation

  tenuous thin, slender

  terse brief and to the point

  thrift care, economy, thriving, prosperous

  timid shy, easily frightened

  tolerable fairly good

  tonic smth giving strength or energy

  topple be unsteady and overturn

  tortuous full of twists and bends

  tout person who worries others to buy smth, to use his service

  touting act as tout

  toy think not seriously, handle absent-mindedly

  tractable easily controlled or guided

  trend tendency, general direction

  trepidation alarm, excited state of mind

  turbulence being uncontrolled, violent