英语 百文网手机站


时间:2023-02-12 10:24:15 英语 我要投稿







  Paste Keys


  Paste Frames


  Paste Envelope


  Paste Link


  Paste Into New Image to this Word.


  Paste from




  Paste the Search Results Code you just copied into the textarea.

  2. 我用胶布把一个标签黏贴在盒子上。

  I taped a label on the box.

  3. 因此你可以将你的简历复制、黏贴到邮件的正文中。

  Therefore you can cut and paste your CV into the body of the email.

  4. 他把破掉的花瓶黏贴在一起。

  He glued a broken vase together.

  5. 年度固定资产盘点,黏贴固定资产标签。

  Yearly fixed assets check and bear labels.

  6. 他把照片黏贴在护照上。

  He glued his photograph into his passport.

  7. 请在此处黏贴汇款收据。

  Please paste the receipt of postal remittance here.

  8. 他把文章黏贴到剪贴簿。

  He glued the article into the scrapbook.

  9. 特点:直接高温挤压复合,黏贴结实不脱层。

  Features: high temperature extrusion compound, paste directly off layer stout.

  10. 把这些黏贴在袋子上。

  Paste these on the bag.

  11. 或复制以下链接,黏贴到任何你想要分享的地方!

  Or copy and paste the following link to share wherever you want!

  12. 他把作业一页页地黏贴在一起,然后交给了老师。

  He stuck the pages of his homework together and then handed them in to his professor.

  13. 使用完撕下后,于黏贴部位不会留下任何残留物。

  There aren't any left after using and take away.

  14. 有许多的复制,黏贴,透明度的调整和缩放要去做。

  There was a lot of copying, pasting, transforming, and scaling.

  15. 以上信息由销售部发布,未经允许,禁止复制黏贴!

  The above information issued by the sales department, without permission, prohibit copy paste!

  16. 一些视频卡提供的是保护膜黏贴明确适用于范镇慑着。

  Some video CARDS are supplied with an adhesive clear protective film applied to the fan cowing.

  17. 在服装或招待包上黏贴反光带,或者让孩子带有反光手镯。

  Adhere reflective tape or stickers to costumes or treat bags or have the child wear a reflective bracelet.

  18. 自行车上有座位是有多重要,即便是取自树干用胶带黏贴而成。

  Having a seat on a bike is important, even if it's made out of a branch and duct tape.

  19. 这一胶带黏贴的风扇还真让“天花板上的电扇”一词按字面理解了。

  This duct tape fan decided to take the term 'ceiling fan' a bit too literally.

  20. 然后,拿粉扑上妆,全脸打粉底,扫画眼影,勾勒眉毛,黏贴假睫毛。

  Then the pan make-up, powder on face and eyes, mascara and false lashes.

  21. 您能黏贴代码入电子邮件,IM或者代码为您的网站为了其他能看。

  You can paste the code into an email, IM or the code for your website for others to see.

  22. 不管你怎样翻译,请不要在Google翻译和维基之间复制黏贴!

  Whatever you do, don't copy-paste text to and from Google Translator and the wiki!

  23. 实验结果、表、图以及相片应直接记录或黏贴于记录本作为永久保存。

  Experimental results, tables, graphs, and photographs should be written directly in your notebook or taped to the pages for a permanent record.

  24. 你可以轻松的用它记录声音再将它们拷贝黏贴进其它应用程式或把它们发布在网上。

  You can easily record voice notes and then copy and paste them into other applications or post them to Facebook or Twitter.

  25. 非常谢谢。使用我的方式,我失败黏贴相片但是我能现在尝试您的方法。

  Thank you so much. Using my way, I failed to paste the photos together but now I can try your method.

  26. 出于某些原因,我没有权限编辑你的讨论页,所以你就自己复制黏贴一下吧。

  For some reason, I can't edit your talk page, so, just copy and paste it yourself.

  27. 作为一个保护的附加标准,我们会在包装盒上黏贴印有唯一认证编码的标签。

  As an additional level of protection, we assign a unique serial number to every can that we certify which is printed on the certification label.

  28. 每一帧是包在一个包,黏贴几个字节的信息用于建立连接和标记帧开始的地方。

  Each frame is wrapped in a packet, which affixes several bytes of information used in establishing the connection and marking where the frame starts.

  29. 每一帧是包在一个包,黏贴几个字节的信息用于建立连接和标记帧开始的地方。

  Each frame is wrapped in a packet, which affixes several bytes of information used in establishing the connection and marking where the frame starts.

















  Paste Keys


  Paste Frames


  Paste Envelope


  Paste Link


  Paste Into New Image to this Word.


  Paste from




  Paste the Search Results Code you just copied into the textarea.

  2. 我用胶布把一个标签黏贴在盒子上。

  I taped a label on the box.

  3. 因此你可以将你的简历复制、黏贴到邮件的正文中。

  Therefore you can cut and paste your CV into the body of the email.

  4. 他把破掉的花瓶黏贴在一起。

  He glued a broken vase together.

  5. 年度固定资产盘点,黏贴固定资产标签。

  Yearly fixed assets check and bear labels.

  6. 他把照片黏贴在护照上。

  He glued his photograph into his passport.

  7. 请在此处黏贴汇款收据。

  Please paste the receipt of postal remittance here.

  8. 他把文章黏贴到剪贴簿。

  He glued the article into the scrapbook.

  9. 特点:直接高温挤压复合,黏贴结实不脱层。

  Features: high temperature extrusion compound, paste directly off layer stout.

  10. 把这些黏贴在袋子上。

  Paste these on the bag.

  11. 或复制以下链接,黏贴到任何你想要分享的地方!

  Or copy and paste the following link to share wherever you want!

  12. 他把作业一页页地黏贴在一起,然后交给了老师。

  He stuck the pages of his homework together and then handed them in to his professor.

  13. 使用完撕下后,于黏贴部位不会留下任何残留物。

  There aren't any left after using and take away.

  14. 有许多的复制,黏贴,透明度的调整和缩放要去做。

  There was a lot of copying, pasting, transforming, and scaling.

  15. 以上信息由销售部发布,未经允许,禁止复制黏贴!

  The above information issued by the sales department, without permission, prohibit copy paste!

  16. 一些视频卡提供的是保护膜黏贴明确适用于范镇慑着。

  Some video CARDS are supplied with an adhesive clear protective film applied to the fan cowing.

  17. 在服装或招待包上黏贴反光带,或者让孩子带有反光手镯。

  Adhere reflective tape or stickers to costumes or treat bags or have the child wear a reflective bracelet.

  18. 自行车上有座位是有多重要,即便是取自树干用胶带黏贴而成。

  Having a seat on a bike is important, even if it's made out of a branch and duct tape.

  19. 这一胶带黏贴的风扇还真让“天花板上的电扇”一词按字面理解了。

  This duct tape fan decided to take the term 'ceiling fan' a bit too literally.

  20. 然后,拿粉扑上妆,全脸打粉底,扫画眼影,勾勒眉毛,黏贴假睫毛。

  Then the pan make-up, powder on face and eyes, mascara and false lashes.

  21. 您能黏贴代码入电子邮件,IM或者代码为您的网站为了其他能看。

  You can paste the code into an email, IM or the code for your website for others to see.

  22. 不管你怎样翻译,请不要在Google翻译和维基之间复制黏贴!

  Whatever you do, don't copy-paste text to and from Google Translator and the wiki!

  23. 实验结果、表、图以及相片应直接记录或黏贴于记录本作为永久保存。

  Experimental results, tables, graphs, and photographs should be written directly in your notebook or taped to the pages for a permanent record.

  24. 你可以轻松的用它记录声音再将它们拷贝黏贴进其它应用程式或把它们发布在网上。

  You can easily record voice notes and then copy and paste them into other applications or post them to Facebook or Twitter.

  25. 非常谢谢。使用我的方式,我失败黏贴相片但是我能现在尝试您的方法。

  Thank you so much. Using my way, I failed to paste the photos together but now I can try your method.

  26. 出于某些原因,我没有权限编辑你的讨论页,所以你就自己复制黏贴一下吧。

  For some reason, I can't edit your talk page, so, just copy and paste it yourself.

  27. 作为一个保护的附加标准,我们会在包装盒上黏贴印有唯一认证编码的标签。

  As an additional level of protection, we assign a unique serial number to every can that we certify which is printed on the certification label.

  28. 每一帧是包在一个包,黏贴几个字节的信息用于建立连接和标记帧开始的地方。

  Each frame is wrapped in a packet, which affixes several bytes of information used in establishing the connection and marking where the frame starts.

  29. 每一帧是包在一个包,黏贴几个字节的信息用于建立连接和标记帧开始的地方。

  Each frame is wrapped in a packet, which affixes several bytes of information used in establishing the connection and marking where the frame starts.









