英语 百文网手机站


时间:2021-06-18 19:31:12 英语 我要投稿




  1 .My sister _____ the Youth League last year. She _____ a Youth League member for about a year now.

  A. joined…has become     B. joined…has been      C. has joined…has been     D. did join…had been

  2. Neither of us ______ a doctor.

  A. were        B. am            C. is                  D. are

  3. Mr Zhao doesn’t like swimming, _____?

  A. didn’t he            B. did  he            C. does he               D. won’t he

  4. I’ll talk to him when he ______.

  A. come         B. will come            C. comes            D. came

  5. They _____ supper when we _____ into the room.

  A. are having…went      B. were having…go     C. were having…went       D. are having…go

  6. We’ll go climbing if it _____ tomorrow.

  A. won’t rain       B. did rain          C. isn’t rain           D. doesn’t rain

  7. I don’t know if it _____ tomorrow.

  A. will rain             B. rains          C. rained              D. is rain

  8. Nathan Hale ____ he ____ his life for his country.

  A. said…give        B. says…will give       C. said…gives         D. said…would give

  9. Most people ____ TV.

  A. enjoy to watch           B. enjoy watch          C. enjoy watching         D. enjoys watching

  10.Father ____ his cap and went  out.

  A. put on            B. puts on            C. had put           D. will  put on

  11.How long _____ your uncle ____ in the army ?

  A. has…joined        B. has…been        C. does…join         D. had…joined

  12.Peter _____ the work in a week.

  A. have finished        B. finishes         C. is finishing        D. will finish

  13.The students _____ the History Museum if it _____ fine tomorrow.

  A. will visit….is      B. will visit…will be    C. would visit …was    D. would visit…would be

  14.Joan ____ me whether I _____ the book before.

  A. asked…had read       B. asked…shall read        C. asked…would read      D. asked…has read

  15.By the end of last term, we _____ Book Five.

  A. have learned        B. would learn        C. had learned        D. were learning

  16._____ she _____ her lessons at seven yesterday evening ?

  A. Was…going over     B. Is…go over     C. Has…gone over     D. Will…go over

  17.He can’t go to the cinema with me because he ____ a  meeting.

  A. was having        B. would have           C. is having            D. had

  .18.Both of the two dictionaries ____ very useful.

  A. are            B. is             C. was             D. am

  19. He _____ to me since last month.

  A. didn’t write           B. hadn’t written             C. hasn’t written         D. won’t write

  20. Xu Ping ____ to Japan only once.

  A. has gone           B. had gone             C. had been            D. has been

  21. Nobody ____ the answer.

  A. have  known         B. knew          C. didn’t know        D. are knowing

  22.______ you ever ____ to Nanjing ?

  A. Have…gone         B. Have…been        C. Do…go       D. Will …go

  23. He ____ he ____ something wrong before.

  A. says…was        B. say….have done     C. said…had done       D. said…would do

  24. He ____ me he ____ an interesting book.

  A. tell…would borrow      B. told …will borrow     C. tell…will borrow       D. told …had borrowed

  25. Thomas Edison ____ already ____ a chemistry lab for himself by the time he ____ ten.

  A. has…built…was          B. had…built…was        C. would…build…was    D. was…building…is

  26. At the age of eleven, my grandfather _____ to work in a factory.

  A. began           B. has begun        C. will begin          D. begins

  27. One day while I ____ along the street, I ____ someone calling.

  A. walked…was hearing        B. was walking…has heard    C. was walking…had heard  D. was walking…heard

  28. Neither I nor he _____.

  A. can swims well      B. are swimming well      C. swims well      D. have swum well

  29. ____ you ____ where your sister has gone ?

  A. Did …know        B. Will…know        C. Are…know        D. Do …know

  30. Betty ____ morning exercises yesterday.

  A. not did          B. don't do          C. didn’t  do           D. won’t do

  31. The door of her room _____ every day.

  A. are not cleaned        B. not are cleaned        C. is not cleaned      D. not is cleaned

  32.No rubbish ____ for three weeks.

  A. collected         B. is collected        C. has collected         D. has been collected

  33.By 1980 the bridge ______.

  A. was completed         B. had been completed       C. has been completed    D. have been completed

  34.Another railway bridge ____ there now.

  A. is building        B. is being built        C. is built         D. has been built

  35. ____ the water in the wet clothes ____ vapor now ?

  A. Are…turned into        B. Is…turned into        C. Are…being turned into   D. Is…being turned into

  36. ____ this film ____ last week ?

  A. Did…show         B. Has…been shown        C. Was…shown         D. Was…be shown

  37.He told me that the composition ____ by him.

  A. was not written          B. not was written         C. is not written        D. not is written

  38._____ the play ____ again next week ?

  A. Will…put on         B. Is…put on          C. Will be…put on          D. Will…be put on

  39._____ the exercises ____ tomorrow ?

  A. May…be handed in        B. May be…handed in       C. May be handed…in      D. May handed…in

  .40.She ____ to a hospital at once.

  A. must send                B. must be sent                   C. must to be sent                 D. had to send

  .41. Mike usually ____ up at six in the morning.

  A. get          B. gets          C. got       D. will get

  42. The sun _____ us light and heat.

  A. give         B. gives        C. will give        D. often give

  43.Tom looked sad and cried , “ I ____ terrible !”

  A. am feeling          B  feels         C. will feel       D. have felt

  44.At that time , things _____ hard for the working people.

  A. is             B. are            C. was            D. were

  45. Long  long  ago, there ____ a farmer in a small village.

  A. are           B. were             C. is        D. lived

  46. Could you show me the way to No, 5 Middle School ?     I’m afraid I couldn’t . I _____ never _____ there.

  A. do…go        B. did…go        C. have…been        D. had …been

  47. We ____ a meeting these days.

  A. have           B. had       C. are having        D. were having

  48. The oldest kind of computer _____ the abacus.

  A. is               B. was          C. has been              D. have been

  49. I ____ the boy in the classroom just now .

  A. see          B. saw        C. have seen          D. had seen

  50. Mr Black was surprised,  “ I ______ I lost my wallet. “

  A. know           B. don’t know           C. knew             D. didn’t know

  51.The guard said, “ I am sorry. I ____  .”

  A. don’t know it is you        B. didn’t know it is you     C. don’t know it was you      D. didn’t know it was you

  52.The fisherman said to the Genie,  “ You’re so big and jar is so small. ____ you really in the jar ?”

  A. Are        B. Were        C. Was         D. Wasn’t

  53.He is going to be a doctor when he _____.

  A. grow up         B. grows up       C. will grow up         D. is going to grow up

  54. Grandma said she would tell me a story when she _____.

  A. has time        B. had time         C. would have time         D. would has time

  55. I’ll tell him all about it as soon as he ____.

  A. come back        B. comes back          C. will come back        D. is going  come back

  56. ____ we set off right away ?

  A. Will              B. Shall           C. Are          D. Do

  57. It seems it ______.

  A. will rain          B. shall rain          C. rains       D. is going to rain

  58. My little sister ____ six next month.

  A. will be             B. shall be         C. can be        D. is going to

  59. Go down the street and turn right at the first crossing . You _____ our school.

  A. find         B. will find       C. shall find        D. are going to find

  60. It’s nothing serious. Your son ____ all right by supper time.

  A. will be      B. shall be        C. is        D. is going to be

  .61. Work hard, and you ____ catch up with the others.

  A. can be           B. Will          C. shall         D. are going to

  62. Where is Jenny ?  She ____ in the next room.

  A. do some reading         B. does some reading       C. is doing some reading       D. will do some reading

  D.63. Look! Tom ____ in the river.

  A. go swimming        B. goes swimming      C. going to swimming      D. is swimming

  64. His sister __ ___ cakes. That’s why her hands are all covered with flour (面粉).

  A. makes      B. made          C. will make         D. is making

  65. Listen carefully ! Can you hear what the professor ____ ?

  A. talks about          B. talked about          C. is talking about         D. will talk about

  66. What ____ you ____ this time yesterday ?

  A. do…do           B. are…doing        C. were…doing         D. would…do

  67. When I got there, the Browns ____ at the lunch table.

  A. is siting        B. are sitting          C. was siting         D. were sitting

  .68. It suddenly began to rain while I ______ the bus.

  A. wait       B. waited        C. was waiting for        D. were waiting for

  69. It ____ hard when I was on my way to the cinema.

  A. rain            B. raining          C. was raining          D. were raining

  70. The train will arrive _____.

  A. after an hour        B. in an hour         C. an hour later          D. for an hour

  71. How may English films ____ since last year ?

  A. do you see         B. did you see        C. have you seen         D. had you seen

  72. _____ the film yet ?     Yes. I ______ it just now.

  A. Do you see…see    B. Did you see…have seen    C. Have you seen…saw    D. Have you seen…have seen

  73. Mr Smith works in Beijing. He ____ since 1978.

  A. has come there        B. has came there       C. has been there   D. has gone there

  .74. Comrade Wang came back last night.     Where _____?

  A. has he gone          B. had he gone          C. has he been          D. had he been

  .75. Mrs Brown is out.     Where _____?

  A. has she gone        B. had she gone       C. has she been        D. had she been

  76. Her grandma ____ for five years.

  A. dies          B. has died         C. was dead          D. has been dead

  77. Have you ____ heard the story about Edison ?

  A. ever        B. never      C. even      D. once

  78. He asked if you ____ to Peter.

  A. wrote        B. had wrote          C. have wrote            D. had written

  79. The lights ____ when I got to the cinema.

  A. have already gone out       B. had already gone out   C. have already be out   D. had already went out

  80. Did you give a ticket to Li Hua yesterday ?     No, Because she ____ for herself.

  A. has bought it          B. has bought  one    C. had bought one   D., had bought it









