期中考试 百分网手机站


时间:2020-08-06 08:27:52 期中考试 我要投稿




  1. You’d better a________ to your teacher for being late.

  2. I tried, but I failed to ________ (说服) him to stop smoking.

  3. My aunt is good at bargaining and she always buys things at a d______.

  4. His a_______ came here millions of years ago in order to make a living.

  5. The highest temperature during the day will be two degrees c__________.

  6. His a_______ is to become a great scientist in the future.

  7. The waiter offered to bring my ________(行李) to my room.

  8. We are going to invite a N_______ as our guide.

  9. At a high _______ (海拔),it is difficult to get enough oxygen.

  10. Will it be c_________ for you to come in the morning?


  1. Don’t stop to ____ the dictionary when you come across a new word while reading. You should try to guess its meaning first.

  A. look up B. look out C. point into D. refer to

  2. Miss Green took up the story at the point ____ the thief had just made off the jewels.

  A. which B. as C. where D. when

  3. —Michael was late for Mr Smith’s oral class this morning.

  —_____? As far as I know, he never comes late to class.

  A. So what B. How come C. Why not D. What for

  4. The course normally attracts 20 students per year, _____ up to half will be from abroad.

  A. of whom B. in which C. for whom D. with whom

  5. It is reported that a new planet has been discovered recently. It’s ____ Earth, and hopefully it can support human life.

  A. almost three times the size of B. three times the size than

  C. three times almost as large as D. almost three times as larger as

  6. It’s ___ wise choice to use a four wheel drive car on ____ snowy day.

  A. the; / B. /; a C. the; the D. a; a

  7. He is in ____ control of the company. I mean, the company is in ____ control of him.

  A. the; / B. the; the C. /; the D. /; /

  8. We should be able to do the job for you quickly, ______ you give us all the necessary information.

  A. as if B. provided that C. in case D. or else

  9. We must _____ measures to _____ our earth from _____.

  A. take ; protect; being polluted B. get; prevent; polluting

  C. do; protect; being polluted D. have; prevent; polluting

  10. Don’t speak ____, boys and girls. Try to express yourselves one by one.

  A. all over B. all at once C. all in all D. all that

  11. The watches in the other store will be _____, but _____

  A. cheaper; not as better B. more cheaper ; not as better

  C. more cheaper; not as good D. cheaper; not as good

  12. He had no option but ______ out.

  A. go B. going C. to go D. gone

  13. ______ is announced in today’s paper, they have succeeded in solving many problems in accordance with the new theory.

  A. It B. as C. That D. What

  14. John has failed the job interview, ___can be seen from his ___expression.

  A. which; disappointed B. that; disappointed

  C. which; disappointing D. as; disappointing

  15. Have you seen the film Titanic, ______ leading actor is world famous.

  A. its B. it’s C. whose D. which

  16. He is such a lazy man ____ nobody wants to work with _____.

  A. as; him B. that; / C. whom; him D. as; /

  17. My energy has _____, so I feel very exhausted.

  A. run out of B. used up C. run out D. used up of

  18. — Did you remember the days ___ we worked on the farm?

  — Certainly. Especially the hard times ___ we spent together.

  A. which; when B. when; which C. when; when D. which; which

  19. He studied hard, ______, he passed the exam.

  A. in consequence B. as a result of C. as result D. in consequence of

  20. We _____ the problem for quite some time, but we ___ any conclusion yet.

  A. had discussed; haven’t drawn B. discussed; haven’t drawn

  C.have discussed;haven’t been drawn D.have been discussing; haven’t drawn


  Ben has started a new (1) _____ in his life. He has bought a (2) ____ powered car ! He says that he is going to save a lot of money because he doesn’t have to buy(3) _____ any more and his new car will be so much more (4) _______ than his old car. His old car was always breaking down! He has had the car for a week and (5) _____, everything has gone well. I saw him yesterday driving his five-year-old daughter to (6) ______ even though it’s only a two-minute walk from his house! I get the (7) _____ that he is really proud of his new car. His son is also proud of the car and he wrote a five page (8) _____ on his dad’s new car for his English teacher! But this morning, a huge storm (9) ______ and when I met Ben’s wife, who works as a night time (10) ______, at the supermarket this afternoon, she didn’t look happy. She told me that because there hadn’t been any (11) ______ all day, the car wouldn’t start! The weather forecast says there will be rain for the next two weeks. I’m certain I’ll (12) ____ my old-fashioned car more!