大学英语六级作文 篇1
Generally the tendencies of three countries keep up though there are some differences among them. The Japanese old people aged 65 and over account for 5% in 1940 which is the lowest proportion in three countries. The situation will remain till about 20xx. After that its proportion has a suddenly rise and exceed the other countries’ proportion. Till 20xx, it will reach it peak of 27%.
The USA old people’s proportion is a little more than the Sweden’s. However this trend was reversed in 1999. After this year, the proportion of Sweden has a sharp rise till 20xx while the USA ‘s proportion remain a steady at the same time. From Joozone.com.
In summary, before 20xx the proportions of aged people of three countries were remained under 15%. But after 20xx, these proportions will exceed 20%.
大学英语六级作文 篇2
At 4 pm on March 4th, Monday, 20xx, in front of the Student Canteen, more than 900 teachers and students participated in the activity with the theme “Fight against wasting but encourage to eat up everything on your plate” organized by the Students’ Union. First, we saw pictures on the boards which had recorded the terrible phenomena of wasting in the campus. After that, we watched video clips, from which we have learned that every year about 10 million people are dying of food shortage. Therefore, if we reduce food waste by 5% every day, we can save 4 million lives. And then everybody signed up to show our determination so as to cultivate our good habit, save food and refuse waste.
大学英语六级作文 篇3
cet6六级级作文范文:“no spitting ! 不准随地吐痰
with sars gradually pas sing its peak , more and more people take off their gauze masks . they feel released and have more fr eedom to br eathe in f res h air . however , a ce rtain number of people have r estor ed their bad habit and star t to spit everywhe re . now and then , whether in the st reet , or on the bus , or in city garden s , we will see some people , the fine ladies and gentlemen , spit ting without feeling a bit ashamed as shown in the picture . when s hown the“ no spit ting !”sign , they just turn a blind eye to it . still worse, people a rou nd have to be on gua rd again st the sudden at tack of“ spits hot”from the spitters .
spitting is a te r rible habit . for one thing , it is entir ely uncivilized . the world has ent ered the 21st century and human civilization has reached a mor e advanced st age . why can’t those people remove this ugly habit ? is it because they think the ea rth is a gigantic spit toon ? for anothe r thing, spit ting does gr eat harm to pu blic health . according to chemical laboratory test , one sputum contains thousands upon thou sands of germs and sars viruses if the spitte r is a sars suffe rer . as was r epor ted , the beijing municipal government once mobilized an a rmy of a thousand sanitation workers to clean out the mess in tian an men square .
for people to get rid of this uncivilized behaviour , we suggest local authorities st rengthen education by publicizing the harmfulness of spit ting , and at the same time , enforce the law of punishment .
finally , we , citizens of the ear th , must be self-disciplined, love our mother ear th and don’t dir ty her .
· 漫画描述
* sars 后的故伎重施
* 当心“ 痰弹”
· 陋习不改的原因与危害
* 大地本身是个大痰盂吗?
* 传播细菌和病毒
· 建议
* 加强教育
* 重罚
* 爱护大地母亲
本文为一篇议论文。文中作者就“不准随地吐痰”这一热门话题发表议论。文中第一段以漫画为依据揭示随地吐痰这一不文明现象; 第二段主要批评这一陋习及其危害; 第三、四段是建议和忠告。学习本文时应注意作者的构思技巧和语言表达。
take off their gauze masks 卸下口罩
passing its peak 过了高峰期
feel released 感到释然
restore their bad habit 恢复陋习
feel ashamed 感到惭愧
turn a blind eye to . . . 对视而不见
still worse 更糟糕的.是
gua rd against 提防
“ spit shot” “痰弹”
spit ter n . 吐痰者
gigantic spit toon 大痰盂
sputum n . 痰
virus n . 病毒
municipal government 市政府
mobilize v . 动员
an army of thousand sanitation worke rs 千名清洁工大军
clean out the mess 清除痰迹
local authorities 当地政府
publicize v . 宣传
enfor ce v . 加强
self-disciplined a . 自律
dir ty v . 弄脏