
时间:2024-10-11 07:28:56 进利 翻译 我要投稿
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  1、human rights

  2、leads ……to 导致

  3、at the outset 从一开始;开始的时候

  4、invite sb. to do sth. 使某人认为

  5、duties and entitlements 权利和义务

  6、extend to 给与

  7、no…at all. 根本不是

  8、arguing from the view that…以…的角度看

  9、different from…… 与…不同

  10、in every relevant respect 在所有相关的方面

  11、in action 起作用

  12、laugh at 嘲笑

  13、even more important 更重要的是

  14、be able to 能够

  15、look into 洞察;观察

  16、put forward 放出;拿出;提出

  17、work with 与…共事/合作;起作用

  18、close in on 接近,差不多

  19、as expected 正如预期的

  20、a refinement of 一种更为完美的

  21、as…as… 和…一样

  22、conform to 符合;遵照

  23、see…as 把…看作

  24、less…and more 与其说…不如说…

  25、intellectual discipline 知识学科

  26、whether…or 是…还是…

  27、refer to 指代…

  28、peculiar to …特有的

  29、appropriate to 适合的;恰当的

  30、apply to 适合于;存在于

  31、view…as 把…看成;把…当成

  32、equate…with 把…等同于…;认为…是

  33、speclialized scientists 专家

  34、centralized control 中央控制


  36、such as 比如

  37、it is obvious that 很明显…

  38、be bound up with与…联系在一起;与…有关系

  39、be directly bound up with 与…直接相关

  40、in turn 依此;轮流;又

  41、rest upon…取决于

  42、of all kinds 所有种类的…

  43、owing to 由于

  44、be exposed to sth. 暴露于;接触到

  45、be forced to do sth. 被迫做…

  46、for the reasons given above 由于上述原因

  47、far-reaching 意义深远的;影响很大的

  48、spread over 遍布;覆盖

  49、arise from 由…产生的;由…带来的

  50、中国科学院Chinese Academy of Sciences

  51、综合国力the overall national strength

  52、磁悬浮铁路magnetic suspended railway

  53、根本原因root causes

  54、青少年犯罪juvenile crime bill

  55、闲聊idle talk

  56、轻易接近easy access to

  57、绝不容忍zero tolerance

  58、预算平衡balanced budget

  59、担负起责任step up to its responsibilities

  60、执法者law enforcement professionals

  61、提款卡debit card

  62、磁条magnetic stripe

  63、停车计费表parking meter

  64、密码personal identification number

  65、具备双重功能pull double duty

  66、电子交易electronic versions

  67、加强性芯片chip-enhanced versions

  68、热衷于这个主意be hot for the idea

  69、遥控器remote controller

  70、无孔不入all pervasive

  71、增强性能strengthen the property

  72、减少故障to reduce the breakdown

  73、原动力motive power

  74、高架铁路aerial train

  75、汽车废气的排放discharge of automobile exhaust fumes

  76、毗邻而居be adjacent to

  77、最新型的,最优良的state-of-the art



  80、组委会organizing committee

  81、创新方法innovative approach

  82、市场合作伙伴marketing partner

  83、走向未来的一次飞跃a giant leap into the future

  84、用钱拉选票cash for votes

  85、贿赂丑闻bribery scandal

  86、草地网球lawn tennis

  87、发球区service court

  88、处于执牛耳的地位occupy a leading position


  90、以全体运动员的名义in the name of all the athletes

  91、借助不正当的手段resort to unjust means

  92、请...发言Give the floor to

  93、我很荣幸...It is a great pleasure for me to

  94、相关问题Relevant issues

  95、最新的调查结果Updated research result

  96、对...给予重视Attach the importance to

  97、领先技术Lead-edge technologies

  98、公使Minister Counselor

  99、自然遗产Natural heritage

  100、共同关心的问题Shared concern

  101、良好的信誉Well-deserved reputation

  102、对...表示衷心的感谢express sincere gratitude to

  103、请...讲话Let's welcome to give a speech

  104、双边会议bilateral conference

  105、以掌声对...表示的最热烈的欢迎propose the warmest applause to


  107、颁奖仪式the Award Ceremony

  108、贺词greeting speech

  109、隆重举行observe the grand opening of

  110、洁水资源fresh water resource

  111、在过去的二十年里over the last couple of decades

  112、适耕地land available for farming

  113、可用清洁水fresh water available

  114、新兴经济emerging economies

  115、全球变暖global warming

  116、生态危机ecological crisis

  117、通向繁荣之路path to prosperity

  118、抓住机遇seize the opportunity

  119、引人注目的环境remarkable environmental progress

  120、垃圾处理garbage disposal

  121、生活必需品the bare necessities of life

  122、消费品consumer goods

  123、消费习惯consuming habit

  124、捕鱼量the volume of fishing

  125、造纸业paper-making industry

  126、木材储量timber reserves

  127、森林覆盖面积forest-covering area

  128、对内投资inward investment


  130、表示敬意pay tribute to

  131、津贴和拨款subsidies and grants

  132、恐怖主义问题problem of terrorism

  133、将生命献给了最崇高的事业gave their lives to the highest calling

  134、恐怖主义的目标target of terrorism

  135、加强力量intensified our effort

  136、使归案受审bring to justice

  137、国际条约international treaties

  138、世界知识产权组织World Intellectual Property Organization

  139、私营部门the private sector

  140、知识产权intellectual property

  141、总干事Director Geneor

  142、在进入新的千年之际at the threshold of the new millennium

  143、成员国member countries

  144、纲领性文件programmatic document

  145、基本人权fundamental human rights

  146、殖民枷锁colonialist shackles

  147、任重道远the burden is heavy and the road is long

  148、网络电话业internet phone industry

  149、广阔的发展前景vast potential for future development

  150、电话音质telephone sound quality

  151、即时传输instantaneous transmission

  152、全球卫星定位系统GPS(Global Positioning System)

  153、中继站Relay station

  154、智能交通管理系统Intelligent traffic management systems

  155、分子生物学Molecular biology

  156、能源综合利用comprehensive utilization of energy

  157、认识科学cognitive science

  158、生产力productive force

  159、推动力量driving force

  160、相对论the theory of relativity

  161、行为科学behavior science

  162、知识科学knowledge economy

  163、新兴产业rising economy

  164、层出不穷emerge one after another

  165、科教兴国战略the strategy of economic development through science-technology and education

  166、可持续发展sustainable development

  167、试点工程pilot program

  168、严峻挑战serious challenges

  169、运行机制operational mechanism

  170、文明乘车civil bus ride

  171、希望工程Hope Project

  172、以人为本human centered

  173、主办城市the host city

  174、综合治理comprehensively administer

  175、经济萧条economic recession

  176、记者招待会press conference

  177、钻坯rough diamond

  178、先进机器sophisticated machine

  179、强劲的增长staggering growth

  180、业界trade union

  181、统称umbrella name

  182、濒临停产边缘be close to production collapse

  183、反省reflect on

  184、回报期period of investment return

  185、痛定思痛recall a painful experience

  186、卧薪尝胆endure present hardships to revive

  187、兴旺期blossom period

  188、茁壮成长develop and flourish

  189、不断扩展的出口创汇者expanding export earner

  190、定下严格规则impose stringent rules

  191、市场波动market fluctuation

  192、协会章程association charter

  193、总经营额total business revenue



  196、从头开始from square one


  198、灌输或强化instill or reinforce

  199、工作性质job specification

  200、本土化项目localization programs

  201、表现评估performance appraisal

  202、不断调整和日趋完善的阶段the stage of constant adjustment and improvement

  203、产学研一体化的办学机制the educational mechanism of combining learning with research and


  205、成人学历教育,高等教育自学考试continuing education and self-study examination of higher


  207、初露端倪reveal its importance for the first time

  208、翻译导游tourist interpreter

  209、复合型,应用型管理人才versatile and practical management talents

  210、结构性调整structural adjustment

  211、民俗风情customs and habits

  212、相伴而生be accompanied by

  213、学术领域academic sector

  214、应势而生come into existence as the situation requires

  215、在职培训part-time training

  216、专业方向professional emphasis

  217、资格考试qualification test


  219、欧洲经济委员会The Economic Commission for Europe

  220、誉满全球A world-wide reputation

  221、会议中心Conference center

  222、世界卫生组织The world Health Organization

  223、国际事务公务员International civil servants

  224、国际新闻中心International press center

  225、艺术品Works of art

  226、国际贸易中心International trading center

  227、丰富多彩的文化交融Rich cultural blend

  228、旅游胜地Holiday resort

  229、自然保护区Natural reserves

  230、适耕地land available for farming














  1、human rights

  2、leads ……to 导致

  3、at the outset 从一开始;开始的时候

  4、invite sb. to do sth. 使某人认为

  5、duties and entitlements 权利和义务

  6、extend to 给与

  7、no…at all. 根本不是

  8、arguing from the view that…以…的角度看

  9、different from…… 与…不同

  10、in every relevant respect 在所有相关的方面

  11、in action 起作用

  12、laugh at 嘲笑

  13、even more important 更重要的是

  14、be able to 能够

  15、look into 洞察;观察

  16、put forward 放出;拿出;提出

  17、work with 与…共事/合作;起作用

  18、close in on 接近,差不多

  19、as expected 正如预期的

  20、a refinement of 一种更为完美的

  21、as…as… 和…一样

  22、conform to 符合;遵照

  23、see…as 把…看作

  24、less…and more 与其说…不如说…

  25、intellectual discipline 知识学科

  26、whether…or 是…还是…

  27、refer to 指代…

  28、peculiar to …特有的

  29、appropriate to 适合的;恰当的

  30、apply to 适合于;存在于

  31、view…as 把…看成;把…当成

  32、equate…with 把…等同于…;认为…是

  33、speclialized scientists 专家

  34、centralized control 中央控制


  36、such as 比如

  37、it is obvious that 很明显…

  38、be bound up with与…联系在一起;与…有关系

  39、be directly bound up with 与…直接相关

  40、in turn 依此;轮流;又

  41、rest upon…取决于

  42、of all kinds 所有种类的…

  43、owing to 由于

  44、be exposed to sth. 暴露于;接触到

  45、be forced to do sth. 被迫做…

  46、for the reasons given above 由于上述原因

  47、far-reaching 意义深远的;影响很大的

  48、spread over 遍布;覆盖

  49、arise from 由…产生的;由…带来的

  50、中国科学院Chinese Academy of Sciences

  51、综合国力the overall national strength

  52、磁悬浮铁路magnetic suspended railway

  53、根本原因root causes

  54、青少年犯罪juvenile crime bill

  55、闲聊idle talk

  56、轻易接近easy access to

  57、绝不容忍zero tolerance

  58、预算平衡balanced budget

  59、担负起责任step up to its responsibilities

  60、执法者law enforcement professionals

  61、提款卡debit card

  62、磁条magnetic stripe

  63、停车计费表parking meter

  64、密码personal identification number

  65、具备双重功能pull double duty

  66、电子交易electronic versions

  67、加强性芯片chip-enhanced versions

  68、热衷于这个主意be hot for the idea

  69、遥控器remote controller

  70、无孔不入all pervasive

  71、增强性能strengthen the property

  72、减少故障to reduce the breakdown

  73、原动力motive power

  74、高架铁路aerial train

  75、汽车废气的排放discharge of automobile exhaust fumes

  76、毗邻而居be adjacent to

  77、最新型的,最优良的state-of-the art



  80、组委会organizing committee

  81、创新方法innovative approach

  82、市场合作伙伴marketing partner

  83、走向未来的一次飞跃a giant leap into the future

  84、用钱拉选票cash for votes

  85、贿赂丑闻bribery scandal

  86、草地网球lawn tennis

  87、发球区service court

  88、处于执牛耳的地位occupy a leading position


  90、以全体运动员的名义in the name of all the athletes

  91、借助不正当的手段resort to unjust means

  92、请...发言Give the floor to

  93、我很荣幸...It is a great pleasure for me to

  94、相关问题Relevant issues

  95、最新的调查结果Updated research result

  96、对...给予重视Attach the importance to

  97、领先技术Lead-edge technologies

  98、公使Minister Counselor

  99、自然遗产Natural heritage

  100、共同关心的问题Shared concern

  101、良好的信誉Well-deserved reputation

  102、对...表示衷心的感谢express sincere gratitude to

  103、请...讲话Let's welcome to give a speech

  104、双边会议bilateral conference

  105、以掌声对...表示的最热烈的欢迎propose the warmest applause to


  107、颁奖仪式the Award Ceremony

  108、贺词greeting speech

  109、隆重举行observe the grand opening of

  110、洁水资源fresh water resource

  111、在过去的二十年里over the last couple of decades

  112、适耕地land available for farming

  113、可用清洁水fresh water available

  114、新兴经济emerging economies

  115、全球变暖global warming

  116、生态危机ecological crisis

  117、通向繁荣之路path to prosperity

  118、抓住机遇seize the opportunity

  119、引人注目的环境remarkable environmental progress

  120、垃圾处理garbage disposal

  121、生活必需品the bare necessities of life

  122、消费品consumer goods

  123、消费习惯consuming habit

  124、捕鱼量the volume of fishing

  125、造纸业paper-making industry

  126、木材储量timber reserves

  127、森林覆盖面积forest-covering area

  128、对内投资inward investment


  130、表示敬意pay tribute to

  131、津贴和拨款subsidies and grants

  132、恐怖主义问题problem of terrorism

  133、将生命献给了最崇高的事业gave their lives to the highest calling

  134、恐怖主义的目标target of terrorism

  135、加强力量intensified our effort

  136、使归案受审bring to justice

  137、国际条约international treaties

  138、世界知识产权组织World Intellectual Property Organization

  139、私营部门the private sector

  140、知识产权intellectual property

  141、总干事Director Geneor

  142、在进入新的千年之际at the threshold of the new millennium

  143、成员国member countries

  144、纲领性文件programmatic document

  145、基本人权fundamental human rights

  146、殖民枷锁colonialist shackles

  147、任重道远the burden is heavy and the road is long

  148、网络电话业internet phone industry

  149、广阔的发展前景vast potential for future development

  150、电话音质telephone sound quality

  151、即时传输instantaneous transmission

  152、全球卫星定位系统GPS(Global Positioning System)

  153、中继站Relay station

  154、智能交通管理系统Intelligent traffic management systems

  155、分子生物学Molecular biology

  156、能源综合利用comprehensive utilization of energy

  157、认识科学cognitive science

  158、生产力productive force

  159、推动力量driving force

  160、相对论the theory of relativity

  161、行为科学behavior science

  162、知识科学knowledge economy

  163、新兴产业rising economy

  164、层出不穷emerge one after another

  165、科教兴国战略the strategy of economic development through science-technology and education

  166、可持续发展sustainable development

  167、试点工程pilot program

  168、严峻挑战serious challenges

  169、运行机制operational mechanism

  170、文明乘车civil bus ride

  171、希望工程Hope Project

  172、以人为本human centered

  173、主办城市the host city

  174、综合治理comprehensively administer

  175、经济萧条economic recession

  176、记者招待会press conference

  177、钻坯rough diamond

  178、先进机器sophisticated machine

  179、强劲的增长staggering growth

  180、业界trade union

  181、统称umbrella name

  182、濒临停产边缘be close to production collapse

  183、反省reflect on

  184、回报期period of investment return

  185、痛定思痛recall a painful experience

  186、卧薪尝胆endure present hardships to revive

  187、兴旺期blossom period

  188、茁壮成长develop and flourish

  189、不断扩展的出口创汇者expanding export earner

  190、定下严格规则impose stringent rules

  191、市场波动market fluctuation

  192、协会章程association charter

  193、总经营额total business revenue



  196、从头开始from square one


  198、灌输或强化instill or reinforce

  199、工作性质job specification

  200、本土化项目localization programs

  201、表现评估performance appraisal

  202、不断调整和日趋完善的阶段the stage of constant adjustment and improvement

  203、产学研一体化的办学机制the educational mechanism of combining learning with research and


  205、成人学历教育,高等教育自学考试continuing education and self-study examination of higher


  207、初露端倪reveal its importance for the first time

  208、翻译导游tourist interpreter

  209、复合型,应用型管理人才versatile and practical management talents

  210、结构性调整structural adjustment

  211、民俗风情customs and habits

  212、相伴而生be accompanied by

  213、学术领域academic sector

  214、应势而生come into existence as the situation requires

  215、在职培训part-time training

  216、专业方向professional emphasis

  217、资格考试qualification test


  219、欧洲经济委员会The Economic Commission for Europe

  220、誉满全球A world-wide reputation

  221、会议中心Conference center

  222、世界卫生组织The world Health Organization

  223、国际事务公务员International civil servants

  224、国际新闻中心International press center

  225、艺术品Works of art

  226、国际贸易中心International trading center

  227、丰富多彩的文化交融Rich cultural blend

  228、旅游胜地Holiday resort

  229、自然保护区Natural reserves

  230、适耕地land available for farming









