

时间:2021-06-23 14:27:53 双语阅读 我要投稿


  Parents and students of the Class of : 各位家长,届的同学们:


  Good afternoon and welcome to Stanford University. Today, we celebrate the arrival of 1,717 new freshmen and transfer students.


  I have struggled with the format of this Convocation and the content of this speech for the past 10 days. 过去的10天,我一直颇费心思,不知这个开学典礼该用什么形式,我的发言要讲什么内容。

  Since the morning of Sept. 11, the campus has been uncommonly quiet. Except for two memorial services, all major events were cancelled. 午以来,校园里异乎寻常的安静。除了两个纪念性的活动以外,所有的大型活动都取

  As we considered how to start a new academic year, we decided that a Convocation was, in fact, the most fitting way to resume our normal activities.

  后来发现开学典礼实际上是恢复正常秩序的最佳方式。 我们在考虑怎样开始新学年,

  Students, you represent our best hope for the future and for peace in our world. 你们代表了我们世界的未来与和平的最美的希望 同学们,

  Americans and good-hearted people of all ages throughout the world will mourn this tragedy and carry the memory of that terrible day in their hearts.


  But it is your generation -- more so than mine or your parents' -- that will face the challenge of building a world in which such inhuman acts can never again occur. 但面


  In your time here, you will get to know people whose background, culture or beliefs are different from yours. You may find that your values -- and your prejudices -- are challenged. 你们在这里求学的时光里,将会认识很多人,他们的背景、文化或者信仰可能与你们迥然不同,


  I hope that you will discover a new understanding and appreciation for the pluralistic society in which we live and find constructive ways to contribute to the world. 我们生活在一个多元的社会中,我希望你们能够从新的角度来理解和欣赏它,为世界做出建设性的贡献。 For each of you, this moment is the beginning of a new chapter in your life. 对你们每个人而言,这一时刻意味着人生翻开了新的篇章。 Let it also be a moment you remember as the initiation of your journey into the larger world, a time when you consider your role as a citizen and what your future

  contribution might be. 从这一刻开始,你们将踏上一个更广阔世界的.旅程,这一刻你们也将开始考虑作为一个公民你们未来应作的贡献。

  You will not be expected to undertake this intellectual journey on your own. We have an exceptional faculty and staff, dedicated to the search for knowledge and understanding, who will support and encourage you in your journey.


  I hope you are proud of the accomplishments that have brought you to this important transition inyour lives. 你们能取得成就,达到人生中这个重要的转折点,我希望你们能引以为豪。 I know that all of you have worked hard to get here, but let me also acknowledge the contributions of your parents, family members, teachers, mentors and friends who have supported you on your road to Stanford. Without them, the journey here would have been more difficult and less rewarding. 艰辛,也不会如此卓有成效。


  In recognition of the tremendous support and encouragement you have received from these important people in your lives, let me invite our new students to show their appreciation with a round of applause. 这些人在


  Students, I urge you to pursue your journey at Stanford with vigor. 同学们,我强烈希望你们能以无比的热情投入到斯坦福的旅程中来。 I hope that this beautiful campus will provide an ideal space for contemplation and inspiration to aid you in that journey. And I hope that you will find an intellectual pursuit that excites you and engages you so much that it will keep you up at night and get you out of bed early, even on the weekend! 醉其中,能在深夜苦读,能够黎明即起,甚至连周末都不例外! 我希望,这个美丽的校园会为你们提供一个理想空间,让你们沉思,找到灵感,以助你们更好的旅行。我也希望,你们能够找到一种智慧的追求,能够激励你们,让你们沉

  I hope that you find a passion that matches your own talents, so that you may discover, as I did, something that you can pursue for the rest of your life with enthusiasm and joy. 我希望你们能找到一种激情,无愧于自己的天分,如此你们就能像我一样,找到足以令你穷尽一生追求的目标,而且充满热情,乐此不疲。

  Students, while I cannot make any predictions about what paths each of you will take in your journey at Stanford, I urge you to begin this process of intellectual discovery, just as Sen. Leland Stanford urged at the opening day ceremonies for the first freshman class in 1891: 同学们,你们在斯坦福的旅程中将踏上什么


  A university may be founded for you; in it, you may study for many years with all the advantages of learning. All that we can do for you is to place the opportunities within your reach; it rests with you to grasp and improve them. 大学可以为你们而建立;在此,你们可以利用各种优越的学习条件进行多年的学习。我们所能做的,只是把机会放在你们伸手可及的范围内;抓住机会,利用机会,得靠你们自己。

  I welcome all our new students and their parents, not just to the campus but to the Stanford family. Students, I hope your time here transforms your lives, just as it has transformed the lives of so many alumni. And, finally, I hope your time here will help to provide a foundation on which you will make your contributions to humanity and to a better future for yourselves and the generations that will follow.










