speak highly of是什么意思

时间:2022-09-11 08:20:18 词汇 我要投稿
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speak highly of是什么意思

  英文speak highly of看起来是很复杂的,有人就好奇它的到底是指什么中文意思。下文是小编为大家准备了短语speak highly of详细的中文意思,希望能对大家有所帮助!

  speak highly of的解释

  spi:k haili v]


  动词 赞扬; 称赏; 夸赞

  speak highly of的单语例句

  1. People who have had the chance to taste the delicacy invariably speak highly of it.

  2. Experts from the leading group for the prevention and control of AIDS under the central government speak highly of this program.

  3. Yet many of those who worked with him in the early years continue to speak highly of him.

  4. Business people from China and abroad all speak highly of this energetic city in the eastern part of Jiangsu Province.

  5. Tse's eldest son and two daughters speak highly of their father in their letters to the judge.

  6. Visitors and spectators speak highly of the services and facilities provided by the local government.

  7. However, her students speak highly of the way she introduces cultural elements into her classes.

  8. Hong Kong - Delegates at a conference in Hong Kong on Wednesday speak highly of China's role in fighting against global climate change.

  speak highly of的双语例句

  1. The academic circles all over the world speak highly of Sons and Lovers, and the novel is believed to be D. H. Lawrence`s best novel of his earlier period.


  2. These audiences must have missed they music show, otherwise they would speak highly of it.


  3. These audiences must have missed watching their music preformance, otherwise, they would speak highly of it.


  4. But it is not because individual's completely independent factor but the social situation that causes the forming of their value orientation and subjective consciousness, therefore we cannot speak highly of it.


  5. Since the establishment of WTO, its dispute settlement mechanism has been recognized universally. Quite a few experts published research papers to speak highly of it.

  自WTO成立以来,WTO 争端解决机制受到了普遍的认可,不少专家撰文予以肯定。

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